

Looking to Dani as another shout comes from the kitchen Aerith throws a look over her shoulder and than back to Dani shaking her head a little. There was a part of her that was happy Thirteen wasn't here. She was doing really good but was still a little skidish around yelling. That was probable something she might always have a problem with.

"What bee got in his pants today? think everything's ok?"

Picking up the phone and hearing Carson's voice a smile spreads across Misty's face. When ever Carson called her it always seemed like that. She always loved his voice his words just nothing seemed to compare.

"That sounds great. If your home by fiveish that would be good. If you could pick up some soda one your way home too that would be great. Thanks Babe I'll see you than."

Hanging up the phone Misty stands and walks out to Con's cubicle where Jamie was sitting with him. Leaning on the wall she gives a smile her eyes sparkled a little more than normal today.

"Carson was cool you guys coming over. He's gonna be home about fiveish and is gonna grab some soda if you guys wanna bring some french bread. We can have dinner and than maybe play some games or something tonight."

Misty really was happy they were getting together. It had been a while and the fellowship would be nice. It was funny to think of how close Carson had gotten with Jamie and Con, out of all people but stranger things had happened and it was one more way to see the amazing power of God and forgiveness.

Pulling into the driveway Katie see Trooper shoot out the door and Jason just standing in the doorway. Giving a shake of her head she wondered how Jason did it. He's had leg surgery, and now he was in the hosue all the time, yet he had gotten up and taken the dog out. If it had been her she would....Katie wondered trying to reach into the deepths of her mind. She would what?

The lack of emotions where still there though she tried her best to find them or act like she though she should but the truth was...it just wasn't the same and it was slightly lonely inside her own mind...alone.

Shaking her head, grabbing the pizza and heading up the sidewalk till she was facing Jason Katie pushed the questions out of her mind for now as she gave a smerk at him.

"He just couldn't wait a few more seconds till I got here huh?"

Getting in her car Jess answers the phone. She couldn't help but fear it was Axel canceling again. Hearing that he wanted her to come over instead she let out of small sigh but part of it was releaf too. At least he wasn't canceling again.

"As long as you don't mind me coming over in the dress I put on for the restront sure. Chinese sounds pretty good to me. I'll see ya in a little bit."

Hanging up the phone Jess taps her fingers on the searing wheel. It wasn't often she put a dress on and she practily had to force herself to put this one on, but now that it was she didn't feel like taking it off. She was disappointed about not going to the restront but she wouldn't lead on to it. Maybe tonight she could find out what was going on with Axel.

Taking the cup of coffee from Ariel Trey takes a sip. Looking back at Ariel again as she mentions Pete was waiting for him Trey can't help but roll his eyes and let out a long sigh. He could of walked and he would of been fine even if he was tired. Why she didn't think he couldn't get home safe was beyond him and it annoyed him slightly.

"Great, should be a fun ride back to the dungan. Thanks anyways I guess."

As she reaches out to play with a peace of hair Trey looks into her eyes again. With her words that followed he almost felt like he was a kid again and the teacher wouldn't let him walk home because he missed the bus. He was use to taking care of himself and having someone almost baby him...he wasn't to sure if he liked it.

Reaching up and taking her hand Trey hold it for a second before bringing it down from his hair. He needed time to process everything that had happened, he needed time to just think things through but he felt more level headed than he had yesterday before drinking.

"Ya, I'll let him."

Turning Trey heads twords the door to leave but stops a moment before looking over his shoulder. Letting out another small sigh.

"Sorry about yesterday. Showing up here drunk and everything. Don't say its ok either because I know its not. Just...sorry."

Continuing on his way Trey exits the house and squints into the sunlight. Figures the one day he needed his sunglasses he didn't have them. Seeing Pete car Trey stops for a moment. He wanted to run, he wants to walk, he didn't want to be close in a car with Pete, but he'd already promised Ariel he would.

Getting down the side walk and opening the door Trey gets in before closing it behind him and taking another sip from his glass. Looking at Pete and than looking out the window Trey didn't know what to say if anything.

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