
No answer

   "Dalton stay for a second on your position. We have another car that just rolled up. Keep an eye out to see if anything changed and let us know."

Giving a glance to Jason Nate kept his composure but there was a little worry in his eye. It wouldn't be unusual to get the wrong lintel but it would be strange that after doing so much research to back it up the could be wrong. This could be a game changer for the whole mission after Nate new it.

Standing around the corner of the one building Dalton looks up to see Con in position still. Than looking back to the building he watches the car. Once parked, and seeing a man get out and head into the building he starts the count that was one. Not to much longer after another car pulls up and three more men get out. That was four...there was one more than planned. If Con was awair that there was on more than things could still go smoothly.

   "Looks like there is just one extra guy but the others we need are here. Not sure why they all came together but him but we should be ok still. Con just make sure you cover me...alright?"

Getting no answer Dalton though it was a bit odd about to talk again he takes note to what time it was. They had to start this now or lose there chance. They were already a few minutes behind. He could guess Con had heard him since he'd pretty much heard everything else. It was now or never.

   "Alright guys, its show time...lets do this."

Seeing the pure sparkle in Ariel's eyes Trey could feel his head pick up even more once again. So soft, so light, but full of so much emotion in a way it was almost overwhelming, but he welcomed this new feeling and liked it. 

Hearing Ariel's response Trey felt a little bit of disappointment but a smile remained in his face anyways. He would respect her wishes and not push the line. He didn't want to lose what he'd just gotten to experience.

   "I'll be calling you tomorrow to set up our next date. This time you get to pick what we do though."

Letting his fingers lock with her for a moment Trey new he better let her go. Letting his fingers slide from hers he gives a smile and a nod. It had been a good night, a great night and for the first time since coming here he felt like he belonged. 

Retuning Tal's kiss Ryan gives a smile as she moved a little bit more into the kitchen. Giving another laugh she shakes her head. Leave it to the boys to worry about her when it should be the other way around. Catching her brothers eye Ryan does her best to remain normal but she new she was horrible at hiddig how she felt when it came to Eli. She was happy he hadn't said anything though.

   "Ah come on he can't be that bad can he? I mean you are the one who keeps hanging out with him."

Slipping past Eli and Tal to the counter to grab some plates Ryan does her best to try and clear her mind. She was with Eli and Tal now, two people she loved and she should be concentrating on them now and thats what she was going to do.

  "So did you guys figure out what move or game you wanted to play while I was gone or what?"

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