
Isn't something...

"Okay." Jason nods. "Con, you make the coffee." 

Con tosses him a smirk, but heads for the door. "Hope you like it strong." 

It would be several hours later before the four men would head out for the warehouse. By now, they knew what each of their targets looked like and what to expect by learning about the past failed takedowns by the police department. There was no doubt the crooks would be armed, and they were considered dangerous. It shouldn't be hard for the Elite team to take them down, but all knew better than to relax...

..."Con, you settled?" Jason stands with Nate inside the warehouse near one of the windows until they would take up different positions. Receiving no response, he taps his mic and whistles. "Yo, Conrad. You fall off the roof?" 

"Naw, I'm here, I'm here." Con fiddles with his earpiece, grimacing a little as he tries to get it situated. Lying on his stomach on the rooftop across from the warehouse, he takes his rifle and looks through the scope, checking out the surroundings. "Peekaboo." 

Jason squints out the window, trying to see Con's position. "Can't see you - streetlight's in the way." 

"Can't see me?"


"Good. That means no one else will see me either." Con fiddles with his earpiece again until giving up. It would do. 

Jason sighs and is just about to converse with Dalton too, when a set of headlights appear. "Whoa, guys... we got company. Either intel was wrong or somebody likes to be early." He glances to Nate, hoping he'd tell Dalton to stand down until they had all four men here. It would be a failed mission if they didn't bring in all of them.

Trey's touch sends a light shiver down Ariel's spine and she locks eyes with him as he nears. Her cheeks grow warm and she can feel her pulse quickening. His eyes were too soft to fear. His hand too soft to flinch. The tantalizing scent of his cologne drifted in the evening air, and she felt herself leaning slightly into his palm. 

His question makes her smile as unexpected feelings flutter in her stomach. Lifting her hand, she gently places a finger over his lips, keeping him just inches away. "It would be okay," she answers him in almost a whisper. "But I'd rather save that moment for after a few more dates. A kiss isn't something I take lightly."

Still smiling, she backs away a little, letting her finger slide from his lips so she can reach up and take his hand. Giving it a squeeze, she tosses him a wink. "I expect to hear from you soon.

"Ryan!" Eli turns from the stove and lifts up a platter that had three cooked steaks on it. "Just in time." He throws Tal a look. "See? I told you she was still alive." 

Tal rolls his eyes before standing up and greeting Ryan with a kiss. "I was just a little worried, that was all." 

Eli smirks as he sets the steaks down on the table and points a finger at his sister. "You better teach this boy not to worry so much. He's gonna give himself and ulcer." Reaching over her shoulder, he snoops in one of the sacks to find the six pack she'd brought. "Ahhh... come to papa." Grinning at her, he suddenly catches something in her eye that made him lose his smile. Had she been... crying? 

"Yeah, well when all I got to do is sit around with you, it's no wonder I was anxious for her to get here," Tal retorts. 

Eli finally drops his gaze from his sister, before simply giving her shoulder a pat. He didn't know what had gone wrong where or with whom, but he wouldn't ask - not now anyway.

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