

Katie gives a little nod, she understood what Jason was saying and respected that. She wished he didn't feel like he had to walk on pins though. Nothing he said or did would upset her, it just wasn't her right to be upset about that anymore. 

Friends...could they be? At least that would try and thats what was importance to Katie. She new for her like for Jason it would be hard but she was willing to work twords it and do the best she could.

   "So, how is Misty? I kind saw her the other day but really didn't talk much to her."

It was a lame attempt at keeping a conversation going and Katie new it but they had to start somewhere right? She really did want to know how Misty was holding up too. She'd made a promise and she was going to keep it. Not to mention she was her friend and she did care.

Sitting at the marina Chad's feet just dangled above the water as he held Rosalyn's letter in his hand. He was on lunch and alone able to read the letter and even start a reply. It seemed most of his time was spent alone so he could read, write or think about Rosalyn. Questions had come up on why and if he was getting depressed but he'd left everyone wondering only smile and reassuring them he was in face not depressed. How could he be with someone so special writing to him.

   You fill my days with joy when I get one of your letters and when I can quietly slip away to to have some free time to read and even reply it is truly peace I feel. Today I write to you while I am on my lunch. Sitting in the marina in Oregon. Most mornings here are cloudy and filled with rain but by noon the sun comes out. I find it funny that at that very same time is when a letter from you comes. I can't help but smile and think it's you that brings the sunshine.

   Our apple tree......Mmmm.....I like the sound of that. To think we have our own spot, a place to look forward to seeing again, a place where memories to be placed. Its our first and I can hope there will be more spots too.

Going back to her letter and going over again what she wrote about her family and about this Agency he wanted to make sure he understood what he was ready. He did know a little from Katie about the stuff that went on with the family and people had been after them for as long as they remembered. Though he didn't completely understand it it did not push him away from giving Rosalyn the happiness she deserved and the happiness he wanted.

   You might be marked but I'd hate to be the person who would try and bring any harm to you. Does this news frighten me away from you? No my dear it does not, not even in the slightest, I would defend you with my life till I couldn't anymore. Oh Rosalyn...How special you are, and though I may not understand everything I would not take something lightly when you have told me. Maybe on day when we are face to face again you can explain a little more to me about the Agency so I am prepared to keep you safe. You have over looked my past, I over look yours but keep myself ready to defend when I need too.

Looking out across the water Chad gives a large smile. To think about Rosalyn it just did that to him, made him smile, made him feel all warm and fuzzy. It was just a nice feeling, one he'd missed, and he wasn't backing down not yet. It was comforting to know she was looking at the same sky too.

   Well as much as I would like to continue this letter to you, I must get back to work. I look forward to getting another letter from you soon, and being able to reply as soon as I can. Tonight I will look at the moon too. 

     Forever and Always,


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