

Giving another smile to Mick food did sound good they could always put there stuff away in a little bit right? Would they really be imposing though if they just popped into dinner like this. Looking around for a second and than back at her friends April gives a small nod.

   "As long as we are not intruding to much food sounds like a wonderful idea and knowing Chad he is always ready to eat."

   "Hey...I...I...alright you got me there."

   "Honestly we might be twins but I am nothing like him promise."

Shaking her head again and giving a laugh April was ready to sign or fill out whatever paper work they needed to before following Mick and Rosetta next door. It felt a little strange being in a place they didn't know but that was the majority of her job anyways. She was excited to see Katie though and see the look on her face when she saw her.

Coming from the kitchen back into the dinning area Wendy gives a little shake of her head watching father and son. Chase sure was going to turn out like Clint, and have his charming good looks too. She could already see the little twinkle in his eye and she smile was to melt for.

   "Mommy has both her boy's food before they rip everything apart."

Giving a laugh she sets her plat down along with Clint's and a small plat for Chase. He was doing pretty good with eating softer kinds of food now and though most of the time he would use his hands he was getting the hang on his spoon too.

   "Alright boys dig in and don't make to much of a mess."

   "Fat chance of that Wendy. You know Clint makes more of a mess than the baby."

Katie grins looks down at Wendy, Clint and Chase. They had come a long way since the last time they saw her and it made her happy. Seeing them smile, and how happy they were together it was comforting and Katie was happy they deserved it.

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