

"What?!" Clint looks over his shoulder at Katie, smirking at her. "Thanks for the help there, Cousin. You're supposed to be on my side, remember?"

Chase's gurgling and mumbling is heard right before Clint's face is hit with what felt to him like a wad of macaroni salad. Without moving, his eyes narrow. "And that... would prove you wrong." He takes his napkin and wipes off his face before giving his son a stern look. "Watch it, or I'm gonna start throwing my food at you too, then Mommy's gonna throw us both in the doghouse."

Watching the little family, a smile makes it's way to Hunter's lips and he winks at Katie. He could tell she enjoyed watching them too, and in all honesty, he thought it was cute. She'd never said so, but he could tell that maybe in the back of her mind she hoped one day that might be her.

Mick grins at the guys, picking up on the fact that they could be pretty humorous if they got going. "Don't worry... we've got a lot of so-called 'growing boys' around here. If we have enough food to feed these cowboys, we got enough food to feed Chad."

It only took a few minutes for them to take down all the necessary personal information before Mick and Rosetta took them to the dining hall.

"Wait... Kaylee... no... you...." Cindy throws up her hands as her daughter escapes her clutches and goes zooming across the room. "That girl...." She huffs a sigh, too worn out to go chasing after her. Looking to Angel, she shakes her head. "She just never runs out of energy. Ever! I can't get her to sit still for anything!"

Having a bit of trouble keeping up with her own legs, Kaylee goes sprawling across the floor, only to pick herself up again and resume her wobbly trot. Passing by the front door, her timing is bad as it swings wide and she just about gets smacked in the head.

"Whoa there, little partner!" Mick reaches down just in time, stopping her with his arm and scooping her up so she's swinging upside down in his arms.

Kalyee screams but giggles at the same time, squirming to get let loose. "Down! Down!"

Mick grins and steps aside for the others. "You'll have to excuse this ball of energy," he explains. "She has an invisible racetrack in here."

"Down!" Kaylee squeals again, pointing towards a nearby table, her pigtails swinging in midair as she struggles to pull herself upright.

Mick follows her gaze and sees Eric just sitting back and grinning. "What'd ya do? Bribe her?"

Eric laughs and shakes his head. "No. I ain't got any idea what she wants."

Rolling his eyes, Mick sets Kaylee down and gives her bottom a light backhanded pat. "Get going, Dynamite."

Kaylee giggles and trots off again, throwing herself against Eric's legs and reaching up her hands. "Up! Up!"

Eric grins and lifts her up to sit on his lap, which immediately settles her down. He looks across the room at Cindy and shrugs. "Sorry! Want her back?"

Cindy smirks. "Keep her! It'll give me a break!"

Eric chuckles and kisses the top of Kaylee's head. He looks to his side at Stacy then "whispers" to Kaylee. "Think she's got any food to share with you, hmm?"

Mick makes sure the little girl is safely out of the way before turning back to the group. "Looks like we got room over here." He gestures to the almost-empty table where Jeff sat. "And... I see Katie over there." He points. "If you wanted to see her first, or we could probably pull the tables together so you could sit with her too."

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