

Left alone again, the room becomes quiet once more. Glancing to the window, Jared stares at the sunlight streaming through. In a way, Grace herself brought sunshine, whether she realized it or not. He was sorry that he wasn't much of a friend right now, and he was still so unsure how to deal with all of the bad things stored up in his heart. But... deep down... under it all... he really didn't want to be alone. He'd been lonely enough before without all this piled on top. He didn't particularly want anything to eat or drink but... he wouldn't mind too much if Grace really did come back to keep him company for a while. He knew for his health's sake that he needed to let her start back up on his legs again too... it was just... getting motivated that was the problem. 

Sinking back down into his pillow, he closes his eyes once more. He'd hear when they came back. 

Lydia is just setting the loaves of bread on the counter to cool when Grace enters the kitchen. Hearing about her short visit with Jared, tears glisten in her eyes and she smiles. "Thank you... thank you for taking time to see him. I know it will help."

She nods with surety. "Both of my sons have their father's spirit. I know Jared's has been buried, but... I know that his heart will not let him give up. Under all of his pain is the stubbornness of a mule." She rolls her eyes. "How many times my husband showed that stubbornness." Despite the tears, she chuckles. "And if you and I keep on praying, how can Jared not get well?" 

Taking off her apron, she hangs it up and pats her hair into place. "Okay... I am ready." 

Jeff listens quietly to Katie, keeping his eyes on the trail and his ears on her tone. He knew that all of this had been so hard on her, and if he could change it, he would. But he knew that even as her father, he couldn't keep away all of the pain. 

Nodding slowly, he agrees with her. "If you think that you were in the wrong or reacted in a way you shouldn't have, then yeah, apologizing is probably a good idea. No matter how Jason feels, I'm sure he'd appreciate it. He might even believe you're still angry with him. And... if he's still angry with you, then at least you've done the right thing anyway." 

Pausing as Hawk steps over a log, he continues to think. She'd mentioned Hunter... and as he father, he was a bit curious, if she was willing to talk about it. "So... you and Hunter... looks like you two are getting pretty close, huh? Like maybe you're still gonna date once you're both back in Nevada?" 

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