
Carryed away

Giving a nod and retrieving her keys from her purse Grace stands. She really did like Lydia a lot, she was nice, down to earth and the way she talked about her boys and her late husband, you could not only see the love but really feel it too and something that outed that was her love for God. Grace could see why the boys might be drawn here no matter who they were or what they had done. It was a safe place filled with peace and love.

   "Alright than lets head out."

...It wasn't a long drive to the little coffee shop and one there with a table sitting comfortable Grace didn't feel odd at all. For not knowing the woman to much one might  think the meeting was strange or there was lack of stuff to talk about but that was not the case. 

   "So, when I finally got out of high school my brother was in a pretty back football accident and the Dr. told him he would never walk again. They wouldn't even try to give him PTand see if maybe just maybe it would help. They didn't believe in mericles and the power of God's will."

Taking another sip of her coffee Grace continues to smile. It was hard sometimes to talk about the past but it was where it got her today and without that she would be on a completely different path in life. God had chosen this one for her and who was she to be sad about it.

   "I didn't believe this was if for my brother so at home I worked with him. He didn't want to tell anyone since he was older than me and getting help from his kid sister. We worked every day doing everything we could to get him to talk again. Than one day finally he started to move on his own. We got him up and walking. He couldn't do it for long but it was a start and for at least three minutes he could walk with no help."

Grace takes in a deep breath before letting it out again. Looking down at her cup she runs her finger along the rim. It was easy to tell there was much more on her mind.

   "Than one day while I was inside getting some heating pads for my brother was outside while out baby sister. A drunk driver was coming down the road and lost control of his car. It was aiming for my sister and Sean saw it coming. With all high might he stood right as I stepped out onto the porch and and ran for my sister pushing her out of the way. Than his legs gave out and he couldn't get out of the way too."

A few tears for in her eyes as she looks up at Lydia and than she looks out the window. It was still hard to think about it sometimes. Sean had been her best friend, her brother, the protector of the family.  He'd meant everything to her and in that one single moment he was gone.

   "He was killed on impact. If the Dr.s had started right away working with him on his legs and getting them strong again Sean might had been able to get out of the way of the car, he might still be here today. It was shortly after that, that I decided I wanted to become a PT. I wanted to give hope to the hopeless, and I wanted to do it for my brother."

Whipping a few of her tears away Grace shakes her head before looking back to Lydia. She hadn't meant to go into the long detail of her story. It just kind of happened and she felt really comfortable.

   "Sorry to ramble on like that...I got carried away."

Jeff was right about what he said and thats why Katie liked talking to him. Most of the time he was and she never doubted his words or gave it second thought. Katie always hoped that one day she would be as wise and offer just as good advise.

As her father brings up Hunter Katie can't help the smile that spread across her face. She just couldn't help it Hunter really did have that affect on her. Continuing to pay attachen to what she was doing Katie glances out of the corner of her eye at her father.

   "Mmmmhmm....I think we are. At least I don't have any attachen of breaking it off. I never exspected to date Hunter, or even get so close to him. He was just...there when everything with Jason and I went down. He's really a good guy under everything and he just makes me feel special again."

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