
Care Basket

Hearing Hunter almost tell her in a nonchalant way that he wanted to be left alone Katie was a bit surprised. He'd never done that to her before and it made her bristle just a little wondering if she had done something wrong.  What she wanted to do was sit there and continue to talk things out make sure everything was ok, but something told her right now that might not be good. The last thing she wanted to do was drive Hunter away.

   "Oh, alright. I guess I will see you after lunch than. Have a good morning."

Taking her empty cup and Hunter's too Katie steps off the porch before looking back at him. Turning again she makes her way to the mess hall. She had some time to kill before lunch and than she would start to work right away on cleaning. The sooner she did the sooner it could get done and having Hunter to keep her company would make it go that much faster.

Walking with his arm around Susanne Chuck keeps her close just enjoying being able to be out and about. After being sick for some many weeks on end it was starting to bother him being cooped up. The flu bug had hit him hard this time around and one a few days he could hardly even make it into work. But now being here walking with Susanne on the beach after riding the motorcycle here it seemed that much more special to him.

   "Thanks for meeting me today Susanne. I really was going crazy being inside all the time....not being able to see you was quite a shame as well. I liked the care baskets you sent over though. They helped lots and there is just something about a specials woman's thoughts that brings its own warmth."

Getting to the end of the pier and looking out as the vast water in the distance on the horizon little buildings were dotted. It was a clear sky day, and it seemed almost to perfect a day Chuck would not wast. He'd gotten time out, had Susanne to keep him company after prying her from work...it was a perfect day indeed. 

Turning twords her Chuck brings a hand to the side of her face she gently runs his hand down her cheek before cradling her face ever so softly. She was so special to him and he cherished every moment he spend with her, never wanting any moment to go to wast. Leaning in his gives her a soft kiss on the lips before retreating and tilting his head the other way coming back in for a kiss. Not letting it linger for to lone Chuck pulled away just smiling down at her. He new she was still unsure of anything but a simple kiss as she had pulled away a few times before and the last thing he wanted to do was scare her away. He'd promised they would take things in her time, and he was going to stick to that not pushing anything more on her.

   "You're so amazing you know that. How an old coot like me ever got so lucky is something I will never know but I sure am happy I did."

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