


Having been lost in thought, Hunter jumps and turns at the male voice. "Yeah?"

Mick steps up on the porch, giving Hunter a smile. "Hey. Just thought I'd see how you were doing."

Hunter smirks a little. "Oh, I'm alright. Just following doctor's orders."

"Good." Mick eases down on the other end of the swing, tipping his hat back on his head. "Hope this won't keep you from riding again."

"Naw." Hunter shrugs. "Swimming maybe, but not riding."

Mick chuckles. "Well, whenever you feel like it, we don't mind if you come hang out in the barn, even if you can't work. You don't have to stay cooped up here or in your bunk the whole time."

"Thanks." Hunter picks at a loose thread on his jeans. Apparently his absence this morning had already been noticed. "Look, um... sounds like it's gonna be a couple three weeks til I can ride my motorcycle..." He glances up at Mick again, hesitantly. He hadn't said anything to Katie, simply because he felt more comfortable talking with those who were actually in charge here. "I... well, all of you have been great - more than great, and I just don't want to wear out my welcome. I feel like a freeloader and I'm really sorry to burden you guys with taking care of me. If you-"

Mick holds up his hand to stop him while keeping himself from rolling his eyes. "Hold it right there, mister. I was afraid of this."

"Of... of what?"

"Of you thinking you're a burden or that we wouldn't want you here just because you're laid up."

"Well I can't possibly just expect you to house and feed me for several more weeks!" Hunter's eyes are wide. "I know I'm Katie's guest but-"

"You're our guest," Mick corrects. "And the only way you can wear out your welcome is by thinking we'd just send you on your way when you need the most help."

"I'd be just fine at home. I don't even have a regular job that I'm missing out on."

"You got insurance to cover doctor's visits?"

"Well... no..."

"Physical therapy?"


"Your car's still in the shop? How are you gonna get around?"

"I could find-"

"Hunter..." Mick looks at him with seriousness. "Do you want to leave?"

Hunter's eyes lower again. The thought of going home to his empty apartment really wasn't very appealing. Especially when Katie was still here. And even though he'd already been here almost two weeks... he didn't really feel like leaving yet. He wasn't getting tired of it - on the contrary, he was liking it more every day. "No..."

"Then what's your problem?" Mick shakes his head. "Look, if you can't just accept that we like you and want you here, then when you're back on your feet, we'll work your butt off as payment, alright?"

Hunter manages a wry grin. "By the time I can work, I'll have to leave."

"Then you'll have to come back." Mick shrugs. "Quit making this so hard. This is what a family does."

Family. That strange lump rises quickly in Hunter's throat again. "But... I'm not family," he responds quietly.

"Yeah, well, we got some strange habits."


"We adopt people we like. It's kind of a thing with us."

Another grin creeps across Hunter's lips. "You're all nuts around here, you know that?"

Mick chuckles and stands. "Yeah... we kinda like it that way." He gives Hunter's good leg a pat. "Just take it easy and don't worry about how long you're here, okay?"

Hunter finally nods reluctantly. There was just no arguing with this man. "Okay. And... thanks." Watching Mick leave, he sighs deeply. What was it with these people anyway? They liked him more than... his own family. 

Dropping his eyes, Hunter finds the thread on his jeans to pick at again. Funny how people like this could be closer than family. Unfortunately, it wasn't bringing any laughs. 

Remaining on the porch a while longer, Hunter eventually hears voices inside and knows that lunch is starting. He doesn't go in right away though, preferring to slip in as unnoticed as possible. 

Entering through the back with just a little trouble handling the door and crutches both, Hunter spots Katie at her usual table already eating. He hadn't seen her since sharing coffee with her earlier and... he felt a little badly. He hadn't meant to push her away, he just... wasn't feeling much like himself since yesterday, and he didn't really want to talk about what was on his mind - and he knew Katie would want him to.

Making his way over to her table, he doesn't bother getting himself a plate of food yet - it would be hard enough to juggle that and a crutch. 

Pulling out a chair next to Katie, he eases down carefully, withholding a groan as his knee bumps the table. Spotting what looked to be homemade french fries on Katie's plate, he steals one, giving her a grin. "Mm... whenever I steal you food, it tastes better. I don't know why." 

Leaning closer, his shoulder nudges hers. "How was your morning?" 

Smiling up at Chuck, Susanne buries her face in his chest, hiding her red cheeks. "I keep telling you to stop saying things like that," she mumbles. With her arms tucked in close and feeling his own arms around her, she felt as if she were in a warm safe haven. She could smell his leather jacket that he'd worn on their ride, the clean laundry soap in his shirt, and the sweet scent of his cologne. It was a combination that tingled her senses and made her melt. 

Finally lifting her face, she squints in the sunlight. "I'm just glad you're feeling better... I have to admit... I was missing our motorcycle rides." She giggles, remembering how terrified she'd been the first time she'd ridden with him. "Imagine me saying that." 

Standing on her tiptoes, she gives his cheek a little kiss. She hoped he really was happy with her. Even though they'd been dating a while now, she was still shy about a lot of things. She rarely had him in her house, she still didn't like getting home late from date nights, and she wasn't always as free with physical affection as Chuck was. She'd curl up on his couch with him to watch a movie, and she liked hugs and gentle kisses... especially the hugs... but she shied away from anything more. The last couple times he'd moved for more passionate kisses, she'd pulled away... 

That thought brings her face back down to hide in his chest again. She knew he wasn't mad at her or anything, but she was still embarrassed, and worried that he might get frustrated with her, or get tired of taking things so slowly. Even with sweet words like he'd just spoken, she still worried. 

Slipping her arms around him, she turns her head to look out at the lake, still leaning into him. "I wish I was braver," she mentions softly. "More adventurous. I'm afraid you'll get bored with me."

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