

It hurt. Everything did. Her words, him being here, his feelings... Hunter just wanted it all to go away so he could return to a simpler life - a simpler life he'd been living, whether it had been right or not. 

Being forced to turn around, he has to look into Katie's eyes once more, and once more, her tears pierce his heart. It was bad enough seeing her cry - worse was knowing that she was crying because of him. Her admitting she was falling for him seems to numb everything else. It wasn't a new thought... he knew they'd been leaning towards more than friends... but to have her say it to his face, it... 

Hunter's thoughts are brought to a halt as suddenly Katie's lips are on his own. His hands go to her shoulders to push her away, but he never does. Her kiss was sweet... warm... tender... full of all the emotions that had been surging through her gaze. It was all here, all being placed out in the open, and all being laid before Hunter - he could embrace it or trample it. Too confused and shocked to return the kiss, he just lets her show her feelings through this moment, as his pulse starts to race again.

As Katie retreats, his hands linger on her shoulders. His gaze meets hers and her words pierce his heart like a knife. It didn't matter how set he was on leaving.... how firmly he'd made up his mind... how much he wanted to flee... He just couldn't leave her - not like this. She wanted him. Saying no to that would make him the ultimate fool. 

Saying nothing, he pulls her back close to him again. Sliding one hand up behind her head, he guides his lips to hers once more - but this time like he'd wanted to all week... with passion. Kissing her long and hard, all of his pent-up emotions seem to overflow. Gripping her tightly around the waist, he coaxes a returned kiss to share it together. All of his intentions from this morning were shot to pieces, leaving him at the mercy of whatever was to come. He couldn't walk away from this... from her. 

Deepening his kiss, he lets it continue until eventually drawing back with several lighter kisses. Wrapping his arms around Katie, he pulls her to his chest, just hugging her close to his heart, which was beating wildly. Breathing heavily, he closes his eyes, burying his face in her hair. 

"Heaven help me, Katie," he whispers. "I'm losing my heart right along with my mind."

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