

Still so upset Hunter's words hurt even more with each one that was said. It hurt so much but she was unwilling to let him walk away. Why she is not sure but maybe it had to do with at one talk she'd walked away and wish maybe she'd not been able too.

   "You are leaving me Hunter and not just this place. Your turning your back on me, everything we have started and it all revolves around me."

Taking Hunter by the arm Katie spins him around and brings her hand to his face. One might think in a slap but no strike comes. She just holds his face to look her in the eyes  her own piercing his. The pleading, the desperation to not let this one thing go too.

   "Good guy, Bad guy...I don't care. I'm falling for you Hunter Maxwell and that out weighs anything."

Pulling Hunter twords her Katie's lips press against his just letting the kiss linger. Letting everything she was feeling flow through her and relay everything she wasn't. Every park of her hurt, but she wasn't going to let this moment pass by, not now, not this time. Finally backing away a little she continues to look up at him her eyes still a little teary.

   "Please....please don't leave me. Not now, not yet while we are just getting started."

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