

As Garret comes around and sits down next to her Victoria leans into him a little bit. Her comfort, her shelter. Hearing he was feeling better she was happy. Victoria did not like seeing him so sick and it made her worry even if she never showed it as much as she wanted too.

Being pulled into the kiss Victoria's arms go around Garret as she accepts the kiss and returns it as well. Just letting her one hand run along his back these were the moments that Victoria loved the most. The moment when everything she'd even done was gone because Garret looked past it and loved her anyways as she did him.

Finally pulling away Victoria leans her for head against Garrets for a long moment with her eyes closed. Oh how she wished they could be like this all the time. To be able to let people know about there love, to not fear being found out. 

   "Do you think this is all there is to life? To walk in the shadows and never see the sun?"

Opening her eyes Victoria searches Garret's gaze. A gaze she could get lost in and not let it bother her one bit. His eyes where her freedom and through them she lived, strive and moved on. If this was all there was in life for them than she was happy to have Garret in her life. Without him...she would be far worse off.

   "What are your plans for today? Will you be at the dinner tonight?"

Laying with Justin and watching the movie Beth's mind went from on this to the next to the next. It was hard to settle on one thing right now but she did her best. Finally as the movie credits roll Beth lifts her head a little bit to look at Justin. Seeing he was sound a sleep she gives a little smile before laying her head down again. She didn't want to wake him when he looked so at peace.

Just cuddling down into him and letting the tv on Beth just lays there. The rythem of Justin's breathing making her head go up and down, up and down.  It was very lulling the patten soft, and comforting. Before long Beth was sound asleep too.

Going inside to get Jared's shoes Beth gives a little wave to him mom before explaining to her they were going to go out for a little bit. She didn't want to worry the woman if she went to look for them and they were gone. She seemed like to much of a nice lady to do that too.

Finally returning and waiting till Jared was ready Grace starts forward. It was really a nice day out and she was with nice company at least to her she was. Hearing Jared's comment though Grace stops and gives a little flick to his ear. Not enough to hurt but enough to get his attachen.

   "One of these days your gonna stop that or its gonna get old fast. This is my time not extra time and I spend my time how I want to and right now I am spending it with my friend getting ice cream and than after we are going to take a drive in your nice car. That hardly seems like a wast to me."

Resting a hand on Jared's shoulder Grace gives a small smile. She really did wish Jared believed her when she told him he was more of a friend than a pashent. It just had worked out that way and she did enjoy spending time with him. Now to make him believe it some how.

Giving a laugh Katie can't help but be entertained by her Uncle's reaction to Hunter wanting to ride again. Not often did he get surprised but Hunter seemed to be doing a great job of it. Just sitting back and letting them chat Katie continues to sip her coffee. 

Once the chatter was over and Mick walks away Katie looks to Hunter giving a nod at his comment. Keeping her own voice low too she can't help the giggle that slips out. She couldn't help but feel a little excitement herself.

   "Well after chores if you want we can take our first riding trip together. It might be fun and I can show you some of the trails."

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