
So Help Me

Hunter gives Katie a smirk, but nods. So far, he was hurting more than yesterday, but hopefully once he got up and active it would wear off. He wasn't about to laze around all day - not after all those shenanigans with the guys yesterday. If he'd lost his title of city slicker, he wasn't going to gain it back 

As he sips his coffee though, it's Katie's previous words that seem to stick in his mind. The ones about willpower and determination. Was she implying he needed all that in order to not want a drink? Hunter had never thought he needed alcohol, and the last few days he'd been just fine without any. But was the desire for his bourbon this morning a sign that perhaps he was more addicted to it than he'd thought? 

"Ah, there he is!"

Hunter looks up quickly at Mick's enthusiastic entrance to the dining room. "Aw no.... not again." 

Mick laughs and shakes his head. "Don't worry. I'm not chasing you down. I figure Katie'll have you plenty busy today." 

"Hardly." Hunter shrugs. "She keeps telling me I'm the one that has to think up something to do. Although today I thought I might just decide to do some more riding."

Mick's eyebrows arc. 

Hunter catches the surprise and takes advantage. "Yeah, me and Bonzai got along so well yesterday, I figure we might just see if I could ride without falling off." 

"Please... whatever you do, take a different horse." Mick grins and shakes his head. "Don't ride him again just 'cause we razzed you. He really is the roughest horse in the barn." 

"Naw, he's one of my new friends. I can't ignore him now." 

Mick finally shrugs. "I guess that's up to you. You know which saddle you used - feel free to use it again." 

"I'll do that - thanks." Once Mick heads to get his own coffee, Hunter glances to Katie and lowers his voice. "So help me, even if you have to help me get on, I'm going to ride today."

"Oh." Jared felt a little silly. "I guess I didn't realize we were that close to wherever you wanted to get ice cream. Although it's not fair - you getting exercise and me just getting pushed along." He looks up at Grace and gives her a teasing grin. 

"Shoes... um... I think they're in the bedroom by the nightstand." 

Once Grace returns with his sneakers, he manages to get them on by himself without too much trouble before settling back again. Being pushed out to the sidewalk, he glances up over his shoulder. "About taking a drive, don't worry about it. I can have my mom maybe find somebody who can take it for a spin to get the cobwebs out. You don't need to waste your time with that today since you're already taking extra time for ice cream."

A warm smile spreads on Justin's lips as Beth calls him irresistible. He wasn't convinced that was necessarily the truth, but it did make him feel good that she at least thought he was. 

Having her crawl up close and cuddle into him, he wraps his arms around her. Feeling her against him, curling up with him, it felt... good. Her comment about him smelling good brings a chuckle to the surface... and a little heat to his face. Craning his neck, he kisses the top of her head. "I try." 

Rubbing her back gently, he turns his head to see the television and figure out where they were at in the movie. Lying here with Beth though was so comfortable that he realizes it might be harder than he thought not to doze off. 

Garret didn't like hearing about Roberts, even though it was nothing new. He and Victoria didn't used to talk about their missions at all... but lately it seemed it was becoming harder for both of them. 

Walking slowly around to the front of the swing, Garret eases down next to her, slipping his arm over her shoulders to pull her close. "Yeah... I'm feeling just fine now." He'd been forced to go one one mission already before completely recovering from his last... illness. But by now he was feeling himself again and quite capable to be back on the job. Not that he liked that. He'd almost rather be lying in bed miserable than out on the job and miserable. Although that might raise more questions with Victoria... and he wasn't yet willing to tell her why he'd been sick off and on, when he never used to be. 

"I missed you too," he responds softly. 

Turning a little, he brings his free hand to her chin to turn her face towards him. Leaning closer, he presses his lips to hers, letting the kiss flow deeply but gently. 

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