
Not so good

   "I'm hanging in there. Think I'm better today than I was last night, at least I don't feel like my nerves are shot now."
Feeling Justin's hand on her skin Beth gives a small smile. Though his hands where rough his touch was soft and there was a caring gesture that just added to it. She liked it and didn't mind when Justin touched her at all. 

   "The bagel is more than likely the reason it smells like burnt toast. I think its the coffee thats smelling good and calling my name."

Heading over to the counter Beth stops for a second trying to remember where Justin's cups where. Opening the first one and seeing no cups Beth moves to the second one. Reaching in and grabbing one she sets it down. Pouring the coffee into it she takes in a deep breath enjoying this fresh sent. It was definitely the coffee she had smelled.

  "Yep thats what I smelled."

   "Who said your going to be friendless?"

Grace cocks her head looking at Jared. She was hoping the conversation could move off of her and onto something thing else. Though his comment went noted and it did make her feel good. This just happened to be a good opening for doing so. Studying his face Grace lets out a small almost unnoticeable sigh.  Jared really though she wasn't going to stay his friend after this?

   "I told you even when you walk again I am still going to be your friend. I don't take all my patents, out for ice cream, and drive the car for them. Thats only what I do with my friends."

Setting her spoon down in the ice cream bowl that was now empty Grace was stuffed. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had this much ice cream but she sure had enjoyed it. Just getting to taste all the different flavors was a real treat one many might frown on but to Grace seeing Jared enjoy it was worth it.

   "Phew I think I had to much but man oh man was it good."

Up a little earlier than normal Stacy stops as she see movement at one of the bunks. Just standing in the shadows she is very still. Finally seeing the figure in the moonlight though as they sat down on the pouch she relaxes a little bit. It was only Hunter. He must have woke early, or never gone to bed yet. Either way she wasn't needed and all was well, now she could continue on.

Heading to the mess hall it was the normal place to go first thing in the morning. Everyone did because they new coffee would be waiting. It was like clock work almost...whoever was up first at five would make the coffee and the rest would come, once the pot was empty the next person would make more. It never failed to be there waiting for them.

Passing Hunter's bunk Katie stops and takes a few steps backwards. Looking at Hunter she gives a smile before wondering a little close. Though once getting there she eyes search his face and she gives a little worry.

   "Hey there. I'd say good morning but something tells me its not so good. You ok?"

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