

A knock at the door startles Jeff from his nap. He'd slept late then had found himself back in bed for the afternoon. He'd been told it would be natural to be tired for a while, but it was still a bit discouraging.

"Just a minute," he mumbles. Dragging himself from bed, he rubs his eyes and yawns before finally getting to his feet. Opening the door, he can't help his surprise at seeing Cindy, and isn't even sure what to say.

Seeing Jeff in his socks and his hair a bit disheveled, Cindy can immediately see that he'd been sleeping. "Oh, I'm sorry... I woke you, didn't I?"

"Um... yeah, but that's okay." Jeff cocks his head. The last time they'd parted, it had been awkward to say the least. He'd figured Cindy wouldn't want anything to do with him after that. "Can I... help you?"

"Yes. I mean, well, no." Cindy holds up a small plate of cookies. "I made a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and ended up with too many. I know they're one of your favorites so... I thought you might like these."

Jeff raises an eyebrow, but he accepts the plate, his mouth already watering. "You thought right. Thanks."

"You're welcome." Cindy clasps her hands, shifting her weight a bit awkwardly. "Um, I guess I just wanted to say sorry, too. You know... for before... and what I said."

Jeff gives her a half a smile. "Naw... you were right."

"Maybe. But I didn't need to say it like I did. I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

She had. But Jeff had concluded it had been deserved. "It's okay. I didn't mean to offend you. I suppose a guy like me is just bound to make those blunders sometimes."

Cindy's mouth forms a warm smile and she reaches out to put a hand on his arm. "You're very special, Jeff, and you have one of the biggest hearts I know. Don't ever think you have nothing to offer a woman... and not just a woman who's in need." She gives his arm a little squeeze. "Don't limit yourself because you think you're weak. It's your body that's weak, not your spirit. And if a woman judges you because of a physical weakness, then she's not the one for you anyway."

A lump rises in Jeff's throat. "Thanks, Cindy," he responds quietly. "We're okay then?"

Cindy chuckles. "Of course we are. You're my friend and I don't want that to change." Letting him go, she backs up, ready to leave. "I'll see you at supper."

"Okay." Watching her leave, Jeff holds the plate of cookies and tries to figure out the strange emotions churning within him. She was right - he'd thought a woman in need would be the only kind that would find him useful. But... maybe she was right about the other stuff too. She might not be interested in anything more than friendship with him... but maybe he did still have a chance with someone else... someone out there... someone he hadn't found yet.

Turning back inside, Jeff returns to his bed... but only after he'd eaten a cookie.

Keeping his arms slung over Katie's shoulders, Hunter grins. "Apples have my vote too. Sounds like fun." 

Though his eyes were tired, he holds his smile, just meeting Katie's gaze for several long moments. Was it just him, or was she getting prettier every day? "Of course... just about anything with you would sound fun," he admits. 

Leaning in a little closer, he wonders if perhaps she might allow him one more time a sweet kiss like they'd shared the day before. He'd promised himself he wouldn't push things too fast, and he'd wait for Katie's next move but... having her this close, just inches away with those bright eyes and that warm smile... 

"Hey, you two going riding?"

Hunter backs up a step, letting his arms slide from Katie as he clears his throat. Looking over at Jim, he nods. "Yeah. That okay?"

"Oh sure." Jim nods. "I just wanted to tell you that I think that saddle Mick had you use yesterday got moved and it's sitting on the bench." He chuckles. "I didn't want you to spend all your time hunting for it." 

Hunter chuckles. "Got it. Thanks." Alone with Katie again, he gives her a look that mixed slyness and sheepishness. "I'll, um... go get Bonzai." 

...It was a fun ride, and though Hunter's legs did hurt, especially with Bonzai's rough gait, it really wasn't all that long before the pain subsided enough for him to settle in and enjoy the ride. They took it slow - of which he was thankful. He might have been put through his paces yesterday and could remember a lot about riding, but there was a lot he had yet to recall and even more to learn. He was quite content just taking a nice slow pace. And... it gave him better opportunity to talk with Katie too, chatting and laughing. They dismounted in the grove of apple trees to enjoy the fresh treat, walking together as they led the horses. There was a warm breeze, carrying the sweet scent of apples and... Hunter really couldn't imagine a much more peaceful place to be. Getting back to the ranch several hours earlier, it was perhaps later than planned, but Hunter wouldn't have traded it for the world...

...Time at the ranch stopped for no one, even if some wished it would. Every day the sun rose then set again, greeting each morning with warmth and bidding its farewell as the moon took over again...

"...Well yeah, he's been a great help." Eric sets one foot on a chair in the break room, taking a sip from his water bottle. He looks to Mick inquisitively. "Why?"

Mick shrugs, seated at the table with his own water. Several days had passed, and after a morning of fencing, both were due a short rest. "Just asking, I guess."

"Hasn't he helped you?"

"Oh yeah, tons." That was the truth. Hunter had helped out more these past handful of days than most of the hired help. He'd worked with Katie almost every day, he'd assisted almost all the guys in some way or another, and he'd certainly lent a hand to Mick whenever needed. Just yesterday they'd been out baling hay for several hours and had gotten the job done, thanks to Hunter's stamina - the young man hadn't even complained about his sunburn.

Eric quirks an eyebrow. "Then why the hesitance?"

Mick shrugs. "I dunno. I mean I think it's great he's so willing to help out, but I've hardly seen him relax at all. He's just constantly working."

"Now that I've noticed," Eric agrees. "At first I thought he was just still trying to prove he wasn't a city slicker, but the last few days, it's like he's just... driven. Yesterday I thought he looked exhausted but he just shrugged it off and pitched in to help some more. 'Course I didn't argue."


"You think something's wrong?"

"Naw." Mick takes a swig of his water. "Just remembering, that's all."

Eric smiles a little and gives an understanding nod. "Keeping busy is the best way to forget."

"Or try to."

"At least he's sticking around. If something's bothering him, he could just as easily take off and forget about it."

"Yeah. " Mick nods in thought. "I think there's several things keeping him here."

"Like what?"

"Well I do think he enjoys being around the horses."

Eric chuckles. "I still can't believe he's still riding Bonzai. He said yesterday it doesn't bother him anymore."

Mick sips his water, laughing as well. "Maybe Bonzai finally found the right rider for him. Hunter does seem to have a knack. He's not the greatest rider in the world, but he seems to have picked up quickly on things. I wouldn't want to put him on a green horse but I'd trust him to exercise most of the reliables."

"Oh yeah, definitely. Give him a few more weeks and I bet he'd handle the green ones too." Eric cocks his head. "So it's just the horses he's interested in?"

"Naw, I think there's more. I think he likes the hard work - whether he's using it to run away from something or not. He made the comment to me the other day that he missed doing physical work." Mick shrugs. "And... there's a certain young lady that I think's got a hold on him too."

Eric quirks an eyebrow. "Yeah, I've kinda got that impression myself."

Mick grins. "I suppose that's a good a reason as any to stick around. Doesn't sound like he's got that much back in Nevada, calling him back too quickly."

"Think he's okay? I mean, for Katie?"

"I think he's got a few issues, and I get the impression he's not right with God. But if he can sort through all that... I think he has a lot of potential to be a fine man." Mick shrugs. "I do like him and everybody else seems to have taken to him too."

"Including me," Eric admits. "He's a lot of fun."

"Mm-hmm." Mick finishes off his bottle of water and tosses it into the corner box of recyclables. "Well... shall we get back to work?"

"You bet." Eric straightens and finishes his water as well. "I'll meet you out on the fence."

"Where are you going?"

Eric gives him a sheepish grin. "A guy's gotta say to his girl once in a while or she might think he forgot about her."

Mick grins and rolls his eyes. "Last time I saw her, she was helping Ashlee with her homework on their porch."

Eric's cheeks flush and he pulls his hat down a little further before leaving the break room. "Okay, thanks."

"You're welcome..." Mick stands alone for a moment, smiling to himself. Eric rarely talked about Stacy, but it was common knowledge now that those two were a couple. And Mick was glad. His brother-in-law had really seemed to brighten up lately and he wasn't about to interfere with that.

Sighing, he heads out of the barn, aiming for the fence that was only half-done...

...People were busy. Fellowship was sweet. Work was hard. Accomplishments made the work worthwhile. The ranch did indeed seem to be a haven from the world...

Jay eventually said goodbye to go home - but only with a promise to return soon. Jeff continued to recover, though it was slower than he preferred. He did avoid going to the barn too much though, giving in to taking it easy once more and resting often. The others all continued each day as usual - some days busier than others. And Hunter - he remained as well, his time at the ranch passing by a week and continuing on...

...Water surges around Hunter, the pressure crushing down on him. It was dark. Black. Cold. Being jerked along by the river's current sent a terror racing through Hunter's veins. His lungs begged him for air. He tried to find the surface, but there was no light to guide him. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he'd been here before. He knew all he needed to do was wake up. But it didn't remove the fear.

Kicking and clawing at the rushing water did nothing but exhaust his muscles to the point of pain. There was nothing he could do. There was no up or down. There was no end to this evil river. Fighting until he could fight no more, his lungs finally have their way, opening up to inhale not air, but water.

Crying out, Hunter's eyes fly open to stare into the dark bunkhouse. Shaking all over, he was drenched in sweat, his heart racing...


Moaning in frustration, Hunter puts his head in his hands, rocking slightly. Why? Why was this happening? He didn't understand. For a week solid, he had been plagued with the same nightmare. Each time it was the same. Each time it was a dark river and he woke up just short of drowning.

Rising from bed, Hunter goes to the bathroom. Taking off his sweaty clothes, he steps into the shower to let cool water run over him. What was happening to him? Why was he having nightmares? There was nothing bothering him. Nothing was going wrong. On the contrary, he'd never had such a good time. Being at the ranch was like sunshine for the soul. He'd gone riding with Katie almost every day, he'd helped with chores, he'd gotten to know the guys better... the only thing he hadn't done was go to church with everybody else a couple days ago - it had felt strange to be almost alone at the quiet ranch for those few hours, and he'd felt just a twinge of guilt for not joining Katie with the others, but he just hadn't felt ready to touch that one yet, and thankfully no one gave him a bad time.

As far as he and Katie went, things couldn't be better. There hadn't been any kiss since that first time - not that he hadn't tried. It just seemed every time, they were interrupted, so he'd stuck to holding hands, sitting together at meals and he'd quickly obtained the habit of a goodnight hug before parting every night - and maybe just a kiss on the cheek. She seemed content, so he felt confident he was going at the right pace... if there was ever to be more between them, which... maybe deep down he did hope for.

So why the nightmares? Why was he being plagued with such horrible images and feelings? Despite the days being so good, the nightmares had permeated his mind to the point that the only way to rid himself of those awful pictures was to keep himself busy. He'd attempted a nap a couple days ago, only to fall too close to yet another nightmare. Rest was coming harder and harder as he tried to fight his way out of whatever this was. At least in keeping busy he'd gotten over his saddle soreness and had been able to pitch in with the work, helping the guys.

Bracing himself on the shower wall, Hunter closes his eyes, hanging his head to feel the cold water hit his neck and back. All of a sudden, his father's face enters his mind. No! Hunter's eyes fly open and he straightens, splashing some more water on his face. That was another thing that had been bothering him. No matter how busy he kept himself during the day, he was not only plagued with images from his nightmare, but all of a sudden, the past had been creeping up on him. What had set that off, he had no idea. He had caught himself thinking about anything from his childhood to his father, to Kyle, to anything in between. It was ridiculous, and in all honesty, he felt like he was going crazy. He had to beat it. Whatever this was, it would go away, he was sure.

Finally shutting off the water, he dries himself off and wanders back into the other room to pull on some clean clothes. He wasn't dressing for bed again though - he donned his jeans and pulled on his cowboy boots - the ones he'd bought a few days ago in town. They already looked worn with all the work and riding he'd been doing, and he liked that.

Only now does he glance at the clock. Four-thirty. Like always. His nightmares worked like clockwork, and he'd been up at this hour for a whole week, losing more sleep than he'd care to think about. But it didn't matter. He wouldn't be able to get back to bed - or if he did, he'd just be scared out of his wits again. Even so, it was too early for chores and even too early for him to go get a cup of coffee. As it had been every  day.

Wandering outside in his bare feet, he eases down to sit sideways on the porch step and leans back against the railing. His tired gaze wanders to the gray sky, and he didn't realize the dark circles that had formed all this week were still evident below his eyes. He'd just... sit here until he saw someone else stir. 

Seeing Grace blush, it takes Jared off guard. It felt strange to suddenly have the upper hand - she usually had a quick comeback for him, not a genuine response like that. Cocking his head, Jared just studies her for a moment, a softer smile forming on his lips. She was more than a therapist... she was a woman. 

"Well I don't know why you only have a few friends." Lowering his head a little, he tries to see Grace's eyes, waiting until she looked up at him again. "I know I give you a hard time some days but... you're very good at what you do." 

He gestures at the table full of all the empty bowls. "I may not remember much and I may not know much about your profession, but... I've got a feeling that if I woulda ended up with a different physical therapist, I wouldn't be sitting here now, and...I know I wouldn't be smiling near as much."

Finishing the last bit of his ice cream, he licks the spoon a final time. "To tell you the truth... I've been tempted not to try so hard some days, 'cause I know once I'm on my feet, I'll be friendless again and I guess that's kind of a depressing thought."

Hearing the shriek, Justin gives a start. Glancing into the living room though, he sees that Beth is just fine and Danitza was still there. Since she seemed okay, Justin leaves her be, returning to his bagel and letting Beth decide when she wanted to get up. 

Joined in the kitchen just a few moments later, he smiles. "Well it must be the coffee you smell, unless you have a nose for a plain toasted bagel. I've got more if you want one or I've got eggs... there might be some bacon. Whatever you'd like. Oh, and there's some fruit juice, like always." 

Stepping towards her, he reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. She looked like she'd had a rough night, and he wished there was more he could do. "You doin' okay?" 

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