
Delightful Treat

Finally having Katie and Hunter arrive, Jeff gives her a big grin. "Hey, Kiddo."

Rolling his eyes at her, he huffs a sigh, but also does as he's told. Flopping down in the wheelchair a little harder than need be, he points to the door. "Onward. And frozen yogurt sounds fantastic. Just don't say it too loud or I'll get chided for eating something unhealthy."

Looking back over his shoulder as he's pushed down the hall, he glances to Hunter. "By the way, she's being awfully bossy. Is she like this with you too?"

"Oh, all the time," Hunter agrees quickly. "I can't get a word in edgewise most of the time. And when there's a pause, I've learned just to smile and nod." As a precautionary measure, he takes a step to the side, out of reach of any flying fists, should they be aimed at him.

Jeff laughs and reaches back over his shoulder to pat Katie's hand. "You know we love you."

"And frozen yogurt," Hunter adds.

"Yes that too. That's why we're not going to complain about bossiness anymore, 'cause other wise we might not get that delightful treat."

"The wha..."

Jeff shoots a look to the side, questioning the confusion.

"Oh, the yogurt." Hunter nods. "Right."

Catching the drift that there was something more there of which Jeff was unaware, he laughs again before shaking his head. "Get me out of here. It's a nuthouse."

Hunter smirks. "That's what that ranch of yours is."


"Yeah, apparently your family - at least the guys - wanted to see if they could get rid of me." Hunter stops at the elevator and presses the down button. "Mick had me riding Bonzai this morning and-"

"Bonzai? Are you kidding?" Jeff looks up at Katie. "You actually let them do that to this poor boy?"

"Ha!" Justin shakes his head at Beth's comment. "Well I'm glad you think I look alright. A whole lot of people would probably beg to differ."

Following her inside, he looks around at the partially painted living room. "Hey, it's looking good. I'm glad to know that when I'm not around, I'm replaced by a paint can."

He grins, having fun teasing her. "And I couldn't tell you over the phone where we're going because... well, I don't know where we're going," he admits. "I thought we'd drive around and pick a spot."

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