
Baby Blue

Once Jeff was settled into the wheel chair Katie starts to push him out of the room and down the hall. Listing to Jeff and Hunter go back and forth Katie can't help but laugh. The banter was kind of nice and hearing it gave the reassurance that Jeff liked Hunter too.

Hearing about the delightful treat and than Hunter's words that followed Katie's eyes got slightly wide before she busted out laughing. She couldn't help but find it slightly funny.

   "That's right, to never have a delightful treat again would be a tragity special when the spell had just been broken."

Looking to Hunter Katie gives a wink before continuing to push she dad. She new if anything more would be said they would probley embarrass both of themselves. Katie new her dad wouldn't understand the reference but that was more than likely a good thing.

   "Me...know about it. What if with both of you and thinking I had anything to do with this?"

Stepping onto the elevator with Jeff and Hunter Katie pushed the button before leaning against the wall and looking at them both. Her face was full of shock and amazement yet humor, and teasing.

   "You realize I want to keep Hunter around not drive him away right? The nerve of you guys."

Turning around to have her back to the guys Katie folds her arms over he chest acting like she was mad. But a smile spread across her lips and she watched the others reflection in the metal of the elevator. She couldn't help but mess around with them and it was nice to see her dad had a little of his humor back.

   "Well those people can just go suck an egg. I think you look dashing and really...thats all that matters right?"

Giving a smile and pulling the vase out from the cubored Beth fills it with a little bit of water and than the plant food that came with them. Than cutting the ends of each one she places them in the vase and arranges them nicely until she was satisfied.

   "These flowers really are very pretty. Thank you so much Justin I love them."

Coming around to the other side of the table where Justin was standing Beth slips her hand into his and gives a smile. Holding hands...so simple to some people, but to Beth it was a challenge and...she rather liked it. Letting her eyes give a twinkle she looks up at Justin and gives a nod.

   "I think I like that idea, drive and see where we come to. Worse comes to worse if we can't find something we like than we can just end up back here and cook. As long as I get to be in the car with you, I am happy."

Beth's face lite up so bight if it had been dark than maybe just maybe it lite up the room. She had much to smile about though. She was feeling great, she felt pretty, she had a very handsome boyfriend, and she was getting time to spend time with him. What more could a girl ask for.

   "So I was thinking baby blue for the bridesmaid dressed, and little baby breath for in there hair and that could match the little flowers in my hair. I like the idea of a light blue but I don't know if that would be to light or not and on top of that we don't want the whole thing to be TO fancy, but I'd like to have it a little bit. What do you think?"

Alice slides the book across the table to let Twila look at it. It was the only real girl that Alice was close to besides Karla and she was busy today with Kip. She was going to meet up with Kyle who new when but at the moment she just wanted a little girl time.

   "We really haven't even set a date yet and here I am planing. I just can't help it though I am to excited not to and to top it off I still have to pick how I want to fix the house up with Kyle and and...there are not enough hours in the day."

Sitting back in her chair Alice felt so out of breath from rambling she felt back for Twila having to listen to her. She was having fun though and she could only hope her friend was too. Planning a wedding again, making the day to come a special one it was important to her and she wanted it to be special for Kyle too.

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