

Trying to keep up with Hunter and seeing the rocks coming quickly Katie was thankful. It was a hard task to keep up with someone and laugh at the same time. Sinking down next to Hunter Katie could feel her lungs burning but in a way it felt kind of nice.

   "Something nice huh? Lets see..."

Katie brings a finger to her lips to think for a long moment about what to say. Though it really didn't take her long to come up with something letting Hunter just hang on seemed to be part of the fun.

   "Your funny, nice, good sense of a humor, and...your Hunter."

Seeing Dylan's grin it makes Ashlee's grow even larger. He tried to hide it but it slipped though anyways and she saw it. But she wouldn't bring to much attachen to it now least she embarrass him.

   "I have to say I've never seen her like this around someone before so I am not sure. You must be special Eric."


Stacy's face gets even more red at her daughters comment. Though she wasn't upset with her she was still embarrassed.

   "What Mom its the trust!!"

   "Well that might be true but you don't have to tell everyone."

Picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder Grace turns and gives a nod to him again. Smiling she was ready to drop her stuff off and head to the store to see what she could come up with. 

   "Tomrrow it is...we can do the food testing while we work on your legs."

Giving a knowing nod she heads for the door once again.

   "I'll see you bright and early." 

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