

Jared just shakes his head, still finding it hard to believe that Grace was being so kind. "I like to eat too... at least I think I do... I'm not sure after being in here for so long." 

He smirks but a smile breaks through. "I don't know why you're being so nice but... thanks. Sorta makes me forget about all my complaints for a while." 

His fingers fiddle with his blanket again. "So um... see you... tomorrow?" 

Stacy's comment makes Eric's eyes go huge until he laughs outright. Her slip of the tongue proved he wasn't the only one that sometimes spoke before thinking, and although his own cheeks were red, it was too funny not to laugh. 

"Hey, hey..." He interrupts her, knowing the kids were listening now. "That's not fair, changing the subject." He looks at Ashlee and winks. "Does she do this often?"

 Dylan hides a grin and keeps his eyes on the table. Seeing Eric and Stacy having fun like this was... different. But somehow, he liked it. 

"What?!" Hunter is late in taking off at a sprint behind Katie, caught off guard by her bluff. "Why you little..." 

Trying to catch up, at least his legs were longer than Katie's, bringing him up to her side. "Slow?" he pants. "Stick in the mud... scared... slow..." He pushes to keep up with her. "What is it with you anyway?!" 

Reaching the end of the beach neck-and-neck with Katie, Hunter slams into one of the rocks to bring the run to a sudden halt. Sinking down into the sand, he flops onto his back with his arms spread out wide and laughs, trying to catch his breath. "For all the... the insults..." He gasps for air. "You have to say at least...one thing nice now." 

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