

Being left in the room alone again Trey just continues to hold the paper. He didn't know what was to choose. He was being given freedom, something he wanted more than anything, a life outside this holding cell and for the first time, for the first time he was scared.

Reaching over to the phone on his night stand Trey takes a little paper out from under it that had Ariel's number on it. He wasn't sure if she was working or not today but he try calling anyways. He needed someone to talk to and...well...it always seemed easy with her even after he'd found out the whole thing was a set up.

   "Hey Ariel, I wasn't sure if you were working or not. Wondered if you wanted to grab a bit to eat or something. I...kinda need a friend to talk too."

Hanging up the phone Trey now wondered if Ariel would even call him back. He new things were far from perfect with them but  they were working on it. Would she be sad if he left? At one point Alec thought the answer would be yes but with everything that had went on...would she now?

Continuing to look down at Carson Misty gives another smile even though his eyes were closed. Sometimes she wished she could just run away too. When the stress became to much, when life just seemed to crazy Misty wouldn't have minded just getting away.

   "Maybe we should take a vacation and get away for a little while. Maybe a cruse, or a beach somewhere..."

The sound of a vacation did sound nice. Just getting away the two of them...just spending time with each other souly maybe thats what they both needed.

   "...Maybe thats what we both need."

Sitting in the chair next to the bed Ryan keeps her hand in Tal's. This was the position most people would find her in now adays. If she wasn't working she was sitting here with Tal, keeping her fingers locked with his so that if somewhere...deep down...he'd know he wasn't alone and he had someone fight for. 

Leaning her head back and closing her eyes Ryan felt so tired, but sleep only came in spirits. Feeling a movement on her hand Ryan's eyes fly open. Had she just dozed off and imagined that or had Tal's hand really moved. Getting up and moving to the edge of the bed Ryan looks down at him. With all her heart she wanted it to be true that Tal had just moved his hand. Even that would give her hope.

   "Tal...are you awake? Squeeze my hand again if you can...please sweety...I'm here."

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