

"Take all the time you need," Reese agrees. He wasn't going to push Trey one way or the other. It was totally up to him what to do. Reese had briefly discussed this with Angelica too, making sure she was okay with all this as well. After all, she'd been the one who had pushed for the Elite to offer protection in the first place. Now - it was time to move forward in whichever direction Trey chose. 

The comment about curfew makes Reese chuckle and he shakes his head. "No. No more curfew and no more babysitters. Although I have a feeling Pete will miss having you around." 

Nodding, he turns to leave. "When you make up your mind, let me know."

"I sure do." Carson offers Misty a smile, though it's a weary one. Letting his eyes fall shut again, he wishes to stop time and just remain like this. 

"Do you ever wish we were somewhere else?" he asks quietly. "Do you ever wish there was something more... something different?" Setting her free hand on his chest, his fingers stroke hers lightly. "I wanna run away." 

He swallows hard, suddenly finding it strangely difficult to control his feelings. It was a true rarity for him to become emotional at all, even when it was just him and Misty. Tears were something simply not shown. So they remain hidden even now, behind his closed eyes. "I wanna just take you and run where no one will ever find us." 

Days seem to all meld together in a hospital. Especially for those waiting for any news or change in a loved one's condition. Every minute drags on until time just doesn't seem to exist anymore. For the one lying motionless and quiet in the bed, time takes on a strange dimension, evolving into an odd mixture of dream, reality and thoughts that belong to neither world. 

Day two: No change. Eli and Ryan take turns working, sitting with Tal and taking care of Tal's dogs. Day three: Tal begins breathing on his own, allowing the doctors to remove the assistance of the machines. He remains asleep. Day four: Doctors are more positive about Tal's recovery. His lung is doing well, and his internal organs are functioning properly. Eli and Ryan continue their routine. Day five: All is quiet.

Tal's mind feels as though it's very far away. As if it has separated from his body to take an unplanned vacation, leaving him in a rather confused state. Where was he? Why did he feel as though his body was being restricted? He felt dizzy. In pain. There were strange sounds around him. Strange smells. He wants to see, but his eyes are so very heavy, as if he cannot even muster the strength to open them. But amidst the fear and confusion, there was a small spark of hope. Something warm. Something familiar. A hand. Ryan's hand, nestled in his own. His entire body felt immobile. But his fingers twitch. Slowly, they curl around Ryan's hand, giving it a weak squeeze.

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