

Pouring the finished coffee into a cup Beth pursed her lips for a second as she was quiet. Justin was still acting a little strange is it made her worry a little bit. Maybe it was just a bad day but Beth wasn't use to seeing that form Justin and she wasn't sure how she felt about it at all.

As the conversation changes Beth lets out a small breath not enough to bring notice to but just something she had been holding in. She was happy for the change and hopped maybe Justin's mood would be a little better.

"Don't have anything planned of yet. Would you like to make plans? Maybe we can do dinner and a move or something."

Looking up as Mick enters the barn Dan was a bit surprised when he tells him he wants to talk. Not saying anything though he just follows Mick into the tack room. Standing he just listens as Mick talks his eyes never leaving his.

Giving a nod of his head here and there to let Mick know he was listening some of what he said surprised him but in hearing everything it made him understand a little bit better. It filled a gap and gave Dan a better understanding on the whole situation. Once Mick was done Dan takes of his gloves he lets out a small breath moving his hat back a little bit and looking up at Mick in the eye again.

"Thank you Mick!"

Simple words but they meant a lot. Holding out his hand to Mick for a handshake he new nothing else really needed to be said. This would speak louder than words and mean so much more. And Dan really was thankful for Mick's words.

Finishing up with breakfest and hearing Dylan was back Ashlee makes her way across the yard and to his bunk. She was going to help Eric again today but not till a little bit later. Now though she could see her friend she really had missed. She only hopped he was in his bunk. Getting up the steps she gives a knock on the door waiting a few moments before knocking again.

"Dylan? It's Ash are you in there?"

Leaving the bar Trey leans on the building trying to gain his balance. He'd come here tonight to forget but this time it hadn't worked. Being intoxicated only made it worse this time around and Ariel was the one on his mind. His anger, his sarrow, he wanted to see her he didn't want to see her it was all a mess.

Hearing the bar door open again Trey still leans on the wall but turns twords the door as a taller more bawd man leave. Giving a nod Trey pushes off the wall and holds out his hand.

"Whos new meeting yoursh at the beachs...." hic "...I'd see you heresh too Samsh."

Sam raises and eyebrow and shakes his head. He didn't know Trey was going to be here tonight but as soon as he saw him Trey had come right over starting to babble about something he didn't even understand. It was clear he'd been drinking before he had even got there.

"Yeah...so...you still wanted that ride to Ariel's or are you going to walk since its not far from here?"

Trey lays a hand on his shoulder and gives a strange kind of smile.

"I'll...walk. It might not besh pretty. Shanks Shammy."

Turning around and staggering Trey walks down the sidewalk in the direction he though he remembered was the way to Ariel's. He didn't know why he wanted to go there, maybe to yell some more, maybe he didn't want to be alone anymore.

..Going slightly slower because he was drunk and hardly could stand up Trey squints looking at the apartment he was directed too making sure this was the right place. Going up to the door and giving it a bang Trey shouts at the same time.

"Ariels....ARIEL...open the door woshda. I ju....I...I ju...wanna talks..."

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