

Justin perks up a little. "Yeah - both those sound great. I can't make you do all the work for supper again though, so either I cook or we go out."

Sitting up again, he stares at his rack of DVDs. "But you get to pick the movie. Anything you want."

Hearing the knock at the door and Ashlee's voice, Dylan jumps. Muttering a curse under his breath, he clears the contents on his nightstand into the drawer, shoving it closed. "Yeah, hang on," he calls.

Sliding off the bed, he tucks in his white t-shirt and rolls down the sleeve of his open flannel shirt. It would probably be a little warm for it today, but he'd rather not risk someone noticing the marks and putting two and two together. In the back of his mind, he knew it was stupid to try and hide his renewed addiction, but shame wouldn't allow him to expose the truth yet.

Padding to the door in his bare feet, he pauses for a moment, glancing over to the mirror on the opposite wall. Though having showered and put on clean clothes, he knew good and well that he did not look the same as he had when he'd left. Would Ashlee notice? He wondered. What did she want anyway? Who knew what she'd been told about him? Did Stacy even want her seeing him? What did Ashlee think of him now?

He sighs. There was no point in putting this off.

Finally opening the door partway, he leans against the doorframe, tucking his hands in his jeans pockets. Dan had said Ashlee had missed him - was it true? He had to admit, he'd kind of missed her hanging around and wanting to do things with him.

He bites his lower lip, searching the girl's face. His own expression was hesitant. "Hi."

Mick looks at Dan's hand for a moment before reaching out to accept it in a strong handshake. His free hand gives the younger man's shoulder a firm pat. There was nothing else that needed to be said. "Now lets get back to work before someone thinks we're shirking our duties."


Sitting on the couch in the small living room, Ariel jumps from Colt's cry coming from the bathroom. "What is it?" she shouts. "What's wrong?!"

"I told you Slinky hates me!"

Ariel stifles a laugh. "Well why did you let him in there with you?"

"I didn't know he was here! Stupid cat attacked me!"

Ariel can't keep her laughter in now and she flops back onto the cushions, hugging a throw pillow.

"I heard that!"

She calms to a giggle. "Well, are you alright?"

"Fine, fine. My big toe may never be the same again though."

"There's bandaids in the cabinet." Ariel grins and reaches up to scratch Cinder's chin. Her five cats certainly made life interesting. "See?" she calls. "Now you know why I moved out - so I could live in peace with my furry friends."

"Yeah, well I think you've just taught them to have it out for me." Colt emerges from the bathroom in his clean jeans and t-shirt, his hair still glistening wet.

Ariel sits up and peers over the back of the couch, her eyes twinkling. "Maybe. But you're the one that begged to come use my shower."

"I can't help it that they're fixing the plumbing at my place." Colt flops down beside her on the couch and reaches to pull on his socks.

"Mmm. I wouldn't have wanted you to go another day without a shower." Ariel scrunches up her nose. "You do smell better now than you did at supper."

Colt smirks and runs a hand through his hair then flicks the drops of water in her direction.

She shrieks playfully and swats him with a throw pillow.

Colt is about to retaliate when the sudden banging on the door and shouting ceases the playing.

Ariel's eyes widen. "That sounds like Trey."

"Trey? Who's Trey?"

Her cheeks flush.

Colt lifts an eyebrow. "The guy."

Ariel stands up without answering him and goes to the door. Unlocking it, she opens it cautiously. One glance at Trey and she knew he was in poor shape. She didn't know whether to be sad, mad or scared. The sudden presence of Colt's hand on her shoulder calms her, though.

She furrows her brow at Trey, not understanding why he was here or what he wanted to talk about. But if it had anything to do with earlier, she didn't want to turn him away. She steps back, opening up the door wider. "Come in, Trey. I'm here to talk about whatever you want."

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