
Tantalizing Kiss

Seeing Carson come out Misty gives a smile. Though it was a bit odd he had his jacket and hat on in the middle of the day her question was confirmed before even asked. That was sweet he was going to come and see her instead.

"I though a surprise would be nice today since I had a little time. From what Dani tells me you might need a little of that."

Hearing the bell on the door tingle Misty doesn't even bother to turn around. It was the normal in a place like this and she didn't care who saw her with Carson. Giving a nod to Carson's question Misty puts her arm around him in a hug before pulling away.

"I'm starving. How about I help you make one of those pizzas your famous for?!"

Answering the phone and hearing Liz was visiting Jess smiles. It didn't bother her at all that she would be joining them for lunch. The more the merrier.

"Hey! Well since you got Liz I can meet you guys. I've been having a craving all day for Chinese since Terry came in with some. How about I meet you at the little place around the corner from the auto shop?"

Looking out the window two little eye peered out at Mick as he swayed back and forth slightly on the porch. Rosetta being back in the bedroom turning down the bed had not yet heard the creaking of the swing out front. But someone else had who should have been in bed hours ago.

Opening the door to go outside BJ emerges and walks slowly over to where Mick was sitting. Not saying anything he pulled himself up and cuddled in close to Mick. The boy might not be Mick and Rosetta’s flesh and blood but he loved them more than anything. Each of the members of the ranch could be seen in this small child who was growing so quickly.

Sitting up straight for a moment BJ gives Mick a kiss on the cheek than returns his head to his chest. The child might not have known exactly what was going on but maybe he could feel something was off.

“I love you!"

Before to long BJ’s breath became a little more shallow as the event from his own day caught up to him and he was fast asleep on Mick.

Finally hearing the porch Rosetta steps outside and gives a smile seeing Mick and BJ together. It really was a warm scene to see how they had taken to each other. Coming over to the swing Rosetta sits down moving close to Mick and BJ but doing her best not to wake the sleeping child.

“I tried getting him to sleep four times and had no luck, you come home and he’s out like a light.”

Rosetta gives a smile searching his face. She could see he was tired, and so torn over the whole Dylan situation even if he hadn’t said it. She could only imagine how much he was hurting inside.

“Are you going to be ok Hun?”

Taking JT's hand in her own Amanda stands up and brushes herself off. For a moment looking deep in to JT's eyes it would see she got lost. The sun just reflected off them in this moment and make them so bright. Shaking it off Amanda's cheeks turn a little red.

"I think a walk sounds nice."

Amanda felt comfortable, relaxed, and not quite as awkward with JT now. Maybe it just took those few times to get it out of there system and make them comfortable. Now though it felt like that had been doing this all along.

Having Gunner go for her neck Bree lets out a little squeal as she tries to push him away playfully. Whenever he did that it tickled and sometimes she just couldn't hold it in. Squiggling and squirming Bree continues to wriggle free. Finally being able too she rolls away from Gunner.

"Thanks now fair you know."

Rolling back twords him through she plops herself back in his lap pinning his arms down so he can't tickle her. Leaning in she brushes her lips across his before drawing away a little and smiling.

"You not the only one aloud to give tantalizing kisses you know."

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