

Grinning, Carson returns Misty's hug, keeping his arms around her even after she'd retreated. "Pizza huh? You mean what I just cleaned up off the floor in there? Yeah, I'm real famous for that." Pulling her back close, he plants a long kiss on her lips.

"Oy. Carson!" Dani chides him from behind the counter. "Customers?"

Carson draws back and smirks at his sister. "They don't care. And if they do, they can take their business elsewhere." He finally lets Misty go but tosses Dani a wink. "You're just jealous anyway."

Dani quirks an eyebrow. "Of what? I can get a kiss on my lunch break too, ya know."

"Only if you have a step stool."


He puts a finger to his lips. "Shhh... customers."

Dani's eyes narrow and she shakes her dish towel at him. "Go make your pizza."

"Right." Carson heads back towards the kitchen. "Pizza." He holds open the kitchen door for Misty. "Go ahead and figure out what you want on your pizza. I gotta make a quick call."

"Chinese sounds great." Axel nods as he walks. "See you in a few minutes." After ending the call, he nods to Liz. "Looks like we can walk if you don't mind."

"Not a bit!"

...Meeting Jess for lunch, the three quickly find a table and order, enjoying small talk. Liz fills in Axel a little bit more about Jason, and chats with Jess too, asking about her job and the like.

By the time the food was almost gone, the atmosphere was such that it felt like neither of the three wanted to end the nice lunch break. Liz, though, did have more on her mind, evident from the way she bit her bottom lip and looked across the table. "Hey, Axel? You know how we've been in town a little while and... well... could I..." She stops and shakes her head. "Never mind."

Axel quirks an eyebrow. "No, what is it?"

"Um, well... I don't know. I just thought maybe Dad could use some alone time with all that's been going on. We've been sharing a hotel room. But..."

A little grin appears on Axel's face, his eyes twinkling slightly. "If you want a place to bunk down for a night, just say so."

Liz giggles. "Yeah, okay." She knew Axel well enough to know she didn't need to beat around the bush. She did know his history though, and didn't want to make him uncomfortable having people see a young woman staying at his place.

Axel can read the look on her face all too well. "I'm fine with it, you know." He tosses her a wink, his leg bumping Jess' under the table. "Who can complain about a guy inviting his sister over?"

Liz smiles broadly. "Only the crazy ones. Is tonight okay or is that too soon?"

"Naw, that's fine. Gives me just enough time to get the dirty dishes in the sink and pick my socks up off the floor."

Liz shakes her head. "If I know you, your dishes and laundry are clean." Her eyes glance to Jess. "Is he still neat and tidy as ever?"

Axel's hand slips over and covers up Jess' mouth. "Just nod and smile, honey."

Mick was surprised to have BJ join him - the tyke should have been in bed by now. He doesn't chide, though. Instead, he allows the boy to join him on the swing, and puts his arm around him so he can settle in. Receiving the kiss to the cheek, he gives BJ a squeeze. "I love you, too." Moments like these reminded him that soon BJ would grow out of the need for cuddling with his daddy. Even now, it was growing less and less as the boy grew older and wanted to do more things on his own. Though only eight, it was obvious he was trying to be more grown up every day. It was good though and Mick encouraged him. Even so, to have BJ come to him like this sometimes still felt nice.

Settling back, it was only a few minutes later that Rosetta appeared and joined him as well. He grins a little and shakes his head. "Sorry. He just plopped down and was out." He looks down to the sleeping form under his arm. "I think it would take an earthquake to wake him up at this point."

Sighing deeply, it takes Mick a moment or two to answer Rosetta's question. He finally nods though. "Yeah... yeah, I'll be okay." He searches her eyes, trying to reassure her. At the moment, he felt incredibly low. But yeah... he'd be okay eventually. "Just trying to figure out where I went wrong I guess."

"Good." JT smiles and keeps hold on Amanda's hand as they walk slowly around the pond. "You know, there's only one bad thing about this whole camping trip," he muses. "Bree and Vamp are never gonna let us live it down that they had to drag us here so we'd have a good time."

He laughs and shakes his head. "But I guess it's worth it."

Letting Bree take control, Gunner grins and returns her kiss only to have it end too quickly. One eyebrow rises. "You, my friend, are not playing fair."

Using muscle to free one of his arms, he slips his hand behind her head to pull her in gently, but not letting go. "It's done like this."

Kissing her on the lips again, this time he holds her still to make it last longer before finally his own smile breaks it. "There. See?"

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