
Please Hush

Beth looks to Lydia and than to Jared as she searches his face. There was something there, something she could see but putting her finger on it was hard and finding the words to describe it were even harder. Beth could feel a small burst of courage inside her where it came from she herself couldn't even figure it out. Maybe it was the acusations that Jared threw at her about Justin. No matter though she kept calm.

"Maybe Lydia should make the desition if she is ready or not herself. I hear you saying tell Justin this and that for your mother but she's not saying it. So if you don't mind please hush so I can talk with your mother and not you."

Looking back to Lydia Beth gives another smile her eyes were calm, even a little timid. It took alot for her to come here and she had to put alot of feelings aside to do so. She didn't want to leave with out at lease having Justin's mom understand. She new a little bit about what Justin had told her about Jared and Beth couldn't help but feel as though he was doing all the desition making for Lydia and not her herself.

Hearing the offer of tea and some cookies Beth wasn't all that hungry but this was a good opportunity to stay and not be forced to leave yet. She couldn't turn up the opportunity. Giving a smile and a small nod Beth sits a little straighter.

"Some ice tea sounds great, and I'd love to try your cookies. Justin always told me about how good of a cook you are. Now I can tell for myself but I have no doubt that what he says it true and you are. Even if you are his mother I doubt he would lie at all about you."

Looking around the kitchen and taking everything in again Beth could always pin point everything that she could see the same here that was in Justin's house too. He got his sense of style from he mother that was for sure. Everything was so neat though, and organized well.

"Justin's really a good guy. I think you raised a really good son Lydia. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be standing here today. He helped me break out of my shell and show me there is so much in life, and I had everything to live for. Before that I just moved through my days like a zombie. He's really good at his job and he loves to help people, even if he does have some faults, we all do that seem to come out more when taunted or prompted."

Taking the cookie that was placed in front of her Beth gives another smile and takes a bit of the cookie. It almost seemed to melt in her mouth it was so soft, and lots of flavor. Now she new what Justin had said was the truth and where he got his ability to cook.

"Oh wow, this is really good. I think its even better than the cookies my mom use to make."

Leaning forward again at her desk Angelica thinks for another moment about what Reese had said. Maybe if they could get Alec to think about the others that he cared about and how this might jeopardize them as well.

"I think...there is still part of him who cares very much for those he loves or else he wouldn't have told Dalton to make sure they were safe. I think we could use any of them Gage, Misty, Ryan, or anyone else he named he would definitely go along with it."

Looking down at her desk and the paper work along with the notes she had gotten from Reese, Justin, and Dalton on what Alec told them it was clear that he was messed up, and maybe wanted to be where he was but the good Alec was not gone.

"Alec might have going to the bad side again, but that doesn't mean the good doesn't exists in the dark corner. We just need to pull it out...kicking and screaming if we have too."

Giving a little laugh Michaela looks around the strage for a moment as everyone was working. They all looked content still even if cleaning up might not be the best thing but they were having fun.

Looking back at Rocky she cocks her head for a moment searching his face. It might have been silly to come here but she was happy she had. There was a light about him, a peace in his eyes something she had been searching in a friend for a long time.

"How can someone ever turn down pizza? I might not know everyone but I am pretty good at just fitting in. I'd like to go to pizza with you."

Setting her bag down on the stage and hopping up on the edge before standing again Michaela brings her hands to her side and taps a little bit. Maybe she could help? With what she wasn't sure but maybe she could do something.

"Need help with anything?"

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