
Better this way

Told to hush, Jared's one eyebrow rises and his head tilts, able to say, "Excuse me?" without verbalizing it. His shoulders square more as he looks at Beth, a grin of amusement creasing his lips.

Lydia is a little surprised as well, but no offense was taken on her part. Instead, she almost seems glad that Beth had the guts to tell Jared to be quiet. Happy that she took the offer for something to eat and drink, she hurries to the refrigerator for the tea and quickly gathers some cookies on a plate to offer to her guest. All the while, Jared just watches, remaining silent and analyzing the situation. Beth was speaking pretty highly of Justin - which wasn't unusual... people usually liked Justin, even if he did have some strange quirks.

Before Lydia is quite finished getting the little snack, Jared walks past the counter where Beth was sitting, and puts a hand on her shoulder. He leans down closer to her ear to speak quietly enough that Lydia couldn't hear him. "Justin won't win. I'm too good at these games." Without giving her time to respond, he slips away into the adjoining room. He couldn't be seen, but that didn't mean he wasn't listening.

Once Beth was given the tea and cookies and Lydia takes her own high seat across from her, Beth's compliment brings a new smile to her face as she beams. "I have cooked all my life - ever since I was a little girl. I always dreamed of opening my own bakery or restaurant but..." She shrugs and still smiles. "God wanted me to be a mother and stay at home with my boys. So I did. Then when I was on my own after my husband died, I didn't have many choices."

She had gotten her own tea and takes a sip before cocking her head at Beth. She bites her lip, unsure how to revert back to the other topic. "So... so Justin, he's... he's okay then? I was so used to seeing him or talking to him almost every day. I miss him but... but when he hit Jared... it changed things. And... and I found out he really didn't want to be so responsible for me anymore. So... maybe things are better this way. I never meant to be a burden to him."

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