
Past or Future

Still sitting on the bed with her brother she looks down at his knee and cringes just a little bit hearing about his fall. She'd slipped on ice before and knows it never a good feeling. She'd never been injured by it but had been left sore. Thinking about twisting a knee or anything else on top of hurt just thinking about it.

Just continuing to listen to her brother as he talked Rosetta could see the very sad longing look in his eye and it broke her heart. She'd known her brother had always felt out of place here and than being on the road had been his out to feel like he belonged some where.

As Eric's hand comes up and Rosetta see his finger a peace of her heart chipped off more. Hearing his words about them getting what they wanted sent another pain through her heart. This is not what they wanted, and even if many they saw this coming she could almost guess everyone hoped they were wrong. But knowing now there fears had come true it hurt so very much.

Not saying anything right away Rosetta moves up on the bed a little closer to her brother. Reaching out for him she wraps her arms over him and just holding for a long moment as she leans her head on against his a little. He's been so happy her heart broke now for him.

"Oh Eric, this is not a wish I wanted to come true at all. I am so sorry for everything you've gone through. You can stay here as long as you need to and than some. This is your home you know that. I love you no matter what."

She new he was probably feeling low right now but she wanted him to know this was his home and just because they had that silly fight didn't change the fact that she loved her brother. Sometimes people fell down and she wasn't about to kick him and tell him to get out just because of it. Goodness only new she'd done it enough in her own life too.

"From what Eli says you head is already big."

A smile spread across Ryan face as she looks up at Tal but doesn't move her head from his shoulder. She liked teasing him just a little it was fun, and she new he could take it. Just continuing to look up at him Ryan takes in Tal's eyes and can't help the smile that grew bigger across her lips. It was nice being here with Tal. So comfortable, and it just...felt good.

Moving her head a little again to look back at the tv once more Ryan focus on the movie but comfort for how she was sitting right now seemed to over rule she want to see the movie and before she new it she'd fallen asleep right in Tal's arms.

Letting her smile grow even more again Ashlee was happy to at least not have Dylan tell her out right no she couldn't sit with him. In his own way he was saying that he'd like that and it made her feel good.

Looking over at him again Ashlee's eyes search him for a long why. He really was good looking, and he'd said in so many words she could sit with him. She couldn't help but let her heart beat a little faster in her chest.

"Well, I guess I better go get something to eat. It was good seeing you again."

Standing and brushing her pants off Ashlee sticks her hands in her pockets before walking down the steps. Getting to the bottom she turns and looks back at Dylan again before moving forward once more.

"It's not about what happened in the past, or what you think might happen in the future. It's about the ride. There is no point in going through all this crap, if your are not going to enjoy the ride. And you know what... when you least expect something great might come along. Something better then you even planned for. So, maybe sometime try and set you own trend, you never know who might follow along."

Giving a wink Ashlee turns again and makes her way across the lawn. Not going to fast so she could just enjoy the nice air. Her head moving from side to side as she took everything in along the way.

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