

Having Rosetta hug him, Eric didn't respond at first. But slowly, he returns her hug, his head going to her shoulder. A deep sigh follows as he tries to believe her words. He was so sorry... he felt so stupid... and he knew he was depressed over the whole thing. Tears enter his eyes but he holds them back. He'd cried enough by himself - he didn't need to do that in front of Rosetta too.

Pulling back, he's brave enough to look her in the eye. "Thanks. I know there's plenty else you could say but... thanks for not making me feel any more an idiot than I already do."

He sighs again before glancing to the window then back. "I think... I'll see the others tomorrow. I haven't had a good night sleep in a few weeks and I should probably keep my leg up a while." He knew that Rosetta would tell at least Mick about all this... and maybe he'd prefer it that way so he wouldn't have to repeat his story as many times.

"I, um... I'll see you tomorrow too." He didn't want to dismiss his sister, but there wasn't a whole lot else he could say right now. He might talk more about this at another time, but right now... right now, he just wanted to rest and forget for a few hours until the sun came up again.

Dylan cocks his head and though he doesn't respond to Ashlee, he does watch her as she leaves. For a kid, she seemed to have some pretty deep things to say. Or at least he took them that way. Whether she knew it or not, she was making him think. Sometimes he didn't like that but... he was pretty sure she didn't mean any harm, and she didn't seem the type to want him to feel stupid or tell him what to do. She just seemed... to innocently share her thoughts.

Still watching her, he leans his head against the porch railing. He didn't want to assume anything, but he wondered if maybe she liked him in a kid sort of way. He guessed he didn't mind. She seemed nice enough. And hey... if he got a friend out of this whole thing, that would be one less reason to be irritated with Stacy's presence, right? Ashlee was pretty smart though... and Dylan wasn't. Or at least he didn't think he was. When she found that out, would she really want to be spending time with him? Then again, she was the one talking about enjoying the ride. If she really had that perspective, maybe she saw him as a new kind of adventure.

Shaking his head, Dylan finally gets up to take his dishes inside. He'd return them to the dining hall to wash them in the morning. Or...

He turns and looks to the dining hall. After a moment, he steps down off his porch. Maybe he'd take his dishes back now and say hi to Dan while he was there.

Eli wanders into the dim apartment and throws his keys off to the side before shedding his jacket. Ambling into the living room, he's about to loudly proclaim his entrance just to annoy his sister, but as he sees Tal look his way and put a finger to his lips, he stops.

Coming closer, more carefully, he cocks his head, then grins. Ryan looked so comfortable and peaceful, curled up on Tal's lap. "How long she been out?" he whispers.

Tal grins. "Almost a whole movie ago."

Eli chuckles softly. "I thought you woulda been gone home by now."

"I didn't have the heart to move her."

Eli smiles and shakes his head. "If she ever finds out how badly she's got you wrapped around her little finger, she'll-"

"Probably just wrap me around another one."

Eli laughs again. "You big softy."

Tal just grins. "I do need to get home... but I didn't want to move her until you were here... didn't want her waking up to a quiet house."

"Awww." Eli bats his eyes. "You're too sweet."

"And you're a pain in the butt."

"I am. But you have to admit I'm pretty good at it."

Tal just smirks, even though humor twinkles in his eyes. Looking down at Ryan, he knew he really did need to leave. Poor Holly hadn't been let out since this afternoon. Keeping one arm around Ryan while slipping the other under her legs, he easily stands up while keeping her in his arms. "Her room is down the hall, right?" he whispers.

"Yeah." Eli thumbs towards the hallway. "After the bathroom."

Tal nods and heads in that direction. Getting to her bedroom, he nudges the door open with his foot, then carries her to her bed. Setting her down gently so her head was on a pillow, he squints in the dark to find a blanket and pull it up over her. His hand brushes her cheek and he leans down to kiss her forehead. "Goodnight, Ryan," he says softly. "Sweet dreams."

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