
Everything ok

Coming out into the waiting area Ryan caught sigh of Tal. She felt a little bad it had taken longer than she expected and he had waited. Now she was done thought and she hoped if it was a new auto shop he was looking for this wouldn't hinder him from coming back here.

"Well it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed. A blow gasket, and your catalytic converter needed to be replaced. Not much damage was done to it so it was fairly simple. I'm just going to need to you to sigh this paper, and than Leo can ring you out once he is done doing up the paper work."

Holding out the clipped with the slip of paper on it saying that he agrees to the repairs that needed to be done along with a pen Ryan study's him once again. She'd never had someone wait more than a hour for there car. It was kind of odd but she really didn't think it was a bad thing but it still made her feel worse that it took so long. Giving a small little smile so at least she didn't look like a sourpuss Ryan cocks her head just a little bit.

"Sorry it took so long and you had to wait."

Getting under the covers and waiting for Mick to come tuck him in BJ snuggled in. Once Mick entered the room the big smile returned on the small boys face. Hearing Mick's question BJ's smile gets even bigger as he nods his head.

"Ya..I liked having Dylan over and playing cards. I even got to stay up late. Can we do it tomorrow too with Dylan and Jade?"

Waiting for Mick's answer BJ gives a big yawn and rubs his eyes. It had been an hour later than he normally stayed up and he was tired but sleep was far from the little boys mind as he tried to fight it so he could hear Mick's reply.

Sitting at her desk and trying to catch up a little on her work Katie glances at the clock. It was almost time for lunch with Jason and she couldnt wait really. It had been a crazy say and she needed a break for sure.

Going back to her work only a few seconds later does she feel Troopers wet nose on her arm and his whimper that followed. Not thinking anything of it as first Katie just ignores him till he pulls on her shirt. What had gotten into him.

J, you know Reese is gonna have a fit that Trooper it out without you!

Not getting a reply Katie searched the emotions but was only met with a peace. Trying to focus a little more she trys again.

J...is everything ok?

Still getting nothing Katie stands. She couldn't feel anything wrong but something didn't seem right either and Trooper seemed to be acting strange on top of it. Giving a low whistle for Trooper to follow Katie makes her way back to Jason office entering. Seeing him laying on his desk her heart races as she goes over to him. Giving him a shake Katie sets the emotions aside for a moment and uses her own voice.

"J...wake up...are you ok?"

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