

Jason offers Katie a smile and a reassuring wink. "Rick always finds away. He's too bullheaded not to." Inside, he had his doubts, but staying positive right now was a must.

"Few years from now, we'll look back on this and laugh about how our vacation was ruined by this silly thing again." He wriggles her hand. "You should make time to be with your family like you planned. I'll be okay here."

Sweeping the main floor, Ty had his headphones on and wasn't paying a whole lot of attention when Ryan approaches. Startled, he takes off his headphones and looks at her with surprise. It wasn't usual that someone appeared here at this time of night. Hal must have seen her on the security cameras, but she wasn't anyone they needed to be on alert for.

Ty nods that she got his name right. "Yeah. I remember you." He was a little leery at this point. No one ever came to see him. As she stands back and studies him for a moment, he looks her straight in the eye, unafraid while anyone was on his turf. There was something odd in her eye... he wasn't quite sure what it was, but he could imagine she was going through a little bit right now with the whole Alec thing.

Even though his mind did think of Alec, Ty is still surprised at Ryan's request. Putting aside his broom and setting his glasses up on his head, he folds his arms, his turn to study her. He'd helped people before - sometimes to his demise. What Ryan was asking was pretty serious - Ty's first responsibility would be to report it. The Agency was nothing to play around with and Reese would have a cow if he knew Ty helped Ryan get in. On the other hand, Ty couldn't blame her for wanting to find out more. Unfortunately, he knew that she probably didn't yet know the latest.

"First off, just so you know, Reese is looking into things and trying to get Alec back. They're not just letting him go and washing their hands of him." He shrugs. "They don't want him leaking information, first off, but if you knew Reese, you'd know he cares and wants to find out what really went wrong. Second..."

He pauses and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He knows he shouldn't be the person telling Ryan this. She probably shouldn't know any of this at all - for that, he could get into trouble. But if it was Libby that had gone off the deep end, he'd want to know, and he wasn't going to keep Ryan in the dark.

"They did find Carson's car this evening, abandoned along a highway. They, um... they know that Alec is traveling with a woman." He searches Ryan's eyes, letting that sink in first. "They think it's someone he was with before, from the Agency." He purses his lips, thinking about which words to choose. "And they do know that... it's not just a business relationship. They're without a doubt intimately involved and right now the Elite is trying to track them down and find out their plan."

Ty cocks his head. "I want to help you, Ryan... I can understand your frustration. Give me some time, and I'd be able to get you in under the Elite radar. But first I gotta know... in light of this new information... do you still want to find him?"

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