
Think you can

Once Rick was gone does Katie realize she had been holding her breath and finally lets it out. Jason was...slowly dieing? The thought seemed to hit her hard and almost stun her. Her best friend, the man she loved was...dieing? Rick could find a cure though right?

Looking back to Jason Katie's face was weary, and her eyes were sad. How could she deal with the thought of losing Jason? It hurt a great deal, and she was only happy that Jason couldn't feel her right now or it might upset him more than he already might be.

"I'd rather you didn't have this excuse for staying in bed."

Tightening her hand on Jason's just a little she looks down at it for a long moment. There fingers locked seeming not to be separated by any strength. Only now to be threatened once again.

"Rick is going to find this J. He and Misty will find a way, I just know it. They have to."

Pulling into the TJY parking lot Ryan sits in her car for a long moment just thinking. She'd went for a drive, she'd driven fast, and yet...she couldn't get her mind off getting to the bottom of the whole Alec thing. Something wasn't right she just new and she had to find out what happened. Even if that meant going into the lion's den.

Heading into TJY and down the steps Ryan new only a few people would be there still. Coming through the door that lead to the main floor Ryan scanned the area still she saw the one she had been looking for. Walking over to him Ryan sticks her hands in her pockets cocking her head just a little bit.

"It's Ty right?"

Ryan new about Ty a little from Alec and while here once she had met him. He seemed like an ok guy that might be willing to help her. He go to stay here at night alone anyways. He had all the time to try and find something for her.

"I think we met once before. Ryan McKade. Listen I was hopping maybe you could help me out with something."

Leaning aganst the wall for a long moment Ryan's eyes searched Ty's. She held her strong air, and her tough skin but deep in her eyes there was sadness. Maybe she wouldn't say it aloud but she was hurt, sad and angry.

"Recintly my boyfriend Alec has gone missing. Reese and Carson thing he went back to the Agency but that doesn't add up. They wont look into it, and I can't let it go. So I wanted you to get me any information on how one might get in contact with the Agency for me so I can do so and find Alec. No one will know it was you who gave me the information because I wont say a word. So think you can help me?"

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