
You know!

Giving a little nod to Jason Destiny disapears again for a moment before grabbing her purse. Just standing in her room again the wave washed over her of wanting to be alone, or go out alone, and just cope alone. Destiny hated her feelings and how they went on and off and on again. She had already said she was going thought so she might as well go.

Jason cared about her Destiny new that, she could see it in his eye. She didn't mean to make him worry but she couldn't help how she was feeling either. To be close to someone, yet to push them away.

Exiting the room again and coming into the living room Destiny lets out a sigh and gives a small nod. She was ready, to at least try and have a little fun, or escape her own mind.

"Ok, I'm ready this is all I need."

Heading out of the house Destiny knows the rutean and waits for Jason to saw it was ok before stepping out before him. Though she still though maybe someone would step along side her it didn't happen and she let out a small sigh. It was different now, just...not the same.

Getting into the truck and bucking herself in Destiny leans her head against the seat. Waiting for Jason to get in and start driving. Turning her head a little bit to look at Jason Destiny doesn't move her head from the seat.

"I'm not being stubborn about not having a bodyguard. It's just the Agency is always going to be after me, and I can't have a bodyguard forever. So I might as well deal with it sooner than later."

Feeling Axel behind her while she looked into the fridge. Feeling the kiss on her cheek, and neck and cheek again Jess gives a little giggle as it tickle sending chills up and down her spine. Axel seemed more affectionate tonight not that she minded at all.

Closing the fridge and slipping around so Axel's arms where still around her but she was now facing him Jess smile was bright as her eyes sparkles even more. Leaning in and bringing her lips to his she lets she passion and love for him show deeping it a little more than normal. Finally pulling away she gives a small nod.

"You don't need anything more..."

She leans in for a kiss on this time one his cheek. Than she moves back a little more to his ear giving it a light kiss letting her lips linger just a little bit a whisper escaping.

"...everything you have is perfect."

Drawing away and looking into his eyes for a moment Jess places a kiss on his lips again before biting her own lip a little shyly before speaking again.

"I saw saw popcorn in your cupboard we can have that and some juice while watching the movie."

Continuing to watch Quinn even as he was talking to himself, stopping and starting again, and just having a long stair Anastasia just studys him. It was so easy to see the term oil in his eyes, his heart, and how broken maybe it was being right there.

Thinking to herself about maybe inviting Quinn to stick around a little longer Anastasia could hear her Uncles voice in her head. He's warn her to be safe, and not to trust everyone but something about Quinn told her he was ok.

"Well I don't know about a pointer but I know a great coffee place. We could sit and pour our heart out to a friend, a friend we might never see again about that dark cloud that lays deep in out soul."

Anastasia gives a smile not knowing if Quinn would take her up on it or not. She'd go to the coffee shop herself for a little while and to have company would be nice. If she could help Quinn to or at least remove some of the brick from his back than it was worth it.

"Ha, I guess we don't even have to talk just having someone sit having coffee with me would be nice. "


There had to be a reason... maybe that's what scared Quinn the most.

"Can't I live in a dream world for one night?" he asks aloud. His eyes drift back to his glass of soda, not really having meant to sound as pensive as he had.

Looking back up to Anastasia, he grins a little. "Let's just hope the reason was just a good glass of cherry coke and nothing more." Lifting his glass, he gives a toast. "To a relaxing evening... good soda and... to Elvis, may he rest in silent peace."

Winking at her, he sips his pop then scans the room. He didn't feel like going back to the hotel, but this place wouldn't be open all night. He felt like he wanted a continual distraction, and he knew exactly why. He'd been fighting thinking about Axel all evening, and it wasn't any easier now. Going back to the hotel just meant more time to think, and think was what he didn't want to do. His eyes find their way back to Anastasia's, finding them even a little brighter than before. Or maybe he was just noticing them more.

Opening his mouth, he's ready to shoot her a smart comment about being here, or reasons or something, but his heart that was so heavy underneath it all that it just didn't feel possible right now. He'd been ignoring his real feelings around Anastasia all this time, but he was growing tired, and when that happened, his walls grew weaker.

Forcing a chuckle, he shakes his head, realizing he'd been silent, on the verge of saying something, and keeping her waiting. "Sorry. Brain thing, ya know?" Sipping his pop again, he finds that he's reached the ice. Staring down into it, he fought his emotions tooth and nail. Why suddenly it was so hard, he wasn't even sure.

But God's hand at work often goes unrealized until after the fact. Reasons... that's what it was all about.

Reasons... and Quinn didn't want to know, other than leaving town in a day or two... because the reasons for his stumbling on that woman today with the dogtags were what tormented his thoughts now.

Blinking, Quinn shifts in his chair, feeling warm all of a sudden as he realizes he's lapsed into strange silence again. "Guess I'm more tired than I thought." He forces another laugh. "Or maybe someone spiked my coke." He thumbs over to "Elvis." "Never know in a place like this," he teases.

Shaking the ice around, he finally sets his glass aside. "Well, Princes... looks like my reason for coming here has run dry. Unless you've got another pointer for this late hour."

Axel groans as he's pulled up from the couch, but he follows Jess to the kitchen anyway, even if his feet drag. He wasn't hungry, but he hadn't eaten all day so he knew he should.

"Okay. Food first. I'm thinking... munchies. And I got some juice in the fridge." He leans over Jess' shoulder from behind, wrapping his arms around her waste and kissing her cheek. "Or tea." He kisses her neck. "Or water." He kisses her cheek again and smiles. "Now I wish I had more than that."

Jason looks up from the desk in the corner of the living room, surprised that Destiny was out and even talking to him. She'd become so quiet that he'd finally given up on conversations. And quite honestly, he was frustrated with the way things had been going lately - he and Reese both. Jason didn't like Destiny's stubbornness to rip herself loose from the Elite, but there wasn't much he could do about it. If she was going to stay angry, then there was nothing he could say. He'd already tried and so had Reese. Soon the week would be up and Jason's job would be over here. But that didn't mean he was happy about it.

Hearing Destiny wanted to go to the mall was an additional surprise. It wasn't the safest place in the world, but if she was willing to get out and get some fresh air, Jason didn't want to stop her.

"Yeah, okay... I think we can do that."

Shutting off the computer screen, he gets up to gather a few things. "Get whatever you need - I'm ready when you are."

Days Pass

Stopping and looking up at Reese her eyes search his face, and watch his hand over her his. His words seeping into her skin. She heard them, understood them, and took them in but would they change her mind, no...she didn't want to be in this situations anymore.

"I appreciate everything you have done for me. Helped me when I asked and didn't turn me away. I'll give the bodyguard one more week than I am on my own again."

Anger...maybe thats the only thing that was keeping her going right now. The anger drowning the pain a bit keeping her from completely losing it. She lost her family, she lost someone else close to her and not from death maybe thats why it hurt so much. To know Chance was still alive but she'd never see him again. Why did she still even care about him after everything?

"If you see Jason let him know I'm around here somewhere and I am ready when he is."

Letting out a small sigh Destiny leaves the office and heads down the cubicles getting to the once empty office she liked to spend time in and just be alone.

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Goin' nowhere, goin' nowhere
Their tears are fillin' up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm cryin'
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad world, mad world

Another day come and gone Destiny sits in the kitchen of the safe house looking out the black sliding doors. A book in her hands that she was hardly reading. The rain pelting the windows and soft drumming sound almost seemed soothing, almost if it wasn't for the memories on this back porch.

The images played through her mind, Chance's warning, her not caring, and kissing him anyways. Thats night it had been so nice, everything just seemed to fall together. He had warned her...maybe this way her own fault? NO...He should of told her about her parents, but he didn't. He still liked...why...did she care still?

Children waitin' for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sits and listen, sits and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson?
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm cryin'
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad world, mad world

And so the days continue to pass, slow, drawn out...and those she new Jason was trying to help her mood it did help a little. But she was just counting down the days when she could just go home and start to heal.

Continuing to flip the channels on the TV Destiny looks for something to watch going through them another two times. Finally giving a frustrated sigh Destiny turns the tv off and gets up. Going into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water she pass through the living room.

Giving a jump and stopping dead in her tracks she think she see Chance, but realizing it was in fact still Jason she shakes her head a little bit letting out a sigh.

"I'm going to head to bed. Nite Jason."

Heading slowly down the hall and shutting the door behind her Destiny flops down on the bed just letting the tears come once again.

I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm cryin'
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad world, mad world
Mad world, mad world

Exiting her room it was another day. The same as the last, nothing really going on and staying around the house was just driving her crazy. Jason said they could go somewhere if she wanted and it was her own doing to keep inside. She just, felt better that way but today maybe going out would be good.

"Jason?...Can we go to the mall today and walk around?"

The mall...why did she pick the mall? She didn't know but its where she wanted to go. A change to what she did everyday now. Maybe getting up and out would help her feel better!

Looking back at Axel Jess nuzzles her head into his had a little bit. They were rough but is was a sign he worked for a living, earning his money and not taking the easy way. There were also hands that said he could protect her.

"I'm happy you were willing to hold out your hand to me."

Jess gives a smile giving him another kiss before sitting up and swinging her legs off the couch and standing. Helping Axel up as well pulling him slowly.

"Maybe we should find something to eat first and than watch a movie?"

Continuing to watch Quinn as the quiet seemed to linger words still seemed to flow even if they were silent. The look in his eyes showed there was much more to him than what was on the outside.

"So your a vagabond. Thats kind of cool. Hard life, but if its what you like why boke it right?"

Anastasia gives another sip of her drink letting the chilled liquid slide down her throat quenching her thirst, and adding a little more sugar to what she already had. Continuing to just study Quinn she couldn't help it. He was so mystery and that just added to his handsome looks.

"Well, that might be true about not staying long, but there has to be a reason you found yourself here or else this conversation never would of happened. Maybe it was simply...to have a nice time and find Ricky Nelson. You better treat him right."

She flashes a grin that seemed to light up her face a little bit as her eyes still twinkle. God had a reason for everything that was for sure. Uncle Chuck always reminded her that when she got down. We met people for a reason even if only for a little bit. It could be that one meeting that changed there life forever!

The future to come

Reese purses his lips, seeing that Destiny was growing agitated. He wouldn't change his mind though. Not after they'd already messed up so badly.

"Destiny..." He gets her attention, and motions her to stop pacing. "I understand your desire to get back to your own place, be on your own and start again. And you may not understand this now, but what goes on inside of you is much more important than your outside circumstances." He searches the young woman's face, desiring only to help.

He taps over his heart. "In here... this is where it starts. If you can't be free in here at the safe house, you can't be free anywhere else either. I understand that a change of scenery can help and that you're frustrated with your situation. But you're running on a lot of anger right now, and that will only lead to rash decisions. Ultimately, I can't force you to have a bodyguard. But please... you have to be patient and you have to be wise. Singling yourself out is just inviting the Agency to interfere again."

Quinn chuckles and shakes his head. "Amazing, I am not. But I'm no stranger with the stage either."

For a brief moment, his mind takes a detour to many years before when he and Axel had begun singing together - nothing big like a band or anything, just family events or little parties. They had had a lot of fun though, and it was those experiences that had driven Quinn's interest in singing onstage. It never had evolved much, but maybe one day.

During the moment, his eyes again hold that strange, darker gaze that revealed there was much below the surface. He smiles at Anastasia though, bringing himself back to the present. Cocking his head a little, he shrugs. He didn't mind talking with Anastasia and telling her about these things... he'd never see her again anyway, so there was no harm. "I started out on the street corner with my guitar... now I just try to find gigs on the road... usually wind up in bars. Not my cup of tea but it keeps gas in my tank. Every once in a while someone likes me and invites me to a nicer setting, but it's rare."

Twirling his glass in his hand, he finally takes another sip. "I probably won't stick around here too long though." His eyes drift up to hers, soft... cryptic... deep... warm. "There are just some places that you know you were only supposed to pass by." He never should have stopped at that restaurant earlier. "But at least I got a new Ricky Nelson record, right?"

Feeling loved helped soothe Axel's emotions. He'd been let down by his own family... but he did have true friends, and one of them was right here, accepting him along with all his faults.

Returning Jess' kisses, his arms tighten around her. "I love you too, Jess," he whispers. "I don't even remember what it felt like not to have this hole in my heart filled."

Brushing aside some stray strands of hair, he kisses her again, remaining so soft and gentle, as if kissing a rose that might crumble if he was too harsh. His touch was like velvet, as if touching something so precious he would never want to break it.

Breaking away, he rests his forehead against hers, just looking into her eyes... those eyes that held so much. She had come such a long way from when he'd first seen her down at Mom and Pop's. She'd looked so weary, torn by people she thought she could trust, and beaten down by the world. Now she had blossomed, becoming more beautiful every day, inside and out. Axel had witnessed her heart turn towards God and he was overjoyed she was taking those steps in the right direction. Oh, for the day when she would seal that commitment... when she would be ready to become a true part of that family... it was a day Axel waited for with hope and faith as he stood and watched her grow. It was a day he prayed for and awaited... for then he would truly be able to commit to her and what the future might hold for them together.

Those eyes... he searches them, a peace entering his heart, despite his own inner turmoil right now. Surely God had not brought her into his life, only to make it impossible. No... he just needed to be patient and wait for the future to come.

Sitting in the quiet was something Axel so often did... he and Jess both seemed to know that it didn't mean one didn't care or that the silence was meant to be boring... but so much more was said when no words were spoken.

"I love watching you dance near the flame," he comments softly, remembering back to one of their first real conversations. His rough palm cradles the side of her face and he sighs before kissing her one last time. "Help me get up and watch a movie or something... otherwise, I'm just gonna lie here and wallow all night."

Done this before

Crossing her arms over her chest Destiny lets out a long sigh. No she didn't want to wait another week, she didn't want to take anymore time out of anyone's life, she just...wanted to be left alone. Bit seeing the look in Reese eyes she new she wouldn't change his mind even if she wanted too.

"No its not Jason being a guy thats bothering me. I don't see him much anyways. I just want to start my life again and I'm tired of having someone looming over my shoulder. Home is where I should be trying to peace my life together."

Letting out another sigh Destiny turns from the desk to pacing a little bit. Things were so messed up, some time alone would be nice. Shaking her head and stopping again Destiny looks to Reese again though her look was a lot different now one could see she was a little irritated. Reese was trying to look out for her and she was thankful even if she didn't seem it. She was just ready to move on alone.

"Fine one week, and not a day more. Than I start picking up the peaces of my life."

Anastasia gives a laugh seeing the competitive look in his eye. She thought he was pretty funny, and seeing him get railed up was part of the fun and she was enjoying it.

"I'll clap if its good. Now go kick some butt.'

Giving a grin and nodding to Quinn Anastasia sits up a little straighter. Leaning on the table a little and bringing her drinks to her lips she listens. Hearing how good he really sounded Anastasia was surprised. Continuing to listen Her head nods to the song and she enjoys it.

Looking her eyes with Quinn's her smile grows even more not looking away from him. Taking another sip of her drink Anastasia gives a little whistle to Quinn approving of his performance. Once he was done Anastasia stands and gives a loud clap before sitting down again another whistle coming from her lips.

Hearing his last statement Anastasia's grin grows even bigger. She really had showed the other Elvis up and done a darn good job at it.

"Yes I am satisfied now, thats was wonderful. I bet you've done that before. Your voice is amazing sounding."

"I know you are Axel and thats normal. I won't leave you though no matter what I know who you are and thats the guy I care about."

Jess gives a smile as Axel kiss all over her face. It was soft and light and felt so nice to let the love softly wash over her. Being wrapped in his arms Jess felt safe now as she always did.

"I'm everything you deserve and your everything I've ever wanted. I love you the way you are. You haven't disappointed me yet and I doubt you ever will."

Returning the kiss to Axel Jess just gives back her light passion. She was happy to give back to Axel letting him know she was there. She'd always be there for him.