

There had to be a reason... maybe that's what scared Quinn the most.

"Can't I live in a dream world for one night?" he asks aloud. His eyes drift back to his glass of soda, not really having meant to sound as pensive as he had.

Looking back up to Anastasia, he grins a little. "Let's just hope the reason was just a good glass of cherry coke and nothing more." Lifting his glass, he gives a toast. "To a relaxing evening... good soda and... to Elvis, may he rest in silent peace."

Winking at her, he sips his pop then scans the room. He didn't feel like going back to the hotel, but this place wouldn't be open all night. He felt like he wanted a continual distraction, and he knew exactly why. He'd been fighting thinking about Axel all evening, and it wasn't any easier now. Going back to the hotel just meant more time to think, and think was what he didn't want to do. His eyes find their way back to Anastasia's, finding them even a little brighter than before. Or maybe he was just noticing them more.

Opening his mouth, he's ready to shoot her a smart comment about being here, or reasons or something, but his heart that was so heavy underneath it all that it just didn't feel possible right now. He'd been ignoring his real feelings around Anastasia all this time, but he was growing tired, and when that happened, his walls grew weaker.

Forcing a chuckle, he shakes his head, realizing he'd been silent, on the verge of saying something, and keeping her waiting. "Sorry. Brain thing, ya know?" Sipping his pop again, he finds that he's reached the ice. Staring down into it, he fought his emotions tooth and nail. Why suddenly it was so hard, he wasn't even sure.

But God's hand at work often goes unrealized until after the fact. Reasons... that's what it was all about.

Reasons... and Quinn didn't want to know, other than leaving town in a day or two... because the reasons for his stumbling on that woman today with the dogtags were what tormented his thoughts now.

Blinking, Quinn shifts in his chair, feeling warm all of a sudden as he realizes he's lapsed into strange silence again. "Guess I'm more tired than I thought." He forces another laugh. "Or maybe someone spiked my coke." He thumbs over to "Elvis." "Never know in a place like this," he teases.

Shaking the ice around, he finally sets his glass aside. "Well, Princes... looks like my reason for coming here has run dry. Unless you've got another pointer for this late hour."

Axel groans as he's pulled up from the couch, but he follows Jess to the kitchen anyway, even if his feet drag. He wasn't hungry, but he hadn't eaten all day so he knew he should.

"Okay. Food first. I'm thinking... munchies. And I got some juice in the fridge." He leans over Jess' shoulder from behind, wrapping his arms around her waste and kissing her cheek. "Or tea." He kisses her neck. "Or water." He kisses her cheek again and smiles. "Now I wish I had more than that."

Jason looks up from the desk in the corner of the living room, surprised that Destiny was out and even talking to him. She'd become so quiet that he'd finally given up on conversations. And quite honestly, he was frustrated with the way things had been going lately - he and Reese both. Jason didn't like Destiny's stubbornness to rip herself loose from the Elite, but there wasn't much he could do about it. If she was going to stay angry, then there was nothing he could say. He'd already tried and so had Reese. Soon the week would be up and Jason's job would be over here. But that didn't mean he was happy about it.

Hearing Destiny wanted to go to the mall was an additional surprise. It wasn't the safest place in the world, but if she was willing to get out and get some fresh air, Jason didn't want to stop her.

"Yeah, okay... I think we can do that."

Shutting off the computer screen, he gets up to gather a few things. "Get whatever you need - I'm ready when you are."

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