
You know!

Giving a little nod to Jason Destiny disapears again for a moment before grabbing her purse. Just standing in her room again the wave washed over her of wanting to be alone, or go out alone, and just cope alone. Destiny hated her feelings and how they went on and off and on again. She had already said she was going thought so she might as well go.

Jason cared about her Destiny new that, she could see it in his eye. She didn't mean to make him worry but she couldn't help how she was feeling either. To be close to someone, yet to push them away.

Exiting the room again and coming into the living room Destiny lets out a sigh and gives a small nod. She was ready, to at least try and have a little fun, or escape her own mind.

"Ok, I'm ready this is all I need."

Heading out of the house Destiny knows the rutean and waits for Jason to saw it was ok before stepping out before him. Though she still though maybe someone would step along side her it didn't happen and she let out a small sigh. It was different now, just...not the same.

Getting into the truck and bucking herself in Destiny leans her head against the seat. Waiting for Jason to get in and start driving. Turning her head a little bit to look at Jason Destiny doesn't move her head from the seat.

"I'm not being stubborn about not having a bodyguard. It's just the Agency is always going to be after me, and I can't have a bodyguard forever. So I might as well deal with it sooner than later."

Feeling Axel behind her while she looked into the fridge. Feeling the kiss on her cheek, and neck and cheek again Jess gives a little giggle as it tickle sending chills up and down her spine. Axel seemed more affectionate tonight not that she minded at all.

Closing the fridge and slipping around so Axel's arms where still around her but she was now facing him Jess smile was bright as her eyes sparkles even more. Leaning in and bringing her lips to his she lets she passion and love for him show deeping it a little more than normal. Finally pulling away she gives a small nod.

"You don't need anything more..."

She leans in for a kiss on this time one his cheek. Than she moves back a little more to his ear giving it a light kiss letting her lips linger just a little bit a whisper escaping.

"...everything you have is perfect."

Drawing away and looking into his eyes for a moment Jess places a kiss on his lips again before biting her own lip a little shyly before speaking again.

"I saw saw popcorn in your cupboard we can have that and some juice while watching the movie."

Continuing to watch Quinn even as he was talking to himself, stopping and starting again, and just having a long stair Anastasia just studys him. It was so easy to see the term oil in his eyes, his heart, and how broken maybe it was being right there.

Thinking to herself about maybe inviting Quinn to stick around a little longer Anastasia could hear her Uncles voice in her head. He's warn her to be safe, and not to trust everyone but something about Quinn told her he was ok.

"Well I don't know about a pointer but I know a great coffee place. We could sit and pour our heart out to a friend, a friend we might never see again about that dark cloud that lays deep in out soul."

Anastasia gives a smile not knowing if Quinn would take her up on it or not. She'd go to the coffee shop herself for a little while and to have company would be nice. If she could help Quinn to or at least remove some of the brick from his back than it was worth it.

"Ha, I guess we don't even have to talk just having someone sit having coffee with me would be nice. "

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