
Lets make a memorie

Once getting outside it was like Reese words didn't even hit Trey's ears. Digging into his bag he pulls out a pack of smokes and lite one up. Weather it was a long or short walk to the car he didn't car he needed something to calm him for the moment.

Getting to the car and not getting in right away Trey takes a few more drags of his smoke before dropping it on the ground and crushing it with his foot before bending down picking it up, and putting it in a trash can next to the car. Though he might be rough and full of spite, his had some kind of manors. Opening the door and getting into the car Trey puts his bags next to him and leans on them slightly. Keeping his eyes fixed on the outside and as the scenes pass by.

Looking over at Reese Angelica gives a nod understanding that though they both wanted to show affection for each other now was defiantly not the time. Giving Trey any fire to play with could be bad, and they didn't even want to think about that right now.

Feeling Chance's arms around her once again Destiny felt the safety that he offered. It was always nice, and the warmth was that came from him gave her the reassurance.

"Ok, a trip to the mall sounds good. I know you'd never want anything to happen to me and would keep me safe. Thanks Chance."

Resting her head on his chest Destiny keeps her eyes on the TV she just lays comfortable to watch the movie. The day had felt long, and now she only hopped the night was a little better as she was with Chance and just enjoying there time.

Getting her own cookie dough ice cream Ryan gives a small laugh to the kiss on the neck knowing Alec new he could get away with a little more at the moment because she was sun burned but not really minding, and knowing he wouldn't go over the limit.

Taking the first bit of her ice cream and leaning slightly against Alec in the shade Ryan lets the coolness wash over her. Feeling a little bit of the boil on her skin die for moments at a time it felt good though she new even with that she would still be sore for a while.

Following Alec's eyes out to the water she could see the look on his face and his longing. He was a free spirit, someone who was travailed on the wind and roamed. For him to be caged still she new it was killing him and she felt bad. Thats why moments when he would spend the night or just get away didn't bother her. He deserved that. Hearing about camping a smile forms on her lips as a memorie of some photos come to mind.

"I havent been camping in so long. I can't even remember the last time I did. The only thing I have is a photo of my dad holding me on his lap by a camp fire, Eli on one side, and John on the other. As to who took the picture...I don't know. "

Ryan gives a little sigh as a sad glint forms in her eye at the mention to her dad. She missed him, and wish he was still around. Even if Eli didn't know it he looked so much like him, and even had his smell.

"Maybe next time we run away it should be for a camping trip. Eli and his girl, you and me. I think it would be a lot of fun. We could make our own memories."

I don't want to

Reese rolls his eyes a little at Trey as he starts after him out the door. "Hey, if you want to destroy your lungs and die a gruesome death as you slowly suffocate, be my guest. Just do it away from me."

Getting outside, he leads the way to the car, not slowing. "But whatever you do, do it quick because you're not smoking in the car."

Glancing to Angelica again, he wants to put his arm around her in support for this whole thing, but he deems it not the best time. There was no point in giving Trey any ammunition.

Having Destiny cuddle up to him, Chance abandons the rest of his lunch for now - he hadn't been that hungry anyway. Slipping his arm around her, he gets more comfortable, letting her use him as a pillow.

"Well, the mall isn't as safe as this house," he reasons, still flipping television channels. "And...my superiors probably wouldn't recommend it, but..." He shrugs a little, before giving her a squeeze. "I think it would be okay. The Agency waits a while between strikes and besides, we can blend into the crowd."

Finally settling on a western movie, he sets the remote aside, though he knows he will probably doze off. "I think it will be safe for you - that's what I'll be there for. I don't want you to have to worry. I'll be doubly on my guard now after what happened."

His voice trails off, then comes back, softer, almost as an after thought that wasn't supposed to be spoken aloud, though it's uttered as almost a whisper. "I don't want to see that happen again."

Alec snickers. "I don't need an ice cream menu to get hungry." Reaching up from behind to gather Ryan's hair, he moves it out of the way to give the back of her neck a kiss. "Except chocolate chip does sound really good right now."

It doesn't take long to get their ice cream and this time it's a shady spot under a tree not far from the sandy beach that they choose. Alec sits in the grass, leaning back against the tree, thankful that it wasn't his back that was sunburned.

Slowly sucking his ice cream from a spoon, he squints out over the water and sighs deeply. He might not say it, but his eyes told the story of one who was enjoying this day... enjoying it too much... enough that he wanted more... more of this freedom. His drive to be free had been renewed and he wanted nothing more than to be out from under TJY again. He'd learned his lesson about running, yet even so, there was still a desire in him that drove his dreams.

"I want to go camping," he mentions, completely out of the blue.


Trey's eyes narrow at Reese tone and his accusation on drugs. How dare someone he even know talk to him like that. He'd come here for protection his parents said but to be held captive that was not in the deal from them.

"Will I at least be able to go outside a smoke.."

Trey stops for a moment and rolls his eyes at what Reese had said.

"cigarette thats all, and to get some fresh air or something."

Trey didn't like this one bit but he would have to deal with it for now at least. He'd figure something else out maybe sneek out or something later on.

"Least if I turned around I would have a choose to go or stay."

Turning back twords the door Trey rolls his eyes again starting to walk once more.

"Come on let go, I wanna get outside and smoke."

Watching Reese and Trey Angelica gave a little jump. She was happy though when Reese took the lead and used a strong tone. She was still getting use to everything with Trey, and interested in the look in his eye she felt she saw before.

As they start to walk again Angelica looks to Reese and gives a nod letting him know she was not upset and she was happy he took the lead like that and that it would only become easier. She hoped thought she didn't know for if it would.

Finishing her food and setting the plate onto the table for now. Laying back on the couch and moving a little closer to Chance again. Hearing about going to the mall Destiny thinks for a moment.

"Mmm...a trip shopping to the mall is always nice. Spending money is always better but I thought the mall was one of the worst places to go because the Agency could be hidding anywhere."

Destiny snuggles into Chance a little more getting comfortable. Her bad shoulder away from him. Its not she didn't trust him but after what had happened it had been to close a call and she didn't want to go through that again.

"I mean...if you really think it would be ok than I trust you completely and it would be nice to spend time with you there. Maybe see a movie or something I'd like that."

Ryan look up at Alec and gives a smile and shakes her head. Her own eyes had the mysterious glint in them though she holds her tong on her own words.

"If it didn't hurt so much to move I would of waked you for that and than headed home for the lotion too."

Shaking her head and getting into line Ryan looks over the menu not sure of what she wanted. Maybe something differnt today since they were doing thing on whim.

"Everything looks so good, I am getting hunger just looking at it."

Choice is yours

Alec manages to stand up and starts brushing off the sand from his pants, now completely dry, despite having been in the water.

At Ryan's suggestion, his eyebrows rise a little and his mouth quirks as if he's holding back a comment. Grabbing his t-shirt he opts not to put it on yet, and carefully puts an arm around Ryan to walk toward the ice cream place. "I don't know," he mentions, almost under his breath. "I might wanna head for the lotion first..."

Still grinning, he plants a kiss atop Ryan's head. "But I'll settle for ice cream... for now."

Chance snickers and leans back with the television remote. "As if a word could scare me off. If that's the way most men are, then most have no backbone."

Taking another bite of his sandwich, he shakes his head. "Nope, don't have a clue what's on, but my guess is that the best thing will end up being a cheesy B movie. Not that I mind though."

Flipping channels, it seems nothing was on, and Chance falls silent for a short while, looking for something to watch while continuing with his sandwich. "Hey, I was thinking," he mentions, "Maybe when you're feeling up to it, we can take a day to the mall or something... you know, just... hang out for a day." He pauses, giving Destiny a sidelong glance. "You deserve a break."

Reese stops short as Trey spins around, bristling at his tone. Giving a quick glance to Angelica, he decides to answer himself, opting to simply go for the truth. He wasn't to sweet-talk or manipulate with persuasive words.

"Under the circumstances, we think it's best if you do stay under TJY's protection," he replies calmly. "And... I think you're smart enough to know that whether you're a Mexican citizen or not..." His tone lowers slightly. "...we don't tolerate those involved in drug rings here. Now, you have been sent here to be under our protection and we're going to do our job. But until we are sure of every side, you're going to have to remain at TJY or leave with an escort. It's that simple."

He turns and points back towards the airport gates. "Either that, or you can turn around and pay your own way back home just to have your head blown off once you get there. Choice is yours."

I think

Happy Reese was with her Angelica continues to hold her smile as she continues to look at her cousin. There was a darkness in his eyes, and circles under them as well. She couldn't help but wonder if her Aunt and Uncle's bad habit rubber off on him. They were people who always got what they wanted and new how to get it.

Seeing Reese adapt a little and want to get out of here as well Angelica gives a little smile to Trey again before turning around and starting to walk she couldn't help to catch the look in Trey's eyes, there was something about him that she had seen before, but not to sure what it was.

Following behind Trey's eyes were narrow but he didn't say much. He didn't want to be here, and he had told his parents that. But they made him come anyways promising to send money and he would be back soon. Hearing Reese's question Trey is quiet as they continue to walk and takes another moment before saying anything.

"I've never been to the US before, and when I was just born doesn't count. I was abandon here, and shipped off to Mexico so I would say all together this IS my first time here."

Continuing to walk and getting to the bag clams Trey wastes no time in getting his bag. Slinging it over his shoulder Trey comes back to them both before heading to the door and talking over his shoulder.

"So, where am I staying? With you Angelica my own place or what? I rather like my privacy and not being caged! Sooo....something to myself would be nice."

Angelica looks to Trey and than looks to Reese. She told his parents he would be staying at TJY but they must not have told him. She wondered if it would of made it harder to give it to him here or not.

"Most of your stuff it at the building were we work its called TJY. Your going to be staying there. You will have your own room and what not."

Stopping sharp in front of Angelica and Reese Trey turns around not liking at all what had been said.

"I have to stay at where you work? At least do I get to come and go? I have done nothing wrong to be kept captive. I'll find my own place or something you wont even have to."

Standing and still having the humor in her eyes she moves very slow. Everything hurt so bad right now standing in just a cold shower sounded like a good idea, or going back into the water. However ice cream sounded even better.

"Mmmm...ice cream and than lotion sounds like a good plan to me. And...I rub lotion on your arms and stuff as long as you get my back for me."

Offering a hand to Alec to help him up Ryan wanted to do more, kiss him, tackle him or something but her shoulders and back along with her hands just hurt way to much for that at the moment.

"Hmmm...I think sweetheart works nice. You say that L word and is scares guys away. I'd rather not give you up just yet."

Giving a wink to Chance Destiny goes back to her food munching away in content. Her shoulder was killing her at the moment but she wouldn't let on to it. Shortly she would take some pain killer and be ok but till than she could deal.

"So know of anything good on tv at the moment?"

Vaguely familiar

Not even sure of Reese was going to be able to communicate with Trey did make him uneasy, but no matter what, they'd work this out. One way or the other, it would work.

Giving Angelica's hand an encouraging squeeze, all they have left to do is wait. Once she spots her cousin, Reese stands with her, though he lets her take the lead. The last thing he wanted to do was scare off the young man. Though as Trey neared, Reese wondered if there was more spite than fear there.

Realizing that Trey had understood Angelica's English, yet had replied in Spanish, Reese's eyes narrow just a little. He was glad when she asked Trey to speak in English too - that was now one less thing they needed to worry about. However... Reese looks at him a little closer, studying his dark eyes. There was bad attitude there and Reese had a very low tolerance for that. But... he'd agreed to this whole thing and was going to see it through. Trey had good, clear English, but poor attitude.

Sighing, Reese musters up somewhat of a smile as he steps closer to Angelica to make his presence known. "Trey... I'm Mike Reese. Welcome." He cocks his head. "No, I'd rather not stand here all day myself, so let's go get your things."

Walking forward, he glances to Trey again. Something about the young man seemed vaguely familiar and he wondered if maybe there was more to his story than they knew - that perhaps Reese had come across a file on him at some point. "First time back to the US?"

Alec eyes Ryan as she starts to laugh, wondering what she found so funny. Then looking down, he tries to see the handprint. Sure enough, he could just make out where her hand had been lying, protecting only that part of his skin from a nice sunburn. No wonder he felt sore. "Aww man!"

Grinning, then laughing, he shakes his head. "Next time, I'm picking somewhere in the shade." He takes a look at his arms and his feet, smirking. "I haven't been sunburned in years."

Sighing, he sits up straight and shakes sand from his hair. The sunburn hurt - a lot. "This calls for ice cream... and later lots and lost of lotion."

Chance chuckles. "Dear makes me feel old." Forcing himself to smile and forget about all that was on his mind, he goes for his sandwich too. "I think I'm more of a "sweetheart" or "love.""

Giving Destiny a little elbow, he winks at her before planting a kiss on her cheek. "Just don't call me late for dinner and I'll be happy."