
I think

Happy Reese was with her Angelica continues to hold her smile as she continues to look at her cousin. There was a darkness in his eyes, and circles under them as well. She couldn't help but wonder if her Aunt and Uncle's bad habit rubber off on him. They were people who always got what they wanted and new how to get it.

Seeing Reese adapt a little and want to get out of here as well Angelica gives a little smile to Trey again before turning around and starting to walk she couldn't help to catch the look in Trey's eyes, there was something about him that she had seen before, but not to sure what it was.

Following behind Trey's eyes were narrow but he didn't say much. He didn't want to be here, and he had told his parents that. But they made him come anyways promising to send money and he would be back soon. Hearing Reese's question Trey is quiet as they continue to walk and takes another moment before saying anything.

"I've never been to the US before, and when I was just born doesn't count. I was abandon here, and shipped off to Mexico so I would say all together this IS my first time here."

Continuing to walk and getting to the bag clams Trey wastes no time in getting his bag. Slinging it over his shoulder Trey comes back to them both before heading to the door and talking over his shoulder.

"So, where am I staying? With you Angelica my own place or what? I rather like my privacy and not being caged! Sooo....something to myself would be nice."

Angelica looks to Trey and than looks to Reese. She told his parents he would be staying at TJY but they must not have told him. She wondered if it would of made it harder to give it to him here or not.

"Most of your stuff it at the building were we work its called TJY. Your going to be staying there. You will have your own room and what not."

Stopping sharp in front of Angelica and Reese Trey turns around not liking at all what had been said.

"I have to stay at where you work? At least do I get to come and go? I have done nothing wrong to be kept captive. I'll find my own place or something you wont even have to."

Standing and still having the humor in her eyes she moves very slow. Everything hurt so bad right now standing in just a cold shower sounded like a good idea, or going back into the water. However ice cream sounded even better.

"Mmmm...ice cream and than lotion sounds like a good plan to me. And...I rub lotion on your arms and stuff as long as you get my back for me."

Offering a hand to Alec to help him up Ryan wanted to do more, kiss him, tackle him or something but her shoulders and back along with her hands just hurt way to much for that at the moment.

"Hmmm...I think sweetheart works nice. You say that L word and is scares guys away. I'd rather not give you up just yet."

Giving a wink to Chance Destiny goes back to her food munching away in content. Her shoulder was killing her at the moment but she wouldn't let on to it. Shortly she would take some pain killer and be ok but till than she could deal.

"So know of anything good on tv at the moment?"

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