

Trey's eyes narrow at Reese tone and his accusation on drugs. How dare someone he even know talk to him like that. He'd come here for protection his parents said but to be held captive that was not in the deal from them.

"Will I at least be able to go outside a smoke.."

Trey stops for a moment and rolls his eyes at what Reese had said.

"cigarette thats all, and to get some fresh air or something."

Trey didn't like this one bit but he would have to deal with it for now at least. He'd figure something else out maybe sneek out or something later on.

"Least if I turned around I would have a choose to go or stay."

Turning back twords the door Trey rolls his eyes again starting to walk once more.

"Come on let go, I wanna get outside and smoke."

Watching Reese and Trey Angelica gave a little jump. She was happy though when Reese took the lead and used a strong tone. She was still getting use to everything with Trey, and interested in the look in his eye she felt she saw before.

As they start to walk again Angelica looks to Reese and gives a nod letting him know she was not upset and she was happy he took the lead like that and that it would only become easier. She hoped thought she didn't know for if it would.

Finishing her food and setting the plate onto the table for now. Laying back on the couch and moving a little closer to Chance again. Hearing about going to the mall Destiny thinks for a moment.

"Mmm...a trip shopping to the mall is always nice. Spending money is always better but I thought the mall was one of the worst places to go because the Agency could be hidding anywhere."

Destiny snuggles into Chance a little more getting comfortable. Her bad shoulder away from him. Its not she didn't trust him but after what had happened it had been to close a call and she didn't want to go through that again.

"I mean...if you really think it would be ok than I trust you completely and it would be nice to spend time with you there. Maybe see a movie or something I'd like that."

Ryan look up at Alec and gives a smile and shakes her head. Her own eyes had the mysterious glint in them though she holds her tong on her own words.

"If it didn't hurt so much to move I would of waked you for that and than headed home for the lotion too."

Shaking her head and getting into line Ryan looks over the menu not sure of what she wanted. Maybe something differnt today since they were doing thing on whim.

"Everything looks so good, I am getting hunger just looking at it."

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