

Looking up at Chance Destiny's eyes glisten. She did have a bunch of energy this morning but after such a good night sleep how could she not be. Feeling his finger curl around her own made her own felt good, warm.

"Ok, I can finish putting this stuff on the table than we can eat. It wont take long."

Letting go of Chance's hand Destiny lets him turn to walk away but as he does she catches tight of some scars he bore and than intrigued her. Reaching out to stop him once again Destiny steps up close to him back. Reaching out her hand to his shoulder she let her finger travel down his arm tracing the scar that told a one time it was a bad one. But it seemed to add to his appeal. Leaning her head in she gives it a soft kiss.

"Where did you get this from?"

Giving a small chuckle at Phil's determination it was easy to see she wouldn't be able to get out of this one. She would of picked a taxi to but hated to spend the money on it when home really wasn't that far, so the only options was riding with Phil. He seemed nice enough and Rayne didn't feel uncomfortable around him.

"Ok, I'll let you drive me home since you insist."

Shifting a little in the bed Rayne can feel a little bit of color come to her cheeks. She didn't know if Phil meant it to be a flirt or not, but thats how she took it. Not that she minded to much it was kind of nice for someone to say she was pretty.

"I've lived in the US for four years, but I've only live here in Nevada for about half a year. So if you haven't noticed me I wouldn't blame ya. I try to keep a pretty low profile. I've never seen you other than concerts, do you work in town?"

Getting dressed

Phil chuckles and sits down in the chair, feeling a little more relaxed. Hearing Rayne say she'd walk home, his eyes narrow a little bit.

"You realize you telling me you're gonna walk just makes me all the more determined to make sure you don't have to, right?" He gives her a crooked grin. "You can accept a ride from me, or let me make sure you have a taxi."

Cocking his head, he studies her eyes... those same eyes that held just as much mystery as when he'd seen them at the accident. "Amazing you've lived so close and I don't ever remember seeing you. I don't know how I missed you."

With Destiny's hand resting softly on top of his own, Chance can feel an odd sort of lump rise in his throat. He'd just given himself a tough speech in front of the bathroom mirror, so why when he saw those eyes, that smile, and felt that touch, did all of his resistance fail? It certainly didn't seem fair, but who was to blame? Either Destiny had some kind of scheme to seduce him, or it was his own weak will. He figured it was the latter. But a weak will wasn't so bad... once in a while... right?

His thumb curls around so he's holding her hand too, giving it just a little squeeze. "Yeah... yeah, I slept alright. Didn't wake up in the night ten times like I usually do," he admits. "But maybe that had something to do with the 'electric blanket.'"

He gives her a teasing smile before looking over the food. "Mmm... this looks good. You're awfully motivated this morning - puts me to shame." He quirks an eyebrow and looks down at himself. "Um... how about you finish up here and I'll go finish getting dressed."

Don't you think.

Lost in cooking and softly humming to herself the mood wasnt broken till she heard Chance call her loudly. It broke her from her thoughts and made her jump. His voice was despite and it made her heart jolt as something was wrong.

Turning from the stove as he came into the kitchen and told her to stay put Destiny didn't even have time to take notice to him only being half dressed. Staying very still in the kitchen and listing to what was going on in the other room Destiny could feel the fear welling. They had finally found her. Would Chance be ok? What if they got past him? Knowing she was being silly about the whole thing Destiny slowly turns back to the food she was cooking. Though her hand was still shacking she did her best to consintrate on something else.

Placing some bacon onto a plate Destiny listens as the front door closes and Chance comes back into the kitchen. Hearing it was a mistake and everything was ok she relaxes a little. She was happy it was nothing more than a false alarm.

Turning a little Destiny looks over her shoulder now taking note to Chance standing there without his shirt on. Doing what she could not to let her mouth hang open she could feel the color coming to her face. Finally looking back to the food though so it didn't burn she clears her throat.

"Good Morning! Nothing to be sorry about. I figured we would both like "

Placing the eggs on the plat next along with some toast. Taking the plates and turning to the small island that was in the kitchen Destiny puts the plates down along with the cups of tea. Her hand softly brushing Chance's her fingers resting on top of his.

"I had the best sleep that night that I had in a long time. It defiantly was nice. How about yourself? Did you sleep ok?"

Giving a smile and seeing Phil felt a little awkward Rayne couldn't blame him, He didn't know anything about her so it was hard to try and find conversation.

"You can sit down if you like. I don't mind you occupied that chair over there. Looks kind of lonely there don't you think?"

Offering a soft nod to his question the smile never left Rayne's face. Sure she was in the hospital and she now had no car but at least she was alive still. That was more than she could ask for and for that she was thankful.

"Yeah, the Dr. said as long as for the next two house I don't have any complications I can leave today. Yeah I don't live to far from here. About three blocks. I can walk home once I can get out I don't want to bother you. You have already don't a great deal for me."

False alarm

Chance splashes water on his face after shaving, running his hand under his chin to make sure he's smooth. Pausing, he looks himself in the mirror for a moment. His mind was clearer now after showering, but yesterday still... baffled him. Why had he acted like he had? Why had he let down those walls? He shouldn't have. He shouldn't have let some girl get to him like that. It was ridiculous - he'd never done that before.

Sighing, he dries his face, his hair still shiny from being washed. Just in jeans and bare feet yet, he goes to finish dressing, but the flashing light by the door catches his attention. It was a warning light, connected to the security system. Even in the bathroom, he had to stay alert, and this time, something had crossed the barrier.

Leaving everything behind, Chance bolts from the bathroom. Racing into the living room, he skids around the desk in the corner grabbing his handgun. Whirling around, he sees Destiny is no longer on the couch and a chill runs down his spine. "Destiny?" he calls loudly.

Heading into the kitchen, he's relieved to see her. "Stay here," he orders.

Going back to the front of the house, he goes to the window by the door, looking around the curtain with caution. The doorbell rings. Chance didn't like the looks of the van or the man in uniform that had come.

Keeping his handgun up and cocked but out of sight, he barely opens the door. "Yeah?"

"Uh... delivery."

"For whom?"

The delivery man stammers a little in reaction to Chance's irritated tone. "Um, it, um... it's right here." He fumbles for the paper. "Mrs. Jane Hughes."

"Get out," Chance hisses.


"There is no Mrs. Hughes here. Now leave before I call you in for trespassing."

The man's face grows pale. "But.. but his is two-twenty-seven, isn't it?"

Chance's eyes narrow and he points across the street. "Try the house with the rose bushes."

The man swallows hard, realizing his error. "I'm... I'm sorry. Thank you. Have a nice day."

Chance keeps a close eye on him as he gets back in his van and leaves, going across the street. It had been a legit delivery man, simply having lost his way. Letting out the breath he'd been holding, Chance closes the door and leans against it, uncocking his gun. Maybe he'd overreacted, but it was the first time anybody had come to the door, and he hadn't even been prepared. He needed to be more alert and quit dillydallying when he wasn't in the living room. He needed to get his head on straight, that was for sure.

Sighing again, he wanders back to the kitchen, gun still in hand. "Just a stupid delivery guy," he informs Destiny. "We're good."

Only now realizing that she'd actually been cooking and had apparently gotten up not long after he, a sheepish little smile curls his mouth. "Ah... good morning too, by the way." He bites his lip, hoping he hadn't scared her too much. "Sorry. Sleep alright?"

Seeing that Rayne really liked the flowers, Phil's smile widens, his eyes shining bright. "I'm glad you like them. Guess I didn't do so badly after all."

Standing just a little awkwardly, he shifts his weight, not really knowing what to say next. "Um... sounds like you won't need to stay here too long," he comments. "You... live close somewhere around here? I kinda hate to leave you if you don't have a way to get home."

Good choose!

Feeling the couch shift and than soft movements down the hall followed by water running Destiny squints as she opens her eyes slowly. Giving a stretch the pillow on the couch falls to the floor, sitting up slowly it felt like she had slept the best last night than she ever had.

For a moment everything that had happened yesterday was a fog, had she really made out with Chance, had they agreed to start something together if even only for a short while? Could she really let him go when it was over?

Standing and wondering into the kitchen Destiny stops at the sliding door to the back. Like a movie the events from the last night play in her mind and she can't help the smile that spread across her lips.

Giving a little shake of her head Destiny continues to the kitchen and grabs two coffee muds. Filling them both with water she makes some coffee for herself, and tea for Chance. Also taking out a few pans Destiny also starts up some eggs and bacon. She felt good, and it would be nice to make something for herself and Chance.

Sitting up in bed and more awake than she had been yesterday Rayne was still very sore, but it wasn't all that bad. The food that she was picking at however was. Hearing the knock at the door and looking up to see Phil standing in the door room and than enter a smile spreads across her lips. Putting the fork down she pushes the little tray out of the way.

"Good Morning Phil! I didn't think I'd see you again so soon. Not that I am complaining."

Rayne's smile grows a little more as she eyes the flowers that Phil had gotten for her. It had made her feel good knowing Phil had come to see her again but to see he had flowers too it made her feel so warm and her heart give a jump.

Taking the flowers and bringing them to her nose to smell the sweet sent of them Rayne looks up at Phil again as her eyes give a sparkle. Just looking into Phil's for a long moment and taking in his handsome features she finally speaks again.

"You did a great job in your choose. Daisies are my favorite flower and these ones are extra special. Thank you Phil, this means a lot. I think it will be nice to have a little color in here."

Setting the flowers down on the small table Rayne continues to smile up at Phil. She was ever thankful he had found her that day, and now he was here to see her again and that in itself brightened her day.

Just somebody

Chance murmurs into their kiss, enjoying Destiny's touch and her fingers softly combing through his hair. Drawing her closer, he deepens his kiss, but remains soft and gentle, slowly letting the feelings linger and and spread...

...Chance's eyes slowly open just a crack, taking in the dim glow in the living room as warm sunbeams shone through the window. He didn't even remember falling asleep, but he must have. It wasn't like him to do that, let alone not even prepare for bed. Had he not even changed out of his clothes? And man had he had vivid dreams. He hadn't really.... no, that wasn't... nahh...

Shifting just a little, he suddenly realizes that there is warmth and weight on top of him... behind him... both? What the...

He looks quickly, still a bit sleepily to see Destiny, his arm still around her as she lay with him on the couch. It hadn't been a dream. He really had been here with her last night as they'd kissed, spoken softly and laughed together.

As the fog lifts, he remembers them both being tired and finally just lying down to watch a movie on tv. Though Chance didn't remember turning it off. What he did remember was how Destiny had snuggled into his side and how warm and comfortable in had felt. He'd never thought he'd be able to sleep that closely to someone since he slept so lightly but apparently it was easier than he'd imagined.

What on this green earth did he think he was doing?

Almost afraid to move, lest he wake Destiny up now too, Chance's mind reels. How had this happened? One day he was just here on assignment to babysit, and the next, he was sitting here making out with that same assignment. No one had ever gotten him off track like that before. He'd always been able to stay focused. But Destiny... she... was different. From day one, he'd felt a connection, finding it easy to talk to her, comfort her and look out for her. He certainly hadn't intended anything else though. Soon as this job, he was out of here... right?

But after yesterday... that thought, it... it held less enthusiasm than it had before. Going home... he loved his apartment... he loved his place at the Elite base there... but... now... he... he liked Destiny. She made him feel... wanted.

He needed to think this through and get his head on straight. That's all there was to it.

Finally daring to move, Chance slips out from his place on the couch, moving a pillow down to replace his hip that Destiny's head had been resting on. Then going quickly, he gives the corner monitors a glance to make sure everything was still okay, then he heads down the hall to take a quick shower and get into clean clothes for the day.

Phil wanders down the hospital hall, letting his eyes roam around the open rooms and nurses and doctors he met along the way. He'd already inquired at the desk about who he was here to see so he knew right where to go.

Arriving at Rayne's room, he knocks on the open door, then enters, a soft smile on his face. Seeing her awake he approaches the bed slowly, not wanting to intrude or make her uncomfortable that he had come again.

"Hey, sunshine." He stops at the edge of the bed and produces a bouquet of daisies. "I didn't know what kind of flowers you liked, but the girl at the shop said everybody liked carnations. I told her these weren't for everybody, just somebody in particular, so I went for these instead."

He grins a little sheepishly. "Thought they might brighten your room up a bit."


So many feelings seemed to run through Destiny it was hard to sort them all out at once. In such a short time her feelings went from being leery around Chance, to telling him how it was, and now to something much deeper.

Feeling Chance's hand on her face Destiny leans into it. Feeling his hand brush over her skin, the tingle and warmth that seemed to linger where him fingers had been moments before. This was a nice feeling, this was what caring for someone was about.

As Chance's takes her hand and leads her back inside Destiny grabs her book and follows. His hand fitting nicely in hers as she curled her own fingers around his. To hold someone hand like this was different, but it felt good, and the care she felt for Chance was real no matter how short or long it was.

Sitting facing on the couch and getting comfortable so she could face Chance, Destiny returns the soft kiss. Feeling his breath on her skin as he brushed her lips, it made a slight murmur come from her throat as a signal she liked it.

Bringing her own hand up Chance's arm and to his neck Destiny wraps her fingers to the back as her fingers run slightly through his hair at the nap of his neck. Continuing to return the soft kiss, letting there lips touch, brush only to retreat again before coming in once more. There was no rushed, the softness was nice, and Destiny was enjoying every moment.


As Destiny accepts and returns Chance's kiss, his arms slide around her, bringing her close and just enjoying the feelings the embrace evoked. He wouldn't be quick to admit he'd never had a woman in his arms quite like this before. It was different than he imagined... maybe because they really did care... maybe because it really was more than just a physical attraction. A few days could feel like forever, and in this moment, it did feel as if he'd known Destiny forever.

Eventually pulling away, Chance looks into Destiny's eyes. His gaze was softer than a few minutes prior... gentler somehow. He'd lose this assignment in an instant if Reese found out about this. But Chance didn't care. He'd bucked the system before - he could do it again. The only thing he struggled with now was recognizing these strange feelings he had... the feelings that he actually cared about this woman as more than just an assignment... as more than just a friend. She was strong but soft. Courageous but in need of shelter. What would it be like to be that shelter?

Swallowing hard, Chance lifts his hand to run it down the side of her face, his fingers mapping out every line and curve. It was as if today, he was seeing someone totally new, yet not at all. It wasn't her that had changed - it was his eyes. And the firm grip on his heart loosened just a little more.

Taking a step back, Chance's hand slides down to find Destiny's. Then turning, he picks up his laptop, and guides her by the hand back to the door, letting her pause to pick up her book on the way. Once back in the house, he leads her to the living room where the lights were soft and low.

Easing down sideways in the corner of the couch, Chance brings his legs up, one tucked under, the other with his knee propped up. Pulling Destiny down so she can sit sideways too, facing him, his hand goes back to her face, just looking in her eyes for the longest time. Was this more than just a summer fling? He didn't know. But even if it only lasted that long, why not enjoy it? He knew how to gamble.

Leaning towards her, he rests his forehead against hers before letting his lips brush hers softly. Just softly. Tenderly. They brush past again, barely touching, but feeling her breath on his skin. His hand tucks her hair behind her ear as his thumb caresses her cheek. And another light kiss is given, gently as if kissing a delicate rose.