
Don't you think.

Lost in cooking and softly humming to herself the mood wasnt broken till she heard Chance call her loudly. It broke her from her thoughts and made her jump. His voice was despite and it made her heart jolt as something was wrong.

Turning from the stove as he came into the kitchen and told her to stay put Destiny didn't even have time to take notice to him only being half dressed. Staying very still in the kitchen and listing to what was going on in the other room Destiny could feel the fear welling. They had finally found her. Would Chance be ok? What if they got past him? Knowing she was being silly about the whole thing Destiny slowly turns back to the food she was cooking. Though her hand was still shacking she did her best to consintrate on something else.

Placing some bacon onto a plate Destiny listens as the front door closes and Chance comes back into the kitchen. Hearing it was a mistake and everything was ok she relaxes a little. She was happy it was nothing more than a false alarm.

Turning a little Destiny looks over her shoulder now taking note to Chance standing there without his shirt on. Doing what she could not to let her mouth hang open she could feel the color coming to her face. Finally looking back to the food though so it didn't burn she clears her throat.

"Good Morning! Nothing to be sorry about. I figured we would both like "

Placing the eggs on the plat next along with some toast. Taking the plates and turning to the small island that was in the kitchen Destiny puts the plates down along with the cups of tea. Her hand softly brushing Chance's her fingers resting on top of his.

"I had the best sleep that night that I had in a long time. It defiantly was nice. How about yourself? Did you sleep ok?"

Giving a smile and seeing Phil felt a little awkward Rayne couldn't blame him, He didn't know anything about her so it was hard to try and find conversation.

"You can sit down if you like. I don't mind you occupied that chair over there. Looks kind of lonely there don't you think?"

Offering a soft nod to his question the smile never left Rayne's face. Sure she was in the hospital and she now had no car but at least she was alive still. That was more than she could ask for and for that she was thankful.

"Yeah, the Dr. said as long as for the next two house I don't have any complications I can leave today. Yeah I don't live to far from here. About three blocks. I can walk home once I can get out I don't want to bother you. You have already don't a great deal for me."

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