
Just somebody

Chance murmurs into their kiss, enjoying Destiny's touch and her fingers softly combing through his hair. Drawing her closer, he deepens his kiss, but remains soft and gentle, slowly letting the feelings linger and and spread...

...Chance's eyes slowly open just a crack, taking in the dim glow in the living room as warm sunbeams shone through the window. He didn't even remember falling asleep, but he must have. It wasn't like him to do that, let alone not even prepare for bed. Had he not even changed out of his clothes? And man had he had vivid dreams. He hadn't really.... no, that wasn't... nahh...

Shifting just a little, he suddenly realizes that there is warmth and weight on top of him... behind him... both? What the...

He looks quickly, still a bit sleepily to see Destiny, his arm still around her as she lay with him on the couch. It hadn't been a dream. He really had been here with her last night as they'd kissed, spoken softly and laughed together.

As the fog lifts, he remembers them both being tired and finally just lying down to watch a movie on tv. Though Chance didn't remember turning it off. What he did remember was how Destiny had snuggled into his side and how warm and comfortable in had felt. He'd never thought he'd be able to sleep that closely to someone since he slept so lightly but apparently it was easier than he'd imagined.

What on this green earth did he think he was doing?

Almost afraid to move, lest he wake Destiny up now too, Chance's mind reels. How had this happened? One day he was just here on assignment to babysit, and the next, he was sitting here making out with that same assignment. No one had ever gotten him off track like that before. He'd always been able to stay focused. But Destiny... she... was different. From day one, he'd felt a connection, finding it easy to talk to her, comfort her and look out for her. He certainly hadn't intended anything else though. Soon as this job, he was out of here... right?

But after yesterday... that thought, it... it held less enthusiasm than it had before. Going home... he loved his apartment... he loved his place at the Elite base there... but... now... he... he liked Destiny. She made him feel... wanted.

He needed to think this through and get his head on straight. That's all there was to it.

Finally daring to move, Chance slips out from his place on the couch, moving a pillow down to replace his hip that Destiny's head had been resting on. Then going quickly, he gives the corner monitors a glance to make sure everything was still okay, then he heads down the hall to take a quick shower and get into clean clothes for the day.

Phil wanders down the hospital hall, letting his eyes roam around the open rooms and nurses and doctors he met along the way. He'd already inquired at the desk about who he was here to see so he knew right where to go.

Arriving at Rayne's room, he knocks on the open door, then enters, a soft smile on his face. Seeing her awake he approaches the bed slowly, not wanting to intrude or make her uncomfortable that he had come again.

"Hey, sunshine." He stops at the edge of the bed and produces a bouquet of daisies. "I didn't know what kind of flowers you liked, but the girl at the shop said everybody liked carnations. I told her these weren't for everybody, just somebody in particular, so I went for these instead."

He grins a little sheepishly. "Thought they might brighten your room up a bit."

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