
I need to go now!

As Gage turns around and his own hands run up her arms and her neck her own eyes close as a low murmur can be heard showing she liked it. She always liked when Gage touched her, it was so soft, and it made her feel so safe.

Opening her eyes again to look deep into Gage's a smile slips on Sapphire's lips completely wrapped in the moment. Gage made her feel so special and like her was a million dollars, she loved the feeling.

Leaning into Gage Sapphire softly kiss his chest her breath brushing across his skin.

"Those words mean so much coming from you Gage, it makes me feel amazing."

Placing another soft kiss on his chest she moves up a little was and places a kiss on his neck her hands still on his chest.

"I'd don't know what I did to deserve you, but I am happy I did it."

Pulling away just a little so she could look into Gage's eyes again the smile was still on her face. A millions things ran through her mind never landing on one. How happy she was, how happy she felt.

"If you need more than five minutes, I don't mind."

Leaning up Sapphire press her lips to Gage's just letting the soft passion show though. She one hand still firmly in place on Gage's chest while her other slipped to his back.

Holding her tea in one hand Destiny takes Chance's other with her own. She figured he wouldn't mind but she wanted to ask to be nice anyways.

Going into the living room she goes to the couch only taking up half. Taking the remote and flipping thought the channel she finally settled on a good looking action movie to watch. Hoping i would be something Chance might like too.


Feeling Sapphire's soft hands slide around him, Gage stops rinsing his toothbrush. As her palms glide to his chest, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, feeling her right behind him. Her light kisses to his back send a chill down his spine. Just letting her give him her affection for several moments, he leans back into her just a little to let her know he enjoyed it.

Setting his toothbrush down on the counter, he turns slowly to face her, a thin smile creasing his lips. His hands run up her arms to her shoulders, then her neck, his thumbs caressing her jawline and cheeks. "I think I might need more than five minutes now," he mentions almost in a whisper. His eyes bounce back and forth between her own as he continues to feel her fingertips on his skin. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

Hearing Destiny's request, Chance lowers his cup of tea and cocks his head. It wasn't like he had places to go - whether stuck or by choice, they were together until the Elite was sure she was safe on her own again. He had nothing better to do. Being with her was his job.

"Sure." He holds out his hand to her. "I like you being in my line of sight anyway."


Seeing Gage come out of the bathroom with the toothbrush still in his mouth Sapphire can't help but giving a little chuckle. The toothbrush added to how good he looked right now totally.

Stepping a little more into the room Sapphire was able to see into the kitchen better now as she watched Gage, not being able to not take her eyes off him. Seeing him look over his shoulder and giving her a grin to go with the slight tired glint in his eye Sapphire bites her lower lip for a moment.

Not being able to resist anymore Sapphire draws closer to the kitchen coming up behind Gage. Wrapping her arms around his wast his back to her chest still she gives a slight squeeze.

"Mmmm...I could never let you go out like this. Someone else will see how scrumptious you look and steal you away."

Losing her grip Sapphire lays her hands flat on Gage's stomach moving her hands lightly up his abs feeling the ripples as her hands made her way softly up to his chest. Leaning her head against his back, her soft lips meet his skin as she gives it a kiss, and than another completely lost in the moment.

Giving a smile and a small nod Destiny takes a sip of her own tea. No matter how hot it would be outside tea was always a nice way to wind down.

"Mmm..that it is."

Standing there for a few more moments Destiny sifts her weight a little before looking at Chance again.

"You wouldn't mind if I sat out here with you and watched tv would you? I..kind of feel lonely and it would be nice to at least know someone is in the room with me."

Gmm fvv

Gage pauses at the sink in the bathroom as he hears his door being opened. He recognizes it as someone with a key though, so he doesn't worry.

Then hearing Sapphire's voice, he grins. Still brushing his teeth, he wanders from the bathroom, his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. His hair was still wet from his shower, and he had yet to pull a clean shirt from the laundry to go with the only pair of jeans he had without holes in them.

"Hi." Though his eyes were still a bit tired looking, at least he was alert now, quite a contrast from earlier in the day.

Trying not to swallow his mouthful of toothpaste he holds up his hand. "Gmm fvv," he mumbles. Then laughing at himself, he leans over the kitchen sink to spit and rinse. "Gimme five minutes," he repeats more clearly.

Looking over his shoulder at Sapphire, he grins. "Unless you can't wait that long. But I don't think I should go out like this."

Chance remains close to Destiny while his mind tries not to dwell on her words about him. He wanted her to like him, and he wanted her to dislike him. His mind hated him for it.

Searching her face again, he takes his cup of tea and nods a little. "It'll take however long it takes. And I'll be there..." His voice seems to soften again. "...whether there's a security risk or not."

Taking a sip of tea, he lets the hot liquid slide down his throat and he closes his eyes for a moment before huffing a little sigh and looking back at Destiny. "You're right. It doesn't fix a thing. Sure tastes good though."

How long

Sapphire gives a little chuckle as she nods even though no one could see her. Her work was done here and she didn't get off for another half hour, but this might give her some time to go home and clean up too.

"Fourty five minutes would be prefect. While you at it think where you want to eat. It can be someplace fast, or someplace we can sit and enjoy it ether way with me tonight is ok."

Finishing the phone conversation Sapphire closes down the rest of her stuff and puts away what needed to be before checking with Reese to make sure it was ok to leave early. Getting the ok Sapphire heads for home to shower and get ready.

About a half hour late Sapphire new she was a little early but maybe Gage was ready. Getting out of the car and heading up to his apartment she unlocks the door before entering.

"Gage it's me, I know I am a little early but I got ready faster than expected. Guess I was in a hurry to see you."

Seeing the look in Chance's eye Destiny continues to stair as she lowers her head a little bit but keeps eye contact. Searching, looking, trying to understand what the look she saw was about. Though as quick as it came it was gone again and Destiny was only left with a grin on her lips.

"I'd rather say I choose to be with you, not I'm stuck with you."

Feeling Chance's hand brush her arm she takes note to the light touch he had. His hands were soft, and his touch light. It felt nice on her skin even if it was on mistake.

"No it doesn't fix everything but we can pretend it does if."

Giving a half smile Destiny turns and takes the cups from the microwave placing them on the counter and putting the tea bags in. Than adding just a little sugar and a little milk she lets out a small sigh before turning half way to Chance again.

"Not tomorrow but the day after is my parents funeral. Not doing a showing or anything so we wont worry about monitoring the people coming in and out for that, than..that will be that. Go to the church, than the graveyard. I'm not sure how long it will take."


"No... I mean yes." Gage finally manages to get to his feet, his clothes all matted and wrinkled. "Yeah, we'll go to supper. I can't forfeit our time just because I got a job. Everybody else does it, I better be able to, too."

Wandering to the kitchen as he talks, he pokes his head in the refrigerator but finds it void of the lemonade he wanted. Oh well.

"So.... you wanna pick me up? I should be able to get showered and changed and whatever else in about forty-five minutes. 'Course, I don't know when you get off work so.... whatever you want."

Chance looks back and forth between Destiny's eyes, his expression the same, though there was a far off look in his eye... almost as if he were searching for something just out of reach. Something missing in his life. A piece of the puzzle that had yet to be found and put in place. But he blinks and it's gone.

Still looking in her own eyes though, the left corner of his mouth pulls up to give him the same crooked grin he always wore. "Kinda sucks getting used to a job then getting tossed somewhere else too. It's not so bad though, huh?" He chuckles. "And don't worry... Toby likes getting on my nerves. Knowing him, he'll keep me here just for spite, so... you're probably stuck with me for a while."

The microwave beeps and he continues to study her eyes before sliding an arm back beside her to open the microwave, his arm brushing up against hers. "Tea fixes everything, right?"

Man of action

Destiny give a little laugh at the mention to making good tea. She new it wasn't her, but she couldn't help the way she felt anyways it was just something that happened. Taking the cup from the cupboard and puts some water in both glass before putting the cups into the microwave.

"Yeah, I know I know thats why I said I hope Reese is finding a replacement for ya. Kind sucks getting use to someone and than being tossed to someone else. Just part of the territory I guess, wont last forever."

Reaching for the peach tea for herself and the normal English tea for Chance Destiny sets the bags on the counter before turning and coming face to face with Chance. Looking away she gives a small smirk before looking back at Chance into his eyes.

"Your more of a get in the middle of the action kind of guy...can't blame you for that. It is pretty boring here."

Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket Sapphire stops what she was working on and answers it. Hearing Gage's voice Sapphire smiles as she cradles the phone between her cheek and shoulder going back to what she was doing while she talked.

"Hey there handsome. Yeah I was there around lunch and we decided to do dinner since u were so tired. Did you still want to do that or would you rather wait? Its up to you babe, I know u have to work tonight again."

Finished with what she was doing and shutting her computer off finished for the day. If Gage said he was to tired for dinner Sapphire would understand but she was leaving it up to him.

Good tea

Spinning around from the window, Chance's eyes widen just a little, realizing that Destiny had heard his call. He would have been a bit peeved, had he not known that it was his own fault the call had not been completely private.

His mouth hangs open for a moment, not sure how to respond, and then he's offered tea. "Um... yeah... sure."

Sighing, he wanders to the kitchen behind Destiny, watching her for a moment as she prepares the tea. "Look, Destiny..." Coming up closer at her back, he looks over her shoulder, his voice lowering. "I didn't... I didn't mean I was unhappy with you. This just... isn't my thing. It isn't you though. I mean, at least you're smart and not out getting yourself into trouble. You're making my job pretty easy. Not to mention... you make good tea."

Five o'clock. Gage opens his eyes and blinks, smacking his dry lips. He felt like he'd been run over by a truck. Yawning, he looks at the clock and rubs a hand over his face. He should probably get up. Get something done before he had to leave again tonight and-

Wait... hadn't there been something else?

Frowning at his own mind's fogginess, he fumbles around for his phone and eventually dials Sapphire, still trying to wake up. "Hey, babe, um..." His voice was still hoarse from just waking up, but he had to talk to her before he accidentally forgot anything. "Were you... were you here earlier? Something about supper?"


Giving a smile and shaking her head a little Sapphire new Gage had to be tired after his first day of work and for that she was not upset. Dinner was just as good as lunch and she wouldn't have to run back to work afterward. So in a way it would be a little nice.

"Dinner is good. I don't mind that at all."

Leaning down and giving Gage a kiss on the for head Sapphire rests her head aganst his for a moment before taking the blanket at his feet and pulling it over him. Standing again Sapphire smiles before turning and heading out of the apartment. Locking the door behind she makes her way to the car. She'd be back about six.

Leaving her bedroom and coming down the hall Destiny was about to enter the living room where she new Chance was when she stops at the corner still hidden from view hearing Chance's voice. She wasn't meaning to be nosy only didn't want to interrupt him.

Just leaning against the wall Destiny can't help but feel strange by some of Chance's words. They almost stung a little even if she wasn't sure why. He felt like he was baby sitting her? She'd tried to stay out of his way, maybe it was just simply being here. Somewhere inside it hurt that Chance wanted to get away as soon as he could. Another person who came into her life, and taken away.

Continuing to just stand where we was Destiny waits for his next conversation to end. Peeking around the corner she watches as Chance moves to the window. Finally coming around her stands there for a moment before speaking.

"I'm sorry you have to babysit me. Maybe Reese will find a replacement soon and than u wont have to worry about it. I'm going to make some tea would you like some too?"

Turning she heads to the others room taking a short pause before entering the kitchen waiting for his answer. She new he loved his tea so it was only nice to ask him too.


Gage is so deeply in sleep that he doesn't even hear Sapphire come into his apartment. Feeling his shoulder shake a little, and then hearing her voice, he pries himself from his foggy state enough to open one eye.

Looking up at her groggily, he tries to open his other eye too but it's a little slower. "Mmm...." What had she just asked? Oh, lunch. Supper. It was noon. "Sorry," he mumbles. "I just... passed out." He knew he was in no shape to go to lunch with her. He was grimy, smelled like sweat and was too sleepy to be much good for anything.

"Um... supper... mm-hmm." He nods a little as his eyes fall shut again. "I survived work," he mentions, though it was mumbled into his pillow. "Supper... I'll be up by then... I promise."

"Few days down... who knows how many to go." Chance leans back in the desk chair, putting his hands back behind his head as he surveys the camera monitors. His headset was serving as his phone for the moment, while he was alone in the living room. He'd seen Destiny head to her room, so he figured it was a good time to get in touch with Toby along with his other contact.

"Nah... it's not so bad. I'm sure you're glad to have me out of your hair."He rolls his eyes. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, everything's under control." He swivels a little, keeping himself awake as he talks. "What, you kidding me? First sign of Reese getting a replacement, I'm out of here. First couple days are alright but no... would not want to do this full time."

He stops swiveling an listens. "Well you tell Rob he cannot have that office space because I'm coming back.... Look, I'm the one over here stuck being the babysitter. Tell him to keep his paws off that Mangle's case because I'm still working on it! Don't- ....just-" Chance groans and straightens up in his chair. "Alright, fine."

Movement on a monitor catches his attention and he leans forward to study it. It wast just a cat. "What? Oh, no, she's fine. Not a pansy like I expected. Tough chick. Feel sorry for her. Funeral's coming up as soon as they'll release the bodies after the investigation. I'd just as soon give her a new location and identity but Reese doesn't want to do it that way." He reaches for his glass of iced tea that was now lukewarm. "If you talk to him though, just see what his plans are, will you? He won't tell me and I want to know if he's looking for a replacement. ...Yeah, okay. I'll be in touch."

Taking off the headset, Chance gives another little groan and rubs his hands over his eyes. Checking the time, he then picks up his cellphone and dials. "Mr. A. Whatcha got for me today?" Leaning towards the laptop beside the other equipment, he brings up his email. "Boy, you're pushing it." His tone had changed to one of someone wheeling and dealing. "What's the gamble?" He thinks for a moment. "Odds are too steep. Make it three thousand and we'll go another round. Fine. Don't call me again until you hear from me." Hanging up, he shuts down his email too and stands, stretching tall. Everything else was quiet. Wandering to the front bay window in the living room, he watches the sleepy street, thinking of the pool back home.