
Gmm fvv

Gage pauses at the sink in the bathroom as he hears his door being opened. He recognizes it as someone with a key though, so he doesn't worry.

Then hearing Sapphire's voice, he grins. Still brushing his teeth, he wanders from the bathroom, his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. His hair was still wet from his shower, and he had yet to pull a clean shirt from the laundry to go with the only pair of jeans he had without holes in them.

"Hi." Though his eyes were still a bit tired looking, at least he was alert now, quite a contrast from earlier in the day.

Trying not to swallow his mouthful of toothpaste he holds up his hand. "Gmm fvv," he mumbles. Then laughing at himself, he leans over the kitchen sink to spit and rinse. "Gimme five minutes," he repeats more clearly.

Looking over his shoulder at Sapphire, he grins. "Unless you can't wait that long. But I don't think I should go out like this."

Chance remains close to Destiny while his mind tries not to dwell on her words about him. He wanted her to like him, and he wanted her to dislike him. His mind hated him for it.

Searching her face again, he takes his cup of tea and nods a little. "It'll take however long it takes. And I'll be there..." His voice seems to soften again. "...whether there's a security risk or not."

Taking a sip of tea, he lets the hot liquid slide down his throat and he closes his eyes for a moment before huffing a little sigh and looking back at Destiny. "You're right. It doesn't fix a thing. Sure tastes good though."

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