

"No... I mean yes." Gage finally manages to get to his feet, his clothes all matted and wrinkled. "Yeah, we'll go to supper. I can't forfeit our time just because I got a job. Everybody else does it, I better be able to, too."

Wandering to the kitchen as he talks, he pokes his head in the refrigerator but finds it void of the lemonade he wanted. Oh well.

"So.... you wanna pick me up? I should be able to get showered and changed and whatever else in about forty-five minutes. 'Course, I don't know when you get off work so.... whatever you want."

Chance looks back and forth between Destiny's eyes, his expression the same, though there was a far off look in his eye... almost as if he were searching for something just out of reach. Something missing in his life. A piece of the puzzle that had yet to be found and put in place. But he blinks and it's gone.

Still looking in her own eyes though, the left corner of his mouth pulls up to give him the same crooked grin he always wore. "Kinda sucks getting used to a job then getting tossed somewhere else too. It's not so bad though, huh?" He chuckles. "And don't worry... Toby likes getting on my nerves. Knowing him, he'll keep me here just for spite, so... you're probably stuck with me for a while."

The microwave beeps and he continues to study her eyes before sliding an arm back beside her to open the microwave, his arm brushing up against hers. "Tea fixes everything, right?"

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