
Hurt a little

Rolling her eyes at Scott but still holding her smile and keeping her hand in his own Hope continues to look down at him ever after he looks away.

"There is nothing to be sorry about. I've passed out before myself, it happens sometimes."

Turning around a little and grabbing a chair Hope pulls it up to the bed and sits down next to Scott not saying she was staying but that was proof enough.

"No one is making me stay."

Running a thumb over his hand gently Hope keeps her own in his. She new he probably felt silly, but that was normal everyone felt silly when they passed out on someone else. All Hope could do was offer her comfort to Scott and hope it was enough.

"Sorry I was hounding you with questions before you passed out. I should of taken it more slow on ya. Hows the head feeling? Hurt a little I would guess?"

Finishing up the dishes and letting the water out of the sink Cassy grabs a towel to whip her hands off. Just friends is what her and Leo were, and yeah maybe she wanted more but for now she was happy to have just a friend. At least it was someone to spend time with.

"Ok sounds great than. I'll more than likely be back around four or five that way its gives me time to do a little thinking on dinner, and whatever else I might need to finish up."

Giving a smile and heading to the table to grab her purse once again Cassy turned and gives a half wave to Leo as her eyes twinkle a little. Turning again and heading the rest of the way out the door Cassy gets into her car and pulls out of the driveway making her way back home once again.


Leo gives Cassy a little wry grin, just studying her for a moment. It was different, having her around... and under normal circumstances, he probably wouldn't have let her stay so long, just because of the whole "just friends" thing. But she'd come in such a way that it really didn't bother him as much anymore. Maybe they really could hang out just as friends, and he had to admit that the company was nice.

"Naw... you're not invading my space," he responds softly. "Might as well take advantage of the day, right? If you don't come, all I'll be doing is sleeping anyway."

Answering the phone and hearing Hope, Reese's eyes widen. "What? Austin? But-" He's cut off with her speaking of Scott awakening, and the call is ended abruptly.

Reese stares at the silent phone for a moment before hanging up. Scott was waking up again? What did that mean? And it had been Austin? But how? Why? He can feel his blood start to boil. This really took the cake. How dare anyone go to Scott like that, deliberately disturbing him when already so much damage had been done. They were lucky Scott was even still as lucid as he was.

Standing angrily, Reese stalks from his office.

Scott brings Hope's face into focus, finding this whole thing a bit strange and unsettling. He'd passed out? Way to go. That was staying in control alright. That was really showing his mind who was boss. Shut down and make a fool out of himself. Apparently that was the way to get the job done.

His dull gaze reflects the miserable sarcasm that was running through his mind, and he looks away to stare at the ceiling again. "I'm feeling fine," he replies. "I apologize for scaring you. You... don't have to stay now... I know you prolly got other stuff to do."

Found Out

Sloshing the soap around with the bubbles in the sink it almost looked like Cassy was playing with the bubbles them self as she was washing the dishes. Looking up and giving a smile as Leo stood next to her she gave a little nod.

"Sure I can come back. Just run home take a shower clean my apartment a little bit, think what I can make for dinner to night and than be back. As long as you don't mind and I'm not invading your space and all."

Still smiling before looking back at the dishes Cassy new Leo would roll his eyes and maybe say something about if he thought so he wouldn't have asked but it made her feel better just simply making sure she hadn't come in and taken over his apartment.

Knowing how to take care of gashes, and what to do when someone passes out Hope helps all she can with Scott though she felt more in the way than anything she refused to leave him side. Even after getting into the room Hope waited to make sure he was ok and resting comfortable before not leaving the room but heading to the far end pulling out her phone.

Dialing Reese direct number Hope waits for him to answer the phone hoping he was in the office still. This was important and could not wait but she didn't want to call him at home ether. Finally hearing Reese voice Hope lets out a small sigh.

"Reese its Hope. I found out who came to see Scott the night the data took over. It was Austin."

Letting the quiet linger for a long moment Hope train of thought is broken as she hears Scott's voice. Looking over to the bed where he was laying and seeing him move a little she wanted to get back to his sick.

"I have to go Scott is just starting to wake up again. We can talk more on this later I just thought you should know."

Hanging up the phone Hope wasts no time getting to Scott's side again. Taking his hand in her own her holds it softly as she leans in to give Scott a soft kiss a smile on her face.

"Hey there you gave me quite a scare. You passed out and hit your head pretty good. How are you feeling?"


Leo grins and shakes his head. "I was supposed to have today off anyway. Even if I did go in to work though, I wouldn't be much good. I think my head is gonna roll right off my shoulders."

Standing, he takes his glass to the sink where Cassy has the other dishes. "If... you wanna come back later, that's fine with me. I'm not going anywhere. I can leave the door unlocked if you think you'll be back."

Seeing Hope and hearing her plea for help, the orderly is quick to assist, coming and kneeling down next to Scott. After asking Hope what had happened, he calls for more assistance.

Eventually, and with more hands to help, Scott is examined by a doctor, his wound cleaned and a few stitches put in place. It's the doctors conclusion that Scott passed out under some kind of panic attack, resulting in his collapse. After being informed of Scott's previous episode, the doctor's only concern is Scott actually waking up again. But only time would tell them how severe this had been.

They were in a different building now - the south wing of the medical facility. It was a pleasant atmosphere, though still had a hospital feel to it. Scott was put in his own small room with a window, left be for now until he should awake. The doctor had already hooked up an IV, taking advantage of the situation in order to get some nourishment into Scott that he'd lacked since not eating enough. A couple hours later and all is quiet. The only reassurance is that Scott seems to be resting peacefully...

...Something seems wrong. It didn't feel right. Sort of like a dream, but not really. It was like looking into a mirror and seeing reality but it was just an image, not the real thing. Like one could reach out and touch it, but their fingers would be met with glass instead of the actual reality. But if it was a reflection, then maybe one could just turn around and -

Scott's eyes open and he finds himself staring up at a strange ceiling. His blind eye aches and he squints it shut while still trying to get his bearings with what sight he did have. His head felt like it had been hit with a sledgehammer and his stomach didn't feel so great either.

Licking his dry lips, he tries to figure out where he is and what had happened. He'd been with Hope, hadn't he? Turning his head, his theory is confirmed. "Hope?" His voice is weak. "What happened? Where am I?"