

Leo gives Cassy a little wry grin, just studying her for a moment. It was different, having her around... and under normal circumstances, he probably wouldn't have let her stay so long, just because of the whole "just friends" thing. But she'd come in such a way that it really didn't bother him as much anymore. Maybe they really could hang out just as friends, and he had to admit that the company was nice.

"Naw... you're not invading my space," he responds softly. "Might as well take advantage of the day, right? If you don't come, all I'll be doing is sleeping anyway."

Answering the phone and hearing Hope, Reese's eyes widen. "What? Austin? But-" He's cut off with her speaking of Scott awakening, and the call is ended abruptly.

Reese stares at the silent phone for a moment before hanging up. Scott was waking up again? What did that mean? And it had been Austin? But how? Why? He can feel his blood start to boil. This really took the cake. How dare anyone go to Scott like that, deliberately disturbing him when already so much damage had been done. They were lucky Scott was even still as lucid as he was.

Standing angrily, Reese stalks from his office.

Scott brings Hope's face into focus, finding this whole thing a bit strange and unsettling. He'd passed out? Way to go. That was staying in control alright. That was really showing his mind who was boss. Shut down and make a fool out of himself. Apparently that was the way to get the job done.

His dull gaze reflects the miserable sarcasm that was running through his mind, and he looks away to stare at the ceiling again. "I'm feeling fine," he replies. "I apologize for scaring you. You... don't have to stay now... I know you prolly got other stuff to do."

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