
Found Out

Sloshing the soap around with the bubbles in the sink it almost looked like Cassy was playing with the bubbles them self as she was washing the dishes. Looking up and giving a smile as Leo stood next to her she gave a little nod.

"Sure I can come back. Just run home take a shower clean my apartment a little bit, think what I can make for dinner to night and than be back. As long as you don't mind and I'm not invading your space and all."

Still smiling before looking back at the dishes Cassy new Leo would roll his eyes and maybe say something about if he thought so he wouldn't have asked but it made her feel better just simply making sure she hadn't come in and taken over his apartment.

Knowing how to take care of gashes, and what to do when someone passes out Hope helps all she can with Scott though she felt more in the way than anything she refused to leave him side. Even after getting into the room Hope waited to make sure he was ok and resting comfortable before not leaving the room but heading to the far end pulling out her phone.

Dialing Reese direct number Hope waits for him to answer the phone hoping he was in the office still. This was important and could not wait but she didn't want to call him at home ether. Finally hearing Reese voice Hope lets out a small sigh.

"Reese its Hope. I found out who came to see Scott the night the data took over. It was Austin."

Letting the quiet linger for a long moment Hope train of thought is broken as she hears Scott's voice. Looking over to the bed where he was laying and seeing him move a little she wanted to get back to his sick.

"I have to go Scott is just starting to wake up again. We can talk more on this later I just thought you should know."

Hanging up the phone Hope wasts no time getting to Scott's side again. Taking his hand in her own her holds it softly as she leans in to give Scott a soft kiss a smile on her face.

"Hey there you gave me quite a scare. You passed out and hit your head pretty good. How are you feeling?"

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