

Leaning into Ty again on the way out Libby was still so happy for him to be there, and knowing someone as big as Con was with them was kind of a comfort too. She had seen the soft look in the big Tank's eyes and his voice was sweet too. Libby was happy Ty got him to help them.

The ride out of town was quit and full of nerves on Libby's part. A little bit of her wanted to just forget all her stuff and get everything new just so she wouldn't have to see anyone. Though the idea was nice Libby new it was only an idea and wouldn't work. Ty and Con were there, everything would be ok.

As Ty pulls into her driveway Libby squints just a little. It was still hard to fully see but she can tell her brother's car is gone, and her mom's was in the driveway.

"I know at least my mom is home. Thats her car, sometimes she drives my step dad to work so...I...I don't know if he's here or not."

Looking to Ty her eyes show great worry but a willingness to be strong. She had to be, if she wasn't she break down all over again right there. Finally getting out of the truck and shutting the door Libby waits for Ty to join her before locking hands with him.

Entering the house Libby looks around and doesn't see anyone slowly keeping the door open for the other guys Libby lets it fall shut with not much of a sound. It didn't feel strange seeking in her own house she had done it so many times before.

Getting into her room she takes a look around at her room. She didn't have much and if they only grabbed what was important to her than that was ok.

"Con...if...you want the box for my stereo is in the closet, and ty you...can clean off my desk if you want...I'll grab my...my cloths."

Moving as fast as she could to Libby moved to her dresser to pulls her cloths out and throw into a box.

"What do you think your doing and who are these people in my house?"

Spinning around a little to fast Libby catch her hand on the draw and cutting it a little. Seeing her step father in the doorway of the bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest Libby quivers in fear as its an instint look of terror fills her eyes.

Her step father wore a look on his face that was non to amused and down right mean. It felt like Libby's words were trapped in her throat.

"I asked you a question."

Looking to Ty and than to Con again Libby just felt like running away. She could tell her step dad's voice was angry and it scared her.


Giving a blood chilling cackle her Step father steps a little more into the room his eyes reflecting just how horrible of a man he was.

"You'll leave over my dead body. Where are you going to go humm? Did these two guys put you up to it? Is this why you say out all night? Running around doing goodness knows what. I thought you new better, I though I taught you better. No No...my dear sweet Libby your not going anywhere."

Looking to Con and than to Ty, he looked like he might be half cocked himself not even knowing what he was talking about or insinuating.

"You have to watch out for her...she lies a lot. Maybe its best you gentile men leave."


Being called a sexy knight in shining armor in front of the others, Ty's face reddens, even though he laughs and gives Libby's hand a squeeze.

Nearby on the cot, Alec was lying down on his side, one eye open as he groggily listened to whatever was going on in the room. He kinda felt like sleeping, but he kinda felt like getting up and doing laps around the room - a combination which made him just a bit dizzy and maybe not so with it.

Hearing Libby talk, he quirks an eyebrow and raises his hand. "Hey," he interrupts. "Hey... If Ty's the sexy knight, then I have to be at least the drop dead gorgeous idiot. Attractive just don't cut it." He wags his finger in the air for emphasis, though he really... wasn't even sure why. Though something told him that he maybe wasn't quite talking as straight as his brain was... or crooked... or something. Or maybe it was the looks on the faces staring at him that gave him that clue. "Uh... ignore the idiot. I'll just... go sneeze, eh, sleep."

Con snickers as Ty starts to laugh too. Having Alec be the one to provide the comedy was quite the switch. Con looks down at Libby, humor in his eyes at being called a giant. "Most people wind up calling me Tank," he admits, winking at her.

Once Ty had made sure everything was settled with Rick and Misty, he tells Libby she can come with him and Con. Taking her close to him, he lets her lean on him on the slow walk through TJY and back outside. After they're there though, Con stops them.

"Uh, Ty..." He cocks his head, seeing Libby's keys in Ty's hand. "Have you gained a permit?"

Ty thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "No... but I made it here in one piece."

"I could arrest you, ya know."

"I could arrest myself," Ty counters with a smirk. "C'mon... we're off the clock. I know what I'm doing."

Con hesitates, but then shrugs. "Alright. You lead... I'll follow with my truck."

Before leaving TJY though, Ty has one more thing to do, and winds up backing Libby's pickup up to the side door where he leaves her for just a few moments, then returns to load up some empty boxes and some newspapers. They might be moving her out in a hurry, but Ty remembered all the knickknacks she had in her room, and he didn't want anything to break.

"Okay, now I'm ready." He starts up the engine again and pulls out onto the road, making sure Con is behind them.

The ride doesn't take too long, but it's a quiet one. Once they get to Libby's house outside of town, Ty parks in the driveway and takes a look around. "You think anybody's home?"

Fairy tail

Sitting at her desk and Katie absently chews on the end of her pen listing to Jason and thinking of something maybe he could do. Everything she passable could come up with though just didn't seem to work.

I'm at a total loss J. I guess you can do ether you were talking about. Train him more or see if you can retire him.

Letting out a long sigh Katie new Jason was tore up about this. Trooper was like his best friend and the last time he went away it was pretty hard on Jason. She really would hate to see that again.

The only probably with retiring him and you keeping him is your still going to have to train him. Because if he bites anyone once retired its really going to be all over and more than Reese warning he could be taken away. So...maybe just trying to train him more would be better? You could always introduce him to a woman that might calm him down.

Katie can't help but laugh a little hoping it would lighten Jason up too. She new he was in a bad mood now but if she could get him to laugh even a little than that was a good thing.

Moving her head slightly as the infirmary door opens again Libby hoped it was Ty. Seeing him enter a little releaf washed over her just knowing he was so close again. Trying to give the best smile she could to Ty as he drew closer she gave a small nod to the mention of meeting someone.

As Con comes closer and Libby is able to see him her eyes widen just a little bit. She had to turn her head upwards a little more to see him better, he was huge. Just studying him for a long moment Libby finally can see the softness in his eyes, and his voice know he would be ok, and at least if they needed to carry anything heavy he could handle it.

"Ty, when you told me about this place you never mentioned it was like a fairy tail. The knight sexy knight in shinning armor saving the damsel in distress.."

Libby gives Ty's hand a little squeeze.

"..Jack the attractive idiot..."

Libby used a finger to slightly point to Alec who was half out of it over on the cot from painkillers.

"..you even have the good looking giant from the top of the bean stalk."

Her eyes roam Con's face again as she gave a little painful laugh. She might be hurting, and inside she might be torn up, but at least she still have a slight scene of humor.

Though not saying much about it Libby was thinking about everything Ty had said. She was going to be staying with him till they found somewhere else...but where would she go? She didn't nearly make enough money at the library for live on her own even with the money she had saved up. It made her worry, and it made her feel nervouse more so than she already was with the though of going back to her house. Maybe they would be in luck and no one would be home. She could hope...right?

Another truck

Yeah... I'm sorry too.

Jason heads to his office only for a moment to grab his keys, then is back out again, this time with Trooper on a leash.

Maybe it's my fault. I get so used to him being my bodyguard that I forget he's not really mine. He is, but he isn't.

His eyes drift downward as he walks. Trooper was heeling obediently, his head partway down, knowing he'd gotten into some trouble.

Maybe Reese would let me take him off the force. I couldn't bring him here or have him on regular cases... but maybe Reese would let me retire him then I could just have him at home.

Jason knew Trooper would be bored though. The dog loved to be on duty, even if it was just sitting and guarding someone like he'd done with Alec for a while. Trooper had a keen sense of work and even if he wasn't out running around, he loved having orders to follow... at least Jason's.

They get outside and aim for Jason's truck, Trooper easily jumping up to lie down in the backseat as usual.

I don't know... I guess I always liked it that Trooper wouldn't take orders from anybody but me. He listens to others when he wants to, but I'm the only one he doesn't play stubborn with when he gets in a mood. Maybe I shouldn't like that though... maybe I should train him to take orders from others too so he doesn't have to just work with me.

Starting the engine, Jason sighs. He wasn't really angry with Reese... just disappointed. Trooper had been his friend for several years now, ever since he'd found him. To lose him, was like losing a coworker, buddy and roommate all in one.

Pulling out onto the road, Jason's mind continues to wander. He knew Trooper shouldn't have bit Alec. He could have pinned him again to keep him away from his master, but instead, he'd chosen to bite. He was doing his job, but he went too far. Did he not know the difference? Jason didn't think so - the dog was too smart for that. Did he just not like Alec? Maybe. Had he sensed more of a threat than Jason had? Perhaps. For some reason, Trooper had felt the need for drastic measures... if Jason taught him not to do that, would he then be less likely to protect him in the field when it really counted?

What do I do, Katie?

Rick follows Nate's gaze to Libby and gives him a little nod. He shrugs slightly, showing that he didn't know why she was in such bad shape. "Ty," he mentions quietly. That's all he knew.

Moving to Alec, he takes his sock and shoe off, then proceeds to cut his jeans that were ruined anyway because of the blood that was staining them. Alec cringes as his ankle is moved around - it hurt a whole lot more than he thought it would, or that he would like to admit.

Rick frowns as he gets a clearer look at the wound. "We're gonna have to stitch you up, but I need to take some x-rays too."

"Aw man. What for?"

"You do realize how long Trooper's teeth are. I need to see how deep the damage goes. Just by looking at this, I'd say he got a few nerves and you're bleeding like crazy. I gotta see how bad this thing is."

Alec cringes. Great. This was all he needed. He looks up at Nate with less than enthusiasm. "You can go now, nurse Driers."

Rick smirks, but nods. "I got it from here, Nate. Thank you."

To Alec, everything seems to take forever. X-ray, stitches and bandages, taking care of the nice punctures and gashes on his ankle. By the time Rick's got him all taken care of, he's growing sleepy and just a little loopy from the pain killers he'd been given. Nerves had been hit as suspected, making the pain just that much worse. Though Rick wasn't enthusiastic about helping Alec, he at least had some mercy.

The infirmary door opens again, and this time it was Ty. He hadn't realized that all the commotion had landed Alec in here, so he's a bit surprised to see him, but doesn't comment. He's looking only for Libby, and seeing that she'd obviously been frightened by the bit of commotion, he feels badly for leaving her.

Mustering up a smile, he aims for her bed, and once he gets there, he takes her hand. "Hey... sorry it took me so long." He looks to Misty, grateful that she'd helped look over her. His eyes drift back to Libby and his thumb runs through her palm. "I got someone I want you to meet... he's gonna help us, okay?"

He calls over his shoulder. "Con?" He'd wanted to warn Libby before bringing Con in. It was bad enough this terrible thing had to happen - he didn't want her scared even more by one of their two resident giants.

Con enters the infirmary slowly, quirking an eyebrow at Alec first, then looking over to Ty and Libby. Gaining a warm smile, he approaches slowly. "Hi, Libby," he greets. He doesn't stare at her marks or act with discomfort at her condition. Ty had explained what had happened, and he was only too glad to be asked to help. "Ty here says you two could use a hand." He grins and holds up his hands. "I got two big ones."

Ty chuckles and shakes his head. "In just a little while, we're gonna go back to your house," he explains gently. "We're gonna pick up your stuff and get you out of there, okay?" He runs as hand through her hair, trying to reassure her that it was going to be okay. "Con's got another truck so... we can make sure we get all your stuff."

It was a no-brainer that all of Libby's things could probably fit in her own truck, but it was easier than saying he wanted Con along in case brute force was needed. He continues to look Libby in the eye. "Then you're coming over to my place until we figure something else out." He said it as as statement. He wasn't going to ask because he wouldn't take no for an answer. He'd talk to Wyatt later, knowing his friend would say yes. Then after that... they'd find something better. But for now, he wasn't going to let Libby out of his sight.

What next?

Giving a nod to Rick Misty understood what he was saying. It had taken a while of working with Rick to understand his eyes and what they said to each other through them but now its was just a silent language that only they new and they had gotten pretty good at reading each other.

Walking over a little close to Libby but not crowding her Misty keeps on eye on her to make sure she was all right till Ty got back. Though at times she didn't get an answer Misty talked to her anyways softly.

Watching as Rick moved to the two people who just came into the infirmary Libby can't help but jump just a little. She was edgy enough and seeing something happened like that in this building when made her queasy just a little.

Continuing to watch him the fear was still so vivid in her eyes. She just wanted Ty to come back, but why she couldn't stop watching Alec she didn't know. Finally though Libby did turn away and slowly she layed down on the bed bringing her legs up to her chest and just holding them as she layed on her side. What was going to happen now? Ty said he wasn't going to make her stay at her house anymore did he mean it? If he did where would she go? How would they get past her step father?

Following Rick's orders and even giving a snicker of his own at the mention of Alec being put into a gown he helps Alec over to the other bed.

Finally realizing someone else was on the other bed and what bad shape she was in Nate looked quickly to Rick with question. He'd never seen the girl before and she didn't look good. His heart went out to her, and he just hopped whatever happen she would be ok.

Continuing to do her work Katie can over hear Reese and cant help but cringe a little bit. It sucked Trooper was being suspended just for protecting Jason. Yes maybe they both been in the wrong but wasnt the dog trained to protect him?

Alright J, I'll be here. Maybe we can do lunch or something. Sorry Reese is being so hard on Trooper.

His own fists

I'm fine.

Jason glares over at Alec where Nate was starting to help him.

Sorry about that. I didn't have time to keep you from feeling it too. Little misunderstanding over here.

Alec is still cowering in the corner, half scared of the dog and half angrier than anything about it. Having Nate's help, he gets to his feet, feeling his ankle throbbing with pain as it continued to bleed. He really didn't want much help right now, but he figured it was the best option. So he lets Nate support some of his weight as he limps down towards the hall. "Some dogs just oughta be shot," he mutters under his breath.

Jason glares at him as he walks by, one hand on Trooper's collar.

"What on earth is going on out here?" Right on time, Reese showed up to survey the damage, seeing the mangled cubicle, papers all over, blood on the floor, an uptight dog and Jason rubbing his jaw. He frowns and looks at Jason with hands on hips. "Care to explain?"

"Trooper cornered Alec." Jason shrugs. "I thought it was funny, Alec got mad, slugged me and Trooper went after him again."

"So where is he?"

"Nate took him to Rick."

"And the reason?"

"I think Trooper got his leg in his teeth." Jason shrugs. "I was on the floor at that point, but I see blood so it must be Alec's."

Reese's eyes narrow, his voice growing stern. "Did you tell Trooper to go after him?"

"Well no, but-"

"That's it!" Reese throws up his hands. "I am sick and tired of that dog getting out of hand, Jason!"

"He was just defending me!"

"I don't care!" Reese glares at him. "You shouldn't have thought it was funny and Alec shouldn't have hit you, but Trooper shouldn't have taken it to that extreme either."

"He was just doing his job!"

"He could kill somebody, Jason!" Reese shakes his head. "That dog is capable of tearing someone's throat out! Next time it might not just be a leg he gets between those teeth of his!"

Jason grits his teeth as his irritation builds. His hand held onto Trooper's collar firmly. "You can't blame him for doing his job."

"I can blame him for insubordination and brutality of those in our custody," Reese retorts. "He's bitten me, he's bitten two other prisoners, he's bitten Hal, and now Alec. This is the last straw. He's officially suspended from duty. Get him under control within three weeks, or he's going off the force for good."

"Aw come on!"

"It's either that, or he gets transferred to a K-9 unit and undergoes real training."

"What do you mean 'real' training? I've done a good job with him!"

"Not good enough!" Reese points to the door. "Take him out! Take him home and you get your hind end back here to finish off your own work day! But consider yourself warned, Hotshot. I won't tolerate another one of these incidents." Spinning on his heel, Reese stalks back to his office.

Jason wishes he had something he could hit, but he tries to keep a lid on it for Katie's sake.

I have to take Trooper home. I'll be back sometime.

From the other corner, Ty watches everything that was happening. He was going to ask Jason to bring Trooper with him and Libby but now... it looked like it was not the best day for that. Sighing, he looks around further until he sees someone else stand up. Perfect.

Alec continues to limp next to Nate, leaving a nice blood trail to the infirmary. The pain was almost numbing and it was hurting just to put any weight on that foot at all now. He felt stupid and angry with this whole thing.

Seeing Libby go rigid with fear to the noise that was going on out on the main floor, Rick instinctively moves a little closer, though he didn't want to scare her more. He didn't know what had happened to her, but it was apparent she was more than physically hurt. Ty had never mentioned a girl to him at all, and now this was his girlfriend? Rick wondered what situation she'd been in, though she seemed too sweet to have gotten into trouble herself.

"It's okay," he assures calmly. He had no idea what was going on out there, but he could at least act like it for her sake. "Just somebody getting rowdy. Kinda crazy around here sometimes." He winks at her. "Ty will be back... it's okay."

Suddenly the door opens and Rick looks up quickly to see Nate and Alec. "Good grief. What happened?"

Alec scowls at him. "Ask your resident four-legged menace," he mutters.

Rick's eyes widen. "Trooper? What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything!" Alec raises his voice, in no mood to be given a hard time.

Rick glances over to Libby quickly, then to Misty, nodding to her, silently asking her to watch over their frightened patient while he took care of Alec. Looking back to Alec, he frowns. "Keep your temper... where did he get you?"

Alec's eyes narrow. "Where the blood is, Doc. Where else do you think?"

Rick's eyebrows raise a little as he looks down at Alec's blood-soaked pantleg. It didn't look good. Kneeling down, he raises up his pantleg a little bit, giving it a quick glance to decide what needed to be done.

Still leaning on Nate and just standing dumbly as Rick looks at his leg, Alec's eyes roam to the table, not having realized that someone else was even there, let alone a young woman who looked downright terrified... not to mention, beat up. For a moment, his concentration is diverted as he stares at Libby's eyes. A brief flash in his mind brings a memory... a picture of another young woman he'd seen once with the same terror in her eyes... but the marks on her face had been from his own fists.

"Ow!" Alec jerks back to attention as Rick prods his wound.

Rick stands up and points to the extra bed. "Sit down. I'm gonna cut your jeans."


"Don't complain! I could make you go get into a gown."

Alec smirks. "Cut the jeans."

Rick motions to Nate. "Get him over there. I gotta stop that bleeding. Trooper did a good job on this one." He was a little worried about it. The wounds from the teeth were deep.


Still sitting on the table in the infirmary Libby's hand tightens around his hearing that he would be leaving. This was such a strange place, and she could help but be scared a normal fear that was not there. But as of now she was just a little kiddish.

But hearing Ty's words that he promised she would be ok comforted Libby just a little bit. He needed to go talk to his friend about getting her stuff so he couldn't expect her to walk around to much not that she could move all that fast.

Giving a nod Libby just continues to sit on the table. She's wait for Ty to come it would be ok. She could be ok here.

I few moments later hearing the door open again Libby looks up to see someone else come in the room. From the description Ty had given her before when he'd told her about his work Libby could guess the man who just walked in was Rick. He seemed nice.

Giving the confirmation that, that is in fact who it was Libby tried to smile a little She'd hope to have met the people Ty worked with in a better manor but this was what it was.

"I'm...Libby. Ty is...here with me some where."

Going to say more that Ty had brought her here so that she wouldn't be kicked out Libby jumps as the noise out on the main floor startles her. Here eyes going as wide as they could not caring to much about the pain, or that a few of the stitches were being streachs beyond there limit it was just a reaction.

Pulling her legs up close to her chest and cowering Libby didn't know what the noise was or who was yelling for help but her fear took a hold of her as images flashed in her mind. Rocking just a little as the shouting and commotion continued Libby's face went pale white.

Katie does her best to keep her emotions for trying to tug on Jason's. It took all she had not to laugh. It was far from funny but something about the whole thing hit her in a silly way. But feeling a sharp pain in her own jaw sends her hand intently there. Now relizing Jason had just been hit it was a little less funny.

Recovering from the blow her jaw still hurt but now she was more concerned if Jason was ok or not.

Ouch that really didn't feel good. You ok J?

Not even having much time to react Nate hears a loud crash and the next thing he new his cubicle wall was coming down, Alec was slamming into him papers went flying and Trooper was growling.

Laying on the ground for a for a long moment after getting the wind knocked out of him Nate finally sits up and looks around his office. There were papers everywhere, case filed mixed together...this was going to be a nightmare to clean.

Looking down at his hand that had been but a little he takes notes to more blood on the ground than should of been. Following the drops they lead to Alec and seeing his leg Nate forgot about his office and was more worried about him. Standing and going over to his side he lays a hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Hey let me take a look at your leg."

Pulling up Alec's pant leg and looking at the wound Nate knows Alec will have to see Rick. The wound was to deep to leave alone or make his own assessment on it. Taking Alec's one arm and putting it over his shoulder he helps him up.

"Come on Bud, lets get you to Rick's office before you bleed anymore on my floor."

Carefully and slowly walking twords the infirmary Nate takes it one set at a time letting Alec keep up with him knowing it probably hurt to put pressure on his foot.

No joke

Though wanting to start in on the plans already forming in Ty's mind, he sticks close to Libby, seeing that she was nervous to be here in a strange place. He doesn't mind when she holds his hand or when he has to sit on the edge of the bed so he isn't too far away. As long as Misty didn't kick him out, he'd stay.

Once Misty is through, he offers Libby a gentle smile. She looked horrible - like she'd been beat up. But she looked better than earlier. "Lookin' good, Champ." He reaches over to softly brush aside some stray hair from her face. "You get to just rest here a little while, okay? I'm gonna go talk to someone, but you're safe here... I promise."

He looks into her eyes, showing her that she had nothing to fear. "I'll be right down the hall if you need me... I won't be gone long." He gives her hand another little squeeze before rising from the edge of the bed. "Just rest."

Once confident she would be okay, Ty turns and heads out of the infirmary. Just as he reaches the hall though, he almost runs right into Rick.

"Whoa, Ty. What are you doing here this time of day?"

"I brought someone in." Ty thumbs to the infirmary. "Please though... don't ask any questions... not yet. Misty took care of-"

"For crying out loud." Rick throws up his arms. "How many times do we have to look after people here who we can't know anything about?" He moves towards the door, cracking it open. "Time and time again..." His voice trails off as his eyes land on Libby a little further in on the bed. His gaze snaps back to Ty.

Ty swallows hard. "She's my girlfriend, Rick. Please just let her be for now. She's been through enough."

Compassion takes over and Rick sighs. "Okay. But answers come later, got it?"

Ty nods. After everything was settled, the truth would work its own way out. "I'll be right back... you and Misty keep an eye on her, okay?"

"Wait, Ty... just one question... is she in enough trouble that she'd get caught here?"

"No." Ty shakes his head. "Nobody knows she's here."

"Alright. I'll leave the door unlocked then."

"Thanks, Rick."

Rick watches Ty take off down the hall, and shakes his head. What next? Entering the infirmary, he wanders to the counter, looking over his shoulder at Libby, offering her a friendly smile. "It's not every day we get a pretty lady in here," he comments. His eyes drift to Misty, then back to Libby and he chuckles. "Besides Misty, of course. I just can't go around saying it, or else her husband would have my head."

Wandering just a little closer, he can see now that a lot of damage had been done to this girl. No wonder Ty wanted him to lay off the questions for now. Rick could see now that it was best. "I'm Rick," he introduces himself warmly. "What's your name?"

Ty walks quickly down the hall, stopping at the main floor and scanning the cubicles for faces. When he'd told Libby he'd bring a friend, he hadn't been sure who it should be.

Alec gets inside TJY, getting down to the main floor, by way of the elevator. As the doors open and he steps out into the room, he's spotted by two very keen eyes.

Trooper had been standing obediently at Jason's side as his master had stood at Katie's cubicle, talking to her. He'd whined a little bit when he'd seen Ty come in with Libby, but Jason had told him to stay put. Now hearing the elevator again, his ears perk and he looks across the room expectantly. The person he sees though, is not a friendly. He's someone who wasn't supposed to be up and about.

The hair on Trooper's neck stands up and he sniffs the air, catching a whiff of Alec's scent. Turning his head, he sees Jason is still busy and not paying a bit of attention.

Trooper looks back to Alec who was walking towards them and his teeth start to show. A low growl escapes and without warning, he bolts.

Alec is just walking down between the cubicles when Trooper comes out of nowhere. He barely has time to back up three steps before the massive dog is jumping up on him and knocking him flat on his back.

Screaming bloody murder, Alec covers his face with his arms, feeling Trooper's hot breath on his neck. "Get him off!" he yells. "Call of this dog! Get him off! Get him off!" He tries to roll away but Trooper's thick paws dig into his shoulders, pinning him down as he gives a vicious bark, flashing his teeth menacingly.

Alec's shouts of panic echo through the big room. "No! Call him off!!!"

As Jason hears Alec's first shout, he spins around, realizing what was going on. He leaves Katie hanging and sprints down to where Trooper had Alec pinned. He saw though that the dog was far from tearing Alec's throat out, but was still quite agitated. And for a moment, Jason thinks the scene is funny. All of a sudden, Alec wasn't such a big shot. He really was freaking out, and a grin slips onto Jason's face. They're right by Nate's cubicle and Jason looks over to him and rolls his eyes.

Alec is still wriggling to try and get free, hurling a curse at the big dog and yelling out again for someone to call him off.

Finally Jason gives a shrill whistle through his teeth. "Trooper... let him go."

Trooper has to think about it for just a moment, but obediently backs off, his mouth relaxing to hide his teeth again, and the hair on his back settling down. He leaves Alec be and trots a few feet away, though keeps a close eye on what's happening.

Breathing heavily with heart pounding, Alec scoots backward as he sits up, staring at the dog, then looking up to see Jason... who was grinning. He thought this whole thing was funny, and it transformed Alec's fear into rage.

Getting to his feet, he glares at Jason, walking a few steps closer. "Laugh it up, Hotshot," he hisses.

Jason shakes his head and really does try not to laugh as he folds his arms. "Sorry. You did look pretty funny though." He chokes on a laugh. "Can't handle a little puppy dog?"

Without even thinking, Alec lashes out. And without warning, Jason doesn't even see it coming. Alec's knuckles connect with his jaw at such a force that it knocks him off his feet and sprawling to the floor. Unfortunately, it's just what Trooper was waiting for, and he lunges, this time getting ankle between his teeth.

Alec cries out in pain and instincts kick in, bringing his other foot slamming into the side of Trooper's head. Trooper yelps and lets go, but now the fight was on. Jumping up, he knocks Alec into Nate's cubicle wall, sending him flying onto the floor, actually hitting Nate and his chair on the way down.

Realizing that Nate was right there and not wanting to bite him, Trooper doesn't follow into the cubicle, but remains in the doorway, growling viciously.

By now, Jason is getting his senses back, and he calls off Trooper again, seeing that the dog really meant business now. "Back off," he orders sternly.

The dog gives a last growl and a low woof before deciding to turn around and walk back to his master. Jason gets to his feet and brushes his jeans off, rubbing his jaw gingerly. Having been down on the floor, he hadn't even seen all his dog had done this time around.

Alec is still on the floor in Nate's cubicle and had pressed himself back in the corner, pulling his knees up to his chest like a little kid who was hiding from a school bully. His face had gone completely pale and his lower pantleg was starting to show blood from where he'd been bitten. To him, this was far from funny. He'd lashed out at Jason, because to him, this was not something to be laughed about. Alec had stayed away from Trooper from the beginning and he hadn't been kidding around when he'd said he hated dogs. Getting pounced on just now had brought on some of Alec's worst memories and the fear that was in his eyes now was very real. He only had a few weak spots, but this was one of them, and he wasn't fooling.