

Leaning into Ty again on the way out Libby was still so happy for him to be there, and knowing someone as big as Con was with them was kind of a comfort too. She had seen the soft look in the big Tank's eyes and his voice was sweet too. Libby was happy Ty got him to help them.

The ride out of town was quit and full of nerves on Libby's part. A little bit of her wanted to just forget all her stuff and get everything new just so she wouldn't have to see anyone. Though the idea was nice Libby new it was only an idea and wouldn't work. Ty and Con were there, everything would be ok.

As Ty pulls into her driveway Libby squints just a little. It was still hard to fully see but she can tell her brother's car is gone, and her mom's was in the driveway.

"I know at least my mom is home. Thats her car, sometimes she drives my step dad to work so...I...I don't know if he's here or not."

Looking to Ty her eyes show great worry but a willingness to be strong. She had to be, if she wasn't she break down all over again right there. Finally getting out of the truck and shutting the door Libby waits for Ty to join her before locking hands with him.

Entering the house Libby looks around and doesn't see anyone slowly keeping the door open for the other guys Libby lets it fall shut with not much of a sound. It didn't feel strange seeking in her own house she had done it so many times before.

Getting into her room she takes a look around at her room. She didn't have much and if they only grabbed what was important to her than that was ok.

"Con...if...you want the box for my stereo is in the closet, and ty you...can clean off my desk if you want...I'll grab my...my cloths."

Moving as fast as she could to Libby moved to her dresser to pulls her cloths out and throw into a box.

"What do you think your doing and who are these people in my house?"

Spinning around a little to fast Libby catch her hand on the draw and cutting it a little. Seeing her step father in the doorway of the bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest Libby quivers in fear as its an instint look of terror fills her eyes.

Her step father wore a look on his face that was non to amused and down right mean. It felt like Libby's words were trapped in her throat.

"I asked you a question."

Looking to Ty and than to Con again Libby just felt like running away. She could tell her step dad's voice was angry and it scared her.


Giving a blood chilling cackle her Step father steps a little more into the room his eyes reflecting just how horrible of a man he was.

"You'll leave over my dead body. Where are you going to go humm? Did these two guys put you up to it? Is this why you say out all night? Running around doing goodness knows what. I thought you new better, I though I taught you better. No No...my dear sweet Libby your not going anywhere."

Looking to Con and than to Ty, he looked like he might be half cocked himself not even knowing what he was talking about or insinuating.

"You have to watch out for her...she lies a lot. Maybe its best you gentile men leave."

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